Train End-to-End Speaker Separation Model
Speaker separation is a challenging and critical speech processing task. Downstream applications include speech recognition, speaker diarization, speaker identification, and listening enhancement. In this example, you train an end-to-end deep learning network for speaker-independent speech separation.
To use a pretrained speaker separation model, see separateSpeakers
(Audio Toolbox).
For a comparison of the performance of different models, see Compare Speaker Separation Models (Audio Toolbox).
Perform Speaker Separation Using Pretrained Model
The Conv-TasNet architecture [1] was an early and important development in end-to-end speech separation. Although it has been surpassed by transformer-based models in speaker separation metrics, it remains relevant due to its speed, small size, and ease of training. These qualities also make Conv-TasNet a good candidate for speaker separation solutions intended to deploy for specific noise conditions.
To access a pretrained Conv-TasNet model, as well as transformer-based models, use the separateSpeakers
function. Speaker separation is usually tasked with separating speech signals into a fixed number of speakers. However, in real-world scenarios, the number of speakers is often not known or changing. The Conv-TasNet model used by separateSpeakers
was trained with a one-and-rest objective, meaning it will always try to isolate the most dominant speaker and then output the single speaker signal and the "rest" (also known as the residual) [2]. To separate multiple speakers, the residual can be recursively fed back into the model until no more speakers are detected in the residual.
Read in a sample audio file, mix the channels and listen to the results.
[targets,fs] = audioread('MultipleSpeakers-16-8-4channel-5secs.flac');
x = mean(targets,2);
sound(x,fs),pause(size(x,1)/fs + 1)
Separate the speakers using the default one-and-rest Conv-TasNet model. Call the function a second time without outputs to visualize the results. Listen to the results as well.
[y,r] = separateSpeakers(x,fs); separateSpeakers(x,fs)
for ii = 1:size(y,2) sound(y(:,ii),fs),pause(size(x,1)/fs + 1) end sound(r,fs)
To evaluate the permutation-invariant scale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio (SI-SNR), use the permutationInvariantSISNR
function. The permutation invariant SI-SNR metric is the most common evaluation and training metric for speaker separation.
ans = single
The default parameters of this example define an utterance-level permutation invariant training (uPIT) pipeline to train a two-speaker speech separation model similar to the pretrained one you can access through separateSpeakers
. There are parameters throughout the example that you can modify to instead specify one-and-rest permutation invariant training (OR-PIT) to separate speech into one-and-rest, or to include or exclude noise in the system.
To speed up the example by running on a reduced data set, set speedupExample
to true
. To run the full example as published, set speedupExample
to false
speedupExample =
Download Data
Train and Validation Data
If you speed up the example, the example downloads and unzips LibriSpeech's dev-clean set for both training and development. If you do not speed up the example, the example uses the train-clean-100 subset of LibriSpeech and uses the dev-clean set exclusively for validation.
downloadDatasetFolder = tempdir; trainDatasetFolder = {}; devDatasetFolder = {}; if speedupExample trainDatasetFolder{end+1} = char(downloadAndUnzip("dev-clean",downloadDatasetFolder)); else devDatasetFolder{end+1} = char(downloadAndUnzip("dev-clean",downloadDatasetFolder)); trainDatasetFolder{end+1} = char(downloadAndUnzip("train-clean-100",downloadDatasetFolder)); % Uncomment following lines to train on entire LibriSpeech dataset %trainDatasetFolder{end+1} = char(downloadAndUnzip("train-clean-360",downloadDatasetFolder)); %trainDatasetFolder{end+1} = char(downloadAndUnzip("train-other-500",downloadDatasetFolder)); end adsTrain = audioDatastore(trainDatasetFolder,IncludeSubfolders=true,OutputDataType="single"); if speedupExample adsTrain = shuffle(adsTrain); adsValidation = subset(adsTrain,1:20); adsTrain = subset(adsTrain,21:200); else adsValidation = audioDatastore(devDatasetFolder,IncludeSubfolders=true,OutputDataType="single"); end
Noise Data
Create a datastore that contains background noise files.
noiseDatasetFolder = "WashingMachine-16-8-mono-1000secs.mp3"; adsNoise = audioDatastore(noiseDatasetFolder,IncludeSubfolders=true,OutputDataType="single");
Define Preprocessing Pipeline
Resample Audio
Define transforms to resample the train and validation data to 8 kHz. Because Conv-TasNet accepts audio directly, it is common practice to use a low sample rate to avoid out-of-memory issues.
