BitFlow Frame Grabber Support from Image Acquisition Toolbox
Use BitFlow Frame Grabbers with MATLAB and Simulink to acquire video and images.
Using BitFlow™ frame grabbers with MATLAB and Simulink, you can directly capture live video and images into your image processing and computer vision workflows.
Please see the industry standards below for details and operating system support:
- Camera Link®
- CoaXPress
To enable access to proprietary and device-specific functionality, BitFlow provides a custom adaptor that lets users interface directly to BitFlow's Analog, Camera Link, CoaXPress, LVDS, and RS-422 frame grabbers with Image Acquisition Toolbox. (Download available.)
The adaptor is a dynamic link library (.DLL/.SO/.DYLIB) that implements the connection between the Image Acquisition Toolbox framework and BitFlow's device drivers and provides features such as data logging and triggering. It is supported on 64-bit Windows®.
The table below lists BitFlow frame grabbers supported by Image Acquisition Toolbox on 64-bit Windows. For detailed information about a frame grabber listed here, please visit the BitFlow web site.
Supported Hardware

Platform and Release Support:
See the hardware support package system requirements table for current and prior version, release, and platform availability.