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Class: dlhdl.Bitstream
Namespace: dlhdl

Load and update bitstream information using board and reference design plugin files

Since R2024b


loadInfoFromPlugin(bitstreamObject,Name=Value) loads and updates the specified bitstream using the plugin files specified by the name-value arguments.


Input Arguments

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Bitstream information, specified as a dlhdl.Bitstream object.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Board plugin file, specified as a hdlcoder.Board object. The board plugin file must be on the MATLAB® path.

Example: boardPlugin=ZCU102_DL.plugin_board

Reference design plugin file, specified as a hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign object. The reference design plugin file must be on the MATLAB path.

Example: refDesignPlugin=ZCU102_DL.RefDesign.plugin_rd


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Create a generic deep learning processor configuration object. To generate the bistream faster, turn off the conv and fc modules. Save the object in the variable hPC.

hPC = dlhdl.ProcessorConfig;
hPC.TargetPlatform  = 'Generic Deep Learning Processor';
hPC.SynthesisTool = '';

Generate a deep learning processor IP core. Name the processor myProcessor and save it in the folder myProject.

dlhdl.buildProcessor(hPC,ProjectFolder='myProject', ...

Create a bitstream object using the information from the deep learning processor MAT file myProcessor.mat.

path = fullfile("myProject","myProcessor.mat");
hB = dlhdl.Bitstream(path)
hB = 
  Bitstream with properties:

                     Name: ''
                     Path: 'myProcessor.mat'
        MemoryBaseAddress: '0'
       MemoryAddressRange: '0'
     ProcessorBaseAddress: '0'
    ProcessorAddressRange: '0x10000'

Use information from the board and reference design plugin files to update the dlhdl.Bitstream object.

boardPlugin = DLZCU102.plugin_board;
refDesign = DLZCU102.DLRefDesign_BRAM.plugin_rd;
hB = 
  Bitstream with properties:

                     Name: ''
                     Path: 'myProcessor.mat'
        MemoryBaseAddress: 'C0000000'
       MemoryAddressRange: '200000'
     ProcessorBaseAddress: 'A0000000'
    ProcessorAddressRange: '0x10000'

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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