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Frequency-Domain Responses

When you perform frequency-domain analysis of a dynamic system model, you may want one or more of the following:

  • A plot of the system response as a function of frequency, or plots of pole and zero locations.

  • Numerical values of the system response in a data array.

  • Numerical values of characteristics of the system response such as stability margins, peak gains, or singular values.

Control System Toolbox™ frequency-domain analysis commands can obtain these results for any kind of dynamic system model (for example, continuous or discrete, SISO or MIMO, or arrays of models).

To obtain numerical data, use:

To obtain response plots, use:

To obtain pole-zero maps, use:

  • pzplot, iopzplot — Plot pole and zero locations in the complex plane.

If you have a generalized state-space (genss) model of a control system, you can extract various transfer functions from it for analysis using frequency-domain and time-domain analysis commands. Extract responses from such models using getIOTransfer, getLoopTransfer, getSensitivity, and getCompSensitivity.

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