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Simulation 3D Pedestrian

Implement pedestrian in 3D environment

Since R2022b

  • Simulation 3D Pedestrian Block

Automated Driving Toolbox / Simulation 3D
Simulink 3D Animation / Simulation 3D / Actors



Simulating models with the Simulation 3D Pedestrian block requires Simulink® 3D Animation™.

The Simulation 3D Pedestrian block implements a pedestrian in a 3D simulation environment. The block uses the input (X, Y) position and yaw angle of the pedestrian to adjust the elevation, roll angle, and pitch angle so that the pedestrian follows the ground terrain. The block determines the pedestrian velocity and heading and adjusts the movement to be idle, walk, or run, appropriately.

To use this block, ensure that the Simulation 3D Scene Configuration block is in your model. If you set the Sample time parameter of the Simulation 3D Pedestrian block to -1, the block inherits the sample time specified in the Simulation 3D Scene Configuration block.

The block input uses the pedestrian Z-up right-handed (RH) Cartesian coordinate system defined in SAE J670 [1] and ISO 8855 [2]. The coordinate system is inertial and initially aligned with the pedestrian feet:

  • The X-axis is along the longitudinal axis of the pedestrian and points forward.

  • The Y-axis is along the lateral axis of the pedestrian and points to the left.

  • The Z-axis points upward.

The yaw, pitch, and roll angles of the Z-axis, Y-axis, and X-axis, respectively, are positive in the clockwise directions, when looking in the positive directions of these axes. Pedestrians are placed in the world coordinate system of the scenes. For more details, see Coordinate Systems for Unreal Engine Simulation in Automated Driving Toolbox.




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Lateral position of the pedestrian along the Y-axis of the scene. Y is in the inertial Z-up coordinate system. Units are in meters.

The Y value of the Initial position [X, Y, Z] (m) parameter must match the value of this port at the start of simulation.

To specify multiple positions at port Y along an entire pedestrian path, first define a time series of Y waypoints in MATLAB®. Then, feed these waypoints to Y by using a From Workspace (Simulink) block. To learn how to select and specify waypoints, see the Select Waypoints for Unreal Engine Simulation example.

Longitudinal position of the pedestrian along the X-axis of the scene. X is in the inertial Z-up coordinate system. Units are in meters.

The X value of the Initial position [X, Y, Z] (m) parameter must match the value of this port at the start of simulation.

To specify multiple positions at port X along an entire pedestrian path, first define a time series of X waypoints in MATLAB. Then, feed these waypoints to X by using a From Workspace (Simulink) block. To learn how to select and specify waypoints, see the Select Waypoints for Unreal Engine Simulation example.

Yaw orientation angle of the pedestrian along the Z-axis of the scene. Yaw is in the inertial Z-up coordinate system.

The yaw value of the Initial rotation [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] (deg) parameter must match the value of this port at the start of simulation.

To specify multiple orientation angles at port Yaw along an entire pedestrian path, first define a time series of yaw waypoints in MATLAB. Then, feed these waypoints to Yaw by using a From Workspace (Simulink) block. To learn how to select and specify waypoints, see the Select Waypoints for Unreal Engine Simulation example.


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(X, Y, Z) location of the pedestrian in the scene, returned as a real-valued 1-by-3 vector. This location is based on the pedestrian origin, which is on the ground, at the geometric center of the pedestrian. Location values are in the inertial Z-up world coordinate system. Units are in meters.


To enable this port, on the Ground Truth tab, select Output location (m) and orientation (rad).

Data Types: double

Yaw, pitch, and roll orientation angles of the pedestrian about the Z-axis, Y-axis, and X-axes of the scene, respectively, returned as a real-valued 1-by-3 vector. This orientation is based on the pedestrian origin, which is on the ground, at the geometric center of the pedestrian. Orientation values are in the inertial Z-up coordinate system. Units are in radians.


To enable this port, on the Ground Truth tab, select Output location (m) and orientation (rad).

Data Types: double


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Pedestrian Parameters

Type of pedestrian, specified as one of the following options:

  • Male 1

  • Male 2

  • Male 3

  • Female 1

  • Female 2

  • Female 3

  • Child

Scale factor for the pedestrian along the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis.

Initial pedestrian position along the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis of the scene. This position is in the inertial Z-up coordinate system. Units are in meters.

Set the X and Y values of this parameter to match the X and Y input port values at the start of simulation.

Initial yaw angle of pedestrian rotation. Units are in degrees.

Set the yaw value of this parameter to match the Yaw input port value at the start of simulation.

Name of pedestrian. By default, when you use the block in your model, the block sets the Name parameter to SimulinkPedestrianX. The value of X depends on the number of Simulation 3D Pedestrian blocks that you have in your model.

The pedestrian name appears as a selection in the Parent name parameter of any Simulation 3D sensor blocks within the same model as the pedestrian. With the Parent name parameter, you can select the pedestrian on which to mount the sensor.

Sample time, Ts, in seconds. The graphics frame rate is the inverse of the sample time.

If you set the sample time to -1, the block uses the sample time specified in the Simulation 3D Scene Configuration block.

Ground Truth

Select this parameter to output the location and orientation of the pedestrian at the Location and Orientation ports, respectively.


[1] Vehicle Dynamics Standards Committee. Vehicle Dynamics Terminology. SAE J670. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 2008.

[2] Technical Committee. Road vehicles — Vehicle dynamics and road-holding ability — Vocabulary. ISO 8855:2011. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization, 2011.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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