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Manage model analysis at the command line


pslinkfun('annotations','type',typeValue,'kind',kindValue,Name,Value) adds an annotation of type typeValue and kind kindValue to the selected block in the model. You can specify a different block using a Name,Value pair argument. You can also add notes about a severity classification, an action status, or other comments using Name,Value pairs.

In the generated code associated with the annotated block, Polyspace® adds code comments before and after the lines of code. Polyspace reads these comments and marks Polyspace results of the specified kind with the annotated information.

Syntax limitations:

  • You can have only one annotation per block. If a block produces both a rule violation and an error, you can annotate only one type.

  • Even though you apply annotations to individual blocks, the scope of the annotation can be larger. The generated code from one block can overlap with another, causing the annotation to also overlap.

    For example, consider this model. The first summation block has a Polyspace annotation, but the second does not.

    However, the associated generated code adds all three inputs in one line of code.

    /* polyspace:begin<RTE:OVFL:Medium:To Fix>*/
    /* polyspace:end<RTE:OVFL:Medium:To Fix> */
    Therefore, the annotation justifies both summations.


pslinkfun('openresults',systemName) opens the Polyspace results associated with the model or subsystem systemName in the Polyspace environment.


pslinkfun('advancedoptions') opens the advanced verification options window to configure additional options for the current model.


pslinkfun('enablebacktomodel') enables the back-to-model feature of the Simulink® plug-in. If your Polyspace results do not properly link to back to the model blocks, run this command.


pslinkfun('help') opens the Polyspace documentation in a separate window. Use this option for only pre-R2013b versions of MATLAB®.


pslinkfun('jobmonitor') opens the Polyspace Job Monitor to display remote verifications in the queue.



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Use the Polyspace annotation function to annotate a block and see the annotation in the analysis results.

In the example model WhereAreTheErrors, add an annotation to the switch block for MISRA™ C rule 13.7 violations with a comment, a severity, and a status.

model = 'WhereAreTheErrors';
pslinkfun('annotations','type','Misra-C', 'kind', '13.7','block',...
	'WhereAreTheErrors/Switch1','status','to fix','comment','must fix')

In the open model, you can see a Polyspace annotation added to the Switch block.

Generate code for the model and run an analysis. After the analysis is finished, open the results in the Polyspace environment:

opts = pslinkoptions(model);
opts.VerificationMode = 'BugFinder';
opts.VerificationSettings = 'PrjConfigAndMisra';
The five MISRA C 13.7 rule violations are annotated with the information you added to the switch block. The annotations appear in the Status and Comment columns.

Change advanced Polyspace options and set the new configuration as a template.

Load the model WhereAreTheErrors and open the advanced options window.

model = 'WhereAreTheErrors';

The Polyspace configuration window opens. Specify Polyspace options such as compiler behavior, target language, and target environment using the configuration window.

This workflow for specifying Polyspace configuration is not recommended. Use the function pslinkoptions instead. See Create generic options object for code generated by Embedded Coder.

Run a remote analysis, view the analysis in the queue.

Before performing this example, check that your Polyspace configuration is set up for remote analysis.

Build the model WhereAreTheErrors, create a Polyspace options object, set the verification mode, and open the advanced options window.

model = 'WhereAreTheErrors';
opts = pslinkoptions(model);
opts.VerificationMode = 'BugFinder';

In the Run Settings pane, select the options Run Bug Finder analysis on a remote cluster.

Run Polyspace, then open the Job Monitor to monitor your remote job.


Input Arguments

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The type of check with which to annotate the block, specified as an acronym. The acronyms for different Bug Finder and Code Prover results are:

Use the typeValue and kindvalue together to specify the result with which to annotate a Simulink block.

Example: pslinkfun('annotations','type','MISRA-C-2023','kind','2.2')

The specific check or coding rule specified by the acronym of the check or the coding rule number. See the table for the specific input for each type of annotation:

type Valuekind Values

Use the abbreviation associated with the type of check that you want to annotate. For example, 'UNR' – Unreachable Code.

For the list of possible checks, see: Run-Time Checks (Polyspace Code Prover).


Use the abbreviation associated with the type of check that you want to annotate. For example, 'INT_OVFL' – Integer Overflow.

For the list of possible checks, see: Defects.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '2.2'.

For the list of supported MISRA C:2004 rules and their numbers, see Supported MISRA C:2004 and MISRA AC AGC Rules.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '2.2'.

For the list of supported MISRA AC AGC rules and their numbers, see Supported MISRA C:2004 and MISRA AC AGC Rules.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '2.2'.

For the list of supported MISRA C:2012 rules and their numbers, see MISRA C:2012 Directives and Rules.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '2.2'.

For the list of supported MISRA C:2023 rules and their numbers, see MISRA C:2023 Directives and Rules.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '0-1-1'.

For the list of supported MISRA C++ rules and their numbers, see MISRA C++:2008 Rules (Polyspace Code Prover).


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '0.0.1'.

For the list of supported MISRA C++ rules and their numbers, see MISRA C++:2023 Rules and Directives.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '3'.

For the list of supported JSF C++ rules and their numbers, see Supported JSF C++ Coding Rules.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, 'PRE00-C'.

For the list of supported JSF C++ rules and their numbers, see CERT C Rules and Recommendations.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, 'PRE00-C'.

For the list of supported JSF C++ rules and their numbers, see CERT C++ Rules.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, 'accfree'.

For the list of supported JSF C++ rules and their numbers, see ISO/IEC TS 17961 Rules.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, 'A0-1-1'.

For the list of supported JSF C++ rules and their numbers, see AUTOSAR C++14 Rules.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '14'.

For the list of supported JSF C++ rules and their numbers, see Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE).


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, 'SC03'.

For the list of supported JSF C++ rules and their numbers, see Guidelines.


Use the rule number that you want to annotate. For example, '1.1'.

For the list of supported JSF C++ rules and their numbers, see Custom Coding Rules.

Use the typeValue and kindvalue together to specify the result with which to annotate a Simulink block.

Example: pslinkfun('annotations','type','MISRA-CPP-2023','kind','0.0.1')

Data Types: char

Simulink model specified by the system or subsystem name.

Example: pslinkfun('openresults','WhereAreTheErrors')

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'block','MyModel\Sum', 'status','to fix'

The block you want to annotate specified by the block name. If you do not use this option, the block returned by the function gcb is annotated.

Example: 'block','MyModel\Sum'

Severity of the check specified as high, medium, low, or unset.

Example: 'class','high'

Action status of the check specified as unreviewed, to investigate, to fix, justified, no action planned, not a defect, or other.

Example: 'status','no action planned'

Additional comments specified as a character vector. The comments provide more information about why the results are justified.

Example: 'comment','defensive code'

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

See Also

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