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JTAG Connection

VendorRequired HardwareRequired Software

USB Blaster I or USB Blaster II download cable

  • USB Blaster I or II driver

  • For Windows® operating systems: Quartus® Prime executable directory must be on system path.

  • For Linux® operating systems: versions below Quartus II 13.1 are not supported. Quartus II 14.1 is not supported. Only 64-bit Quartus is supported. Quartus library directory must be on LD_LIBRARY_PATH before starting MATLAB®. Prepend the Linux distribution library path before the Quartus library on LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example, /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:$QUARTUS_PATH.


Digilent® download cable

  • If your board has an onboard Digilent USB-JTAG module, use a USB cable

  • If your board has a standard Xilinx 14 pin JTAG connector, use with HS2 or HS3 cable from Digilent

  • For Windows operating systems: Xilinx Vivado® executable directory must be on system path.

  • For Linux operating systems: Digilent Adept 2. For the installation steps, see Install Digilent Adept 2 Runtime (HDL Verifier).


  • Supported for boards with onboard FT4232H, FT232H, or FT2232H devices implementing USB-to JTAG

Install these D2XX drivers.

  • For Windows operating systems: (64 bit)

  • For Linux operating systems: 1.4.27 (64 bit)

For the installation guide, see D2XX Drivers from the FTDI Chip website.

MicrochipJTAG connection not supported


When simulating your FPGA design through Digilent JTAG cable with Simulink® or MATLAB, you cannot use any debugging software that requires access to the JTAG; for example, Vivado Logic Analyzer.