Download Application Note: Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication for Public Safety in LTE - MATLAB & Simulink

Download Application Note: Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication for Public Safety in LTE

The LTE standard is constantly evolving and introducing new capabilities supported by new features. Proximity services are one of the main recent additions to the LTE standard, with applications in both public safety and commercial deployments. Furthermore, LTE Release 14 may add a Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Everything capability (V2V/V2X) based on the sidelink with suitable modifications, to accommodate specific requirements such as low latency and high reliability.

This application note explores the main features of D2D in LTE Release 12 and outlines the concept of resource pools and sidelink. It details how you can use MATLAB® and LTE Toolbox™ to model and analyze proximity services performance and explores options for specifying resource pools.

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