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Characteristic information about carrier synchronizer


infostruct = info(carrSynch) returns a structure containing characteristic information for the CarrierSynchronizer System object™.



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Create a carrier synchronizer object.

csync = comm.CarrierSynchronizer;

Determine the normalized pull-in range, the maximum frequency lock delay, and the maximum phase lock delay by using the info method.

syncInfo = info(csync)
syncInfo = struct with fields:
    NormalizedPullInRange: 0.0628
    MaxFrequencyLockDelay: 1.5787e+04
        MaxPhaseLockDelay: 130

The normalized pull-in range is 0.0628 rad/sec. Convert the pull-in range to Hz. This represents the maximum normalized frequency offset that can be corrected by the carrier synchronizer.

foffsetmax = syncInfo.NormalizedPullInRange/(2*pi)
foffsetmax = 

The time to acquire a frequency lock is 15787 s, and the time to acquire a phase lock is 130 s.

The overall acquisition time, Tlock, is well approximated by the sum of the frequency and phase lock terms.

Tlock = syncInfo.MaxFrequencyLockDelay + syncInfo.MaxPhaseLockDelay
Tlock = 

Input Arguments

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System object to get information from.

Output Arguments

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Structure containing these fields with information about the System object.

Normalized pull in range in radians, returned as a scalar. NormalizedPullInRange is the largest frequency offset (rad), normalized by the loop bandwidth, for which the synchronizer can acquire lock.

Maximum frequency lock delay, returned as a positive integer. MaxFrequencyLockDelay is the number of samples required for the synchronizer to acquire frequency lock.

Maximum phase lock delay, returned as a positive integer. MaxPhaseLockDelay is the number of samples required for the synchronizer to acquire phase lock.

Data Types: struct

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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