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Create Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Climate Transition Analytics (CTA) connection

Since R2024a


    The icecta function creates an object that represents a connection to the Intercontinental Exchange® (ICE®) data server. After you create an icecta object, you can retrieve Climate Transition Analytics (CTA) data for use in your climate data workflows.



    c = icecta(token) creates a connection to the ICE data server that allows you to access CTA data using a valid authentication token.


    c = icecta(token,timeout,url,mediatype,debugmodevalue) additionally sets the timeout value, the ICE base endpoint URL, the REST API call media type, and the MATLAB® HTTP library debug value for the connection to the ICE data server.


    Input Arguments

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    ICE authentication token, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This argument sets the Token property.



    Timeout value for ICE REST API call responses, specified as a positive numeric scalar. This argument sets the TimeOut property.

    ICE base endpoint URL, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This argument sets the URL property.

    REST API call media type, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This argument sets the MediaType property.

    MATLAB HTTP library debug mode, specified as 0, 1, or 2. The value of this argument controls the amount of diagnostic information returned.

    • 0 returns no diagnostic information.

    • 1 returns partial diagnostic information.

    • 2 returns complete diagnostic information.

    This argument sets the DebugModeValue property.


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    Timeout value for ICE REST API call responses. This property is set by the timeout argument.


    ICE authentication token. This property is set by the token argument.


    MATLAB HTTP library debug value. This property is set by the debugmodevalue argument.

    REST API call media type. This property is set by the mediatype argument.

    ICE base endpoint URL. This property is set by the url argument.

    Object Functions

    getDataIntercontinental Exchange (ICE) Climate Transition Analytics (CTA) data request


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    Create an icecta connection using a valid authentication token. In this example, replace 7eAVoodVJjHXydBrb_OkYJd3tQyv6qviuDw with your authentication token.

    token = "7eAVoodVJjHXydBrb_OkYJd3tQyv6qviuDw";
    c = icecta(token)
    c = 
          icecta with properties:
                 TimeOut: 200.00

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

    See Also

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