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Characteristic information about WPAN high-rate pulse configuration object

Since R2023a


infostruct = info(cfg) returns a structure containing information about the characteristics of the WPAN high-rate pulse (HRP) configured by the input lrwpanHRPConfig object.



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Generate random data for a PHY Service Data Unit (PSDU) payload. Create an HPRF IEEE 802.15.4z lrwpanHRPConfig object.

psdu = randi([0,1],8*200,1);
cfgHPRF = lrwpanHRPConfig(Mode='HPRF', ...
    Channel=3, ...                % Mandatory low-band channel
    MeanPRF=124.8, ...            % 16 chips per payload symbol
    STSPacketConfiguration=1, ... % Enable STS before payload
    NumSTSSegments=2, ...         % 2 STS segments
    CodeIndex=27, ...             % One 91-symbols long SYNC code
    PreambleDuration=32, ...      % Repetitions for spread SYNC code
    SFDNumber=1, ...              % Choose a 4-symbol long SFD
    ConstraintLength=7, ...       % Convolutional encoder, no RS coding
    PSDULength=100);              % PSDU length in bytes

Return information about the characteristics of the high-rate pulse configured by the lrwpanHRPConfig object.

ans = struct with fields:
                    PeakPRF: 249.6000
             ChipsPerSymbol: 16
        ConvolutionalCoding: 1
         PreambleCodeLength: 91
    PreambleSpreadingFactor: 4

Input Arguments

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Configuration object to get information from, specified as an lrwpanHRPConfig object.

Output Arguments

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Structure containing these fields with information about the configuration object.

Peak pulse repetition frequency in MHz, returned as a positive scalar.

  • When Mode is 'HPRF' and MeanPRF is 124.8 MHz, the chip (or pulse) spacing is 1 / (249.6 MHz) = 4 ns apart.

  • For other Mode and MeanPRF setting combinations, the chip (or pulse) spacing is 1/(499.2 MHz) = 2 ns apart.

Number of burst durations per symbol, returned as a positive scalar.

The number of burst durations within a symbol consists of candidate active bursts and the guard intervals. It equals the symbol duration divided by the (ChipsPerBurst × ChipDuration) and ChipDuration is 0.2 ns. The value of BurstsPerSymbol is 128, 32, or 8 for MeanPRF values of 3.9, 15.6, or 62.4, respectively.


This field is present when Mode is 'BPRF' or '802.15.4a'.

Number of candidate bursts per symbol, returned as a positive integer that is computed as BurstsPerSymbol / 4. This property indicates the number of candidate burst durations within a symbol where transmissions may occur. The value excludes guard intervals and bursts that are excluded based on the value of the systematic bit.


This field is present when Mode is 'BPRF' or '802.15.4a'.

Number of chips per burst, returned as a scalar or two-element vector containing values from the set [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 512].

  • When the data rate is 110 or 850 kbps, the ChipsPerBurst value is a scalar.

  • For other data rates, the ChipsPerBurst value is a two-element vector. The first element is the chips per burst for the PHR and the second element is the chips per burst for the payload.

The selected values depend on the MeanPRF and DataRate combination.


This field is present when Mode is 'BPRF' or '802.15.4a'.

Number of chips per symbol, returned as a scalar or two-element vector.

  • When Mode is 'HPRF' — The number of chips per symbol is either 8, 16, or 32.

  • When Mode is 'BPRF' or '802.15.4a' — The number of chips per symbol equals (ChipsPerBurst × BurstsPerSymbol).

  • When the data rate is 110 or 850 kbps, or the constraint length is 7, the ChipsPerSymbol value is a scalar.

  • For other data rates or constraint lengths, the ChipsPerSymbol value is a two-element vector. The first element is the chips per symbol for the PHR and the second element is the chips per symbol for the payload.

Flag for activation of the rate ½ convolutional encoder for the payload, returned as 0 or 1. The payload uses convolutional encoding when ConvolutionalCoding is 1.

Convolutional coding is disabled when the mean PRF is 15.6 MHz and the payload data rate is 27.24 Mbps, or when the mean PRF is 3.9 MHz and the data rate is 6.81 Mbps.

The PHR transmission data rate is either 110 or 850 kbps and always applies convolutional encoding.

Length of the preamble in symbols, returned as a 31, 91, or 127. PreambleCodeLength represents the length of the ternary (-1, 0, 1) code field within the synchronization header (SHR), and is the length of the code before spreading and before repetitions.

When CodeIndex is in the range:

  • [0, 8] — PreambleCodeLength is 31.

  • [9, 24] — PreambleCodeLength is 127.

  • [25, 32] — PreambleCodeLength is 91.

Length of the delta function spreading code in chips, returned as a 4, 16, or 64.

  • When PreambleCodeLength is 91 or 127], PreambleSpreadingFactor is 4.

  • When PreambleCodeLength is 31,

    • If PreambleMeanPRF is 16.1 MHz, PreambleSpreadingFactor is 16.

    • If PreambleMeanPRF is 4.03 MHz, PreambleSpreadingFactor is 64.

  • For other configurations, PreambleCodeLength is 91.


[1] IEEE® STD 802.15.4z-2020. "IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks." Amendment 1: Enhanced Ultra Wideband (UWB) Physical Layers (PHYs) and Associated Ranging Techniques. June 2020.

[2] IEEE STD 802.15.4-2020. "IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks." May 2020.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

See Also


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