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Calculate absolute bandwidth, its lower and upper bounds and matching of antenna

Since R2024a



    [absBW, fL, fU, matching] = bandwidth(aiant) calculates and returns the absolute bandwidth, its lower bound and upper bound and matching status.

    bandwidth(aiant) calculates and returns the absolute bandwidth of the AI based antenna model.


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    This example shows how to create an AI model based microstrip patch antenna operating at 1.67GHz, and calculate its bandwidth and resonant frequency.

    Create AI Model based Microstrip Patch Antenna

    Use the design function with ForAI flag set to true to create an AI model based microstrip patch antenna operating at 1.67 GHz.

    pAI = design(patchMicrostrip,1.67e9,ForAI=true)
    pAI = 
      AIAntenna with properties:
       Antenna Info
                   AntennaType: 'patchMicrostrip'
        InitialDesignFrequency: 1.6700e+09
       Tunable Parameters
                        Length: 0.0862
                         Width: 0.1122
                        Height: 0.0018
    Show read-only properties

    Vary its length and width.

    pAI.Length = 0.0855;
    pAI.Width = 0.113;

    Analyze Microstrip Patch Antenna

    Calculate its bandwidth and its lower and upper bounds.

    [absBW,fL,fU,matchingStatus] = bandwidth(pAI)
    absBW = 2.3422e+07
    fL = 1.6679e+09
    fU = 1.6913e+09
    matchingStatus = categorical

    Calculate its resonant frequency.

    fR = resonantFrequency(pAI)
    fR = 1.7016e+09

    Convert the AIAntenna to a regular microstrip patch antenna.

    pm = exportAntenna(pAI)
    pm = 
      patchMicrostrip with properties:
                   Length: 0.0855
                    Width: 0.1130
                   Height: 0.0018
                Substrate: [1×1 dielectric]
        GroundPlaneLength: 0.1795
         GroundPlaneWidth: 0.1795
        PatchCenterOffset: [0 0]
               FeedOffset: [0.0181 0]
                Conductor: [1×1 metal]
                     Tilt: 0
                 TiltAxis: [1 0 0]
                     Load: [1×1 lumpedElement]

    Input Arguments

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    AI-based antenna, specified as an AIAntenna object created using the design function.

    Example: design(patchMicrostrip,1.67e9,ForAI=true)

    Output Arguments

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    Absolute bandwidth in Hz of the specified AI model based antenna, returned as a positive scalar.

    Example: 2.3422e7

    Data Types: double

    Lower frequency bound of bandwidth in Hz, returned as positive scalar.

    Example: 1.6679e9

    Data Types: double

    Upper frequency bound of bandwidth in Hz, returned as positive scalar.

    Example: 1.6913e9

    Data Types: double

    Status conveying antenna impedance match to 50 ohms, returned as either "Matched", "Almost", or "Not Matched".

    • A status of "Matched" conveys that the antenna S11 dips below -10 dB.

    • A status of "Almost" conveys that the antenna S11 dips below -8 dB but is above -10 dB.

    • A status of "Not Matched" conveys that the antenna S11 does not dip below -8 dB.

    Example: Matched

    Data Types: categorical

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a