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Simulation, Tuning, and Visualization

Real-time prototyping and tuning, MIDI, audio test bench

Audio Toolbox™ enables real-time prototyping and tuning using MIDI devices and the Audio Test Bench. Modularize your algorithm as an audio plugin for code reuse and to access prototyping and testing tools. See Audio Plugins in MATLAB for more information.

Use the configureMIDI user interface to quickly synchronize an audio plugin with a MIDI device. Follow the Develop, Analyze, and Debug Plugins In Audio Test Bench example to learn about the all-in-one graphical debugging and testing suite.


Audio Test BenchDebug, test, and tune audio plugins
Audio ViewerView and play audio signals (Since R2024a)


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getMIDIConnectionsGet MIDI connections of audio object
configureMIDIConfigure MIDI connections between audio object and MIDI controller
disconnectMIDIDisconnect MIDI controls from audio object
spectrumAnalyzerDisplay frequency spectrum of time-domain signals (Since R2022a)
timescopeDisplay time-domain signals (Since R2020a)
dsp.ArrayPlotDisplay vectors or arrays
uiaudiometerCreate an audio meter component (Since R2023b)
parameterTunerTune object parameters while streaming
showaudioblockdatatypetableSimulink block data type support table


MIDI ControlsOutput values from controls on MIDI control surface
Spectrum AnalyzerDisplay frequency spectrum
Time ScopeDisplay and analyze signals generated during simulation and log signal data to MATLAB
Array PlotDisplay vectors or arrays


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