fs = 8e3; adsTrain = transform(adsTrain,@(x,info)resampleTransform(x,info,fs),IncludeInfo=true); adsValidation = transform(adsValidation,@(x,info)resampleTransform(x,info,fs),IncludeInfo=true);
Augment Data Using Dynamic Mixing
Create a DynamicMixer
object. The DynamicMixer
class definition is placed in your current folder when you open the example. To specify the SNR for noise addition, specify a range in dB. The object chooses from a uniform distribution within that range when mixing. To include noise in the target signals, specify NoiseInTargets
as 'mix'
or 'append'
. When NoiseInTargets
is set to 'exclude'
, the model simultaneously attempts to denoise the input signal while performing speaker separation. Set the MaxLength
of the audio signals output. Set the NumSignals
property to a range of how many signals can be included in each training example. For uPIT training, NumSignals
must be a scalar.
mixer = DynamicMixer( ... AugFiles=adsTrain.UnderlyingDatastores{1}.Files, ... SignalWeightRange=[0.9 1], ... NoiseFiles=adsNoise.Files, ... NoiseWeightRange=[20 60], ... % SNR dB NoiseInTargets=
'exclude', ... MaxLength=fs *
5, ... % move the slider to specify max length in seconds NumSignals=
[2 2]);
Read a sample from the validation set and apply the mixing.
[x,xinfo] = read(adsValidation); xt = mix(mixer,x,xinfo); x1 = xt{1}; t1 = xt{2};
Inspect the predictor and the target signals.
tiledlayout(2,1) timevec = (0:size(x1,1)-1)/fs; nexttile() plot(timevec,x1) ylabel("Mixed Signal") nexttile() plot(timevec,t1) ylabel("Target Signals")
sound(x1,fs),pause(size(x1,1)/fs + 1) for ii = 1:size(t1,2) sound(t1(:,ii),fs),pause(size(t1,1)/fs + 1) end
Create Mini-Batch Queue
To ensure all audio files in a mini batch have the same length and the targets are equal size, use minibatchqueue
. The preprocessMiniBatch
function pads or truncates the signals to the median length of the batch and then passes the batch as a cell array to the DynamicMixer
. The DynamicMixer
randomly selects one value in the NumSignals
range per batch to augment the mini-batch with. This is necessary so that the targets are a consistent size for batch processing.
mbqTrain = minibatchqueue(adsTrain,2, ... OutputAsDlarray=true, ... MiniBatchFormat="TCB", ... MiniBatchFcn=@(m)preprocessMiniBatch(m,mixer,fs)); mbqValidation = minibatchqueue(adsValidation,2, ... OutputAsDlarray=true, ... MiniBatchFormat="TCB", ... MiniBatchFcn=@(m)preprocessMiniBatch(m,mixer,fs));
Define Model
Create Conv-TasNet Model
Use the supporting function, convtasnet
, to construct a randomly initialized Conv-TasNet model based on [1]. You can find details and analysis of the hyperparameters exposed here in [1]. Constructing the model requires several custom layer class definitions which are placed in your current folder when you open this example.
net = convtasnet( ... NumFiltersAutoEncoder=512, ... N - Number of filters in autoencoder FilterLength=
16, ... L - Length of filters (in samples) NumChannelsBottleneck=
128, ... B - Number of channels in bottleneck NumChannelsConvBlocks=
512, ... H - Number of channels in convolutional blocks NumChannelsSkipPaths=
128, ... Sc - Number of channels in skip connection paths' 1x1-conv blocks KernelSizeConvBlocks=
3, ... P - Kernel size in convolution blocks NumConvBlocksInRepeat=
8, ... X - Number of convolutional blocks in each repeat NumRepeats=
3, ... R - Number of repeats NumResponses=
To analyze the model, use analyzeNetwork
Define Training Options
To define training options, use trainingOptions
mbs = 6; options = trainingOptions("adam", ... Shuffle="every-epoch", ... Plots="training-progress", ... MaxEpochs=10, ... MiniBatchSize=mbs, ... TargetDataFormats="TCB", ... Verbose=false, ... GradientThreshold=5, ... InitialLearnRate=0.00015, ... OutputNetwork="best-validation", ... ExecutionEnvironment="gpu", ... ValidationData=mbqValidation, ... ValidationFrequency=2*round(numel(adsTrain.UnderlyingDatastores{1}.Files)/mbs), ... ValidationPatience=3);
Train Model
To train the model, use trainnet
. Use the negative of permutationInvariantSISNR
as the loss function. The PermutationType
can be set as utterance-level permutation invariant training (uPIT) or one-and-rest permutation invariant training (OR-PIT). If the NumSignals
parameter of the dynamic mixer object is a range, then PermutationType
must be set to "OR-PIT"
[net,traininfo] = trainnet(mbqTrain,net, ... @(Y,T)-permutationInvariantSISNR(Y,T,PermutationType="uPIT"), ... options);
Evaluate Model
Read a sample from the validation set and apply mixing.
