Processor-in-the-Loop Simulations with Simulink and MULTI IDE - MATLAB & Simulink

Video and Webinar Series

Processor-in-the-Loop Simulations with Simulink and MULTI IDE

Processor-in-the-loop or PIL simulations let you exercise the target object code during software verification activities at the unit and integration levels. Doing so, you can mitigate possible malfunctions in the target compiler toolchain and other possible mismatches between the host and target architectures.

In this video series, you will learn how to execute your simulations and tests in PIL mode using Simulink® and MULTI® IDE from Green Hills®.

Getting Started

Learn how to perform your first PIL simulation using Simulink and MULTI IDE from Green Hills.

PIL Testing in ISO 26262 Projects

Learn how to efficiently test your Simulink models in PIL mode using the integration with Green Hills' MULTI. Collect coverage along the way to meet requirements for safety standards like ISO 26262.

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