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Build Out of the Box Linux Executable from AUTOSAR Adaptive Model

As part of generating code for an AUTOSAR adaptive model, you can generate a CMakeLists.txt file for building a Linux® standalone executable. Then, on a Linux system, you can build the executable and run the resulting executable on Linux as a standalone application.

If the applications have matching DDS deployment artifacts, they can communicate with each other. Building the executable files from CMakeLists.txt requires running CMake software on a Linux system.


Executable generation from an AUTOSAR adaptive model is supported only on the Linux platform.

To build a Linux standalone executable:

  1. Open a component model that you have configured for the AUTOSAR adaptive target (autosar_adaptive.tlc).

  2. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Code Generation > Build process > Toolchain settings. Set Toolchain to AUTOSAR Adaptive Linux Executable. The toolchain selection adds ARA functional cluster libraries provided by MathWorks®.

    Configuration Parameters dialog box, Code Generation pane, with the System target file set to autosar_adaptive.tlc and the Toolchain set to AUTOSAR Adaptive Linux Executable.


    The AUTOSAR Adaptive Linux Executable toolchain is supported only if the Embedded Coder® Support Package for Linux Applications is installed. For more information, see Support Package Installation (Embedded Coder).

  3. Build the model. The build generates C++ code, ARXML files, and a CMakeLists.txt file.

  4. In the model build folder, open CMakeLists.txt and verify that it is configured for executable generation. For example, make sure that:

    1. The CMakeLists.txt file contains add_executable(modelName …).

    2. The specifications for target_include_directories, target_link_libraries, and link_directories include the values specified in Toolchain settings.

  5. Verify the DDS deployment artifacts DDS Topic Name and DDS Domain ID from the generated ServiceInstanceManifest.arxml file.

    Clear and re-create the mapping for the model with existing mappings (models created by using a MATLAB® version prior to 22a), to have DDS binding as default. Otherwise, the model continues using user-defined bindings. To re-create the mapping, use this command:


  6. Get the support package root directory path using the below command in MATLAB:

    path = matlabshared.supportpkg.getSupportPackageRoot
    Copy the path to use it in the next step.

  7. On a Linux system, outside MATLAB, go to the model build folder. To build the executable file, enter these commands:

    cmake -DSPKG_ROOT=<path from step 6> CMakeLists.txt;
    make all;

    Or, if MATLAB is running on Linux, in the Command Window, run the command codebuild(<pathToBuildFolder>). For example:

    Internally, the codebuild command also runs the cmake and make commands.

The make command generates an executable file for the adaptive model one level above the model build folder. You can run the executable on Linux as a standalone application.

Adaptive applications having event deployment artifacts with the same TOPIC-NAME and DOMAIN-ID can communicate with each other.

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