[x,xinfo] = read(adsValidation); xt = mix(mixer,x,xinfo); predictor = xt{1}; targets = xt{2};
Run the mixed signal through the model.
y = (predict(net,predictor))';
Evaluate the permutation invariant SI-SNR and get the indices of the best permutation of speaker signals.
[metric,idx] = permutationInvariantSISNR(y,targets); display("Permutation Invariant SI-SINR: " + metric + " dB")
"Permutation Invariant SI-SINR: 15.1941 dB"
Sort the predictions into the best permutation.
y = y(:,idx);
To calculate the permutation invariant SI-SNR improvement (SI-SNRi), use sisnr
ametric = sisnr(predictor,targets); bmetric = sisnr(y,targets); metricImprovement = mean(bmetric - ametric); display("Permutation Invariant SI-SNRi: " + metricImprovement + " dB")
"Permutation Invariant SI-SNRi: 15.21 dB"
Listen to and plot the results of the separation.
sound(predictor,fs),pause(size(predictor,1)/fs+1) y = y./max(abs(y)); sound(y(:,1),fs),pause(size(y,1)/fs+1) sound(y(:,2),fs) t = (0:size(predictor,1)-1)/fs; tiledlayout(3,1) nexttile() plot(t,predictor) ylabel('Input Signal') nexttile() plot(t,targets(:,1),'b',t,y(:,1),'r:') ylabel('Signal 1') legend('target','prediction') nexttile() plot(t,targets(:,2),'b',t,y(:,2),'r:') ylabel('Signal 2') legend('target','prediction')
Supporting Functions
Resample Transform
function [audioOut,adsInfo] = resampleTransform(audioIn,adsInfo,desiredFs) fs = adsInfo.SampleRate; % Convert to mono x = mean(audioIn,2); % Resample to 16 kHz if desiredFs~=fs x = resample(x,desiredFs,fs); end adsInfo.SampleRate = desiredFs; % Normalize so that the max absolute value of a signal is 1 audioOut = x/max(abs(x)); end
Create Conv-TasNet Model
function net = convtasnet(options) % This model and its parameters are described in: % [1] Luo, Yi, and Nima Mesgarani. "Conv-TasNet: Surpassing Ideal % Time–Frequency Magnitude Masking for Speech Separation." IEEE/ACM % Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 27, no. 8, % Aug. 2019, pp. 1256–66. (Crossref), % arguments options.NumFiltersAutoEncoder = 512 % N - Number of filters in autoencoder options.FilterLength = 16 % L - Length of filters (in samples) options.NumChannelsBottleneck = 128 % B - Number of channels in bottleneck options.NumChannelsConvBlocks = 512 % H - Number of channels in convolutional blocks options.NumChannelsSkipPaths = 128 % Sc - Number of channels in skip connection paths' 1x1-conv blocks options.KernelSizeConvBlocks = 3 % P - Kernel size in convolution blocks options.NumConvBlocksInRepeat = 8 % X - Number of convolutional blocks in each repeat options.NumRepeats = 3 % R - Number of repeats options.NumResponses = 2 % Number of responses end N = options.NumFiltersAutoEncoder; L = options.FilterLength; B = options.NumChannelsBottleneck; Sc = options.NumChannelsSkipPaths; H = options.NumChannelsConvBlocks; P = options.KernelSizeConvBlocks; X = options.NumConvBlocksInRepeat; % Also referred to as "M" in [1]. R = options.NumRepeats; numResponses = options.NumResponses; net = dlnetwork(); % Encoder + Bottleneck ----------------------------------------------------- net = addLayers(net,[ ... sequenceInputLayer(1,MinLength=L,Name="input") convolution1dLayer(L,N,Stride=L/2,Name="encoder.conv1d") layerNormalizationLayer(OperationDimension="batch-excluded",Name="bottleneck.layernorm") convolution1dLayer(1,B,Name="bottleneck.conv1d")]); % TCN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- previousLayer = "bottleneck.conv1d"; dilationFactor = repmat((2.