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Field search for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3

Since R2021a



d = fieldsearch(c,f) returns field information using the bloomberg object c with the Bloomberg® Desktop C++ interface and search term f.


collapse all

Create a Bloomberg connection, and then retrieve information for the last price field.

Create the Bloomberg connection using the Bloomberg Desktop C++ interface.

c = bloomberg;

Return data as a table by setting the DataReturnFormat property of the bloomberg object. If you do not set this property, the fieldsearch function returns data as a cell array.

c.DataReturnFormat = 'table';

Return information for the search term LAST_PRICE.

d = fieldsearch(c,f);

Display the first three rows of the field information in d.

ans =

  3×5 table

           CATEGORY             ID            MNEMONIC                   DESCRIPTION              DATATYPE
    ______________________    _______    ___________________    ______________________________    ________

    'Market Activity/Last'    'PR005'    'PX_LAST'              'Last Price'                      'Double'
    'Market Activity/Last'    'RQ005'    'LAST_PRICE'           'Last Trade/Last Price'           'Double'
    'Market Activity/Last'    'PR910'    'CRNCY_ADJ_PX_LAST'    'Currency Adjusted Last Price'    'Double'

The columns in d are:

  • Category

  • Field identifier

  • Field mnemonic

  • Field name

  • Field data type

Close the Bloomberg connection.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Bloomberg connection, specified as a bloomberg object.

Search term, specified as a character vector or string scalar that denotes the Bloomberg field descriptive data to retrieve.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Field data, returned as an N-by-5 cell array, a structure, or a table.

The columns (or fields) of the data types are:

  • Category

  • Field identifier

  • Field mnemonic

  • Field name

  • Field data type

The data type of the field data depends on the DataReturnFormat property of the connection object.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a