Use fixInput
to fix a nonzero value to inputs and discard
For state-space models with offsets (ss
, sparss
, and lpvss
), using array indexing
sys(:,J) discards all inputs not listed in J by fixing
their value to zero. This is appropriate, for example, when dropping noise or disturbance
inputs from a closed-loop model. When operating around a trajectory or trim condition,
however, discarded inputs must be held at their trim value to maintain the desired operating
condition. You can then use fixInput
to assign nonzero values to the
discarded inputs.
equates the asys
= fixInput(sys
-th input with the J
-th entry of the
input offset u0,
u0(t), or
specified in the model. When u0 is the input level
to achieve steady state or follow a given trajectory. This syntax is useful to maintain the
system in the desired operating regime while manipulating the remaining inputs.
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2024a