^(0:X-1)),1,R); net = addLayers(net,additionLayer(X*R,Name="skip_connection")); for ii = 1:(X*R) net = addLayers(net,[ ... convolution1dLayer(1,H,Name="TCN."+ii+".conv1d") preluLayer(Name="TCN."+ii+"prelu_1") layerNormalizationLayer(OperationDimension="batch-excluded",Name="TCN."+ii+".layernorm_1") groupedConvolution1dLayer(FilterSize=P,DilationFactor=dilationFactor(ii),Name="TCN."+ii+".groupconv1d") preluLayer(Name="TCN."+ii+".prelu_2") layerNormalizationLayer(OperationDimension="batch-excluded",Name="TCN."+ii+".layernorm_2") convolution1dLayer(1,Sc,Name="TCN."+ii+".skip.conv1d") ]); if ii~=(X*R) net = addLayers(net,[ ... convolution1dLayer(1,B,Name="TCN."+ii+".residual.conv1d") ... additionLayer(2,Name="TCN."+ii+".output+residual")]); net = connectLayers(net,"TCN."+ii+".layernorm_2","TCN."+ii+".residual.conv1d"); net = connectLayers(net,previousLayer,"TCN."+ii+".output+residual"+"/in2"); end net = connectLayers(net,previousLayer,"TCN."+ii+".conv1d"); previousLayer = "TCN."+ii+".output+residual"; net = connectLayers(net,"TCN."+(ii)+".skip.conv1d","skip_connection/in"+ii); end % Output ------------------------------------------------------------------- net = addLayers(net,[ ... preluLayer(Name="mask.prelu") convolution1dLayer(1,numResponses*N,Name="mask.conv1d") splitMaskLayer(NumSpeakers=numResponses,Name="splitMask") reluLayer(Name='relu') ... % The original paper uses sigmoid. Common practice now is ReLU, but results have not been compared. ]); net = connectLayers(net,"skip_connection","mask.prelu"); % Apply Mask net = addLayers(net,[ ... addDimLayer(Name="viewLayer_2",DimToAdd="S") multiplicationLayer(2,Name="apply_mask") reformatLayer(Name="viewLayer_3",Format="TCBS") transposedConv1dLayer(L,1,Stride=L/2,Name='return') reformatLayer(Name="viewLayer_4",Format="TCBS") removeDimLayer(Name="formatOutput",DimToRemove='C')]); net = connectLayers(net,"encoder.conv1d","viewLayer_2"); net = connectLayers(net,"relu","apply_mask/in2"); net = initialize(net,dlarray(zeros(L,1,'single'),'TC')); end
Preprocess Mini-Batch
function [X,T] = preprocessMiniBatch(Xin,mixer,fs) % preprocessMiniBatch - Preprocess mini-batch info.SampleRate = fs; % Get the median signal length signalLengths = cellfun(@(x)size(x,1),Xin,UniformOutput=false); medianSignalLength = min(round(median(cat(1,signalLengths{:}))),mixer.MaxLength); % Trim or pad signals to same length Xin = cellfun(@(x)trimOrPad(x,medianSignalLength),Xin,UniformOutput=false); % Apply mixing dataOut = mixer.mix(Xin,info); % Output the predictors and targets separately, with batches along the % third dimension. X = cat(3,dataOut{:,1}); T = cat(3,dataOut{:,2}); end
Download LibriSpeech
function datasetFolder = downloadAndUnzip(dataset,downloadDatasetFolder) filename = dataset + ".tar.gz"; datasetFolder = fullfile(downloadDatasetFolder,"LibriSpeech",dataset); url = "" + filename; if ~datasetExists(datasetFolder) gunzip(url,downloadDatasetFolder); unzippedFile = fullfile(downloadDatasetFolder,filename); untar(unzippedFile{1}(1:end-3),downloadDatasetFolder); end end
[1] Luo, Yi, and Nima Mesgarani. "Conv-TasNet: Surpassing Ideal Time–Frequency Magnitude Masking for Speech Separation." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 27, no. 8, Aug. 2019, pp. 1256–66. (Crossref),
[2] Takahashi, Naoya, et al. "Recursive Speech Separation for Unknown Number of Speakers." Interspeech 2019, ISCA, 2019, pp. 1348–52. (Crossref),
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