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Sport Utility Vehicle

Sport utility vehicle dimensions


Sport Utility Vehicle is one of the vehicles that you can use within the 3D simulation environment. This environment is rendered using the Unreal Engine® from Epic Games®. The following diagram provides the dimensions of this vehicle. The height dimensions are with respect to the vertical ground plane. The length and width dimensions are with respect to the origin of the vehicle in the vehicle coordinate system. The origin is on the ground, at the geometric center of the vehicle. For more detailed views of these diagrams, see the Dimensions section.

Sport utility vehicle shown from multiple views

To add this type of vehicle to the 3D simulation environment:

  1. Add a Simulation 3D Vehicle with Ground Following block to your Simulink® model.

  2. In the block, set the Type parameter to Sport utility vehicle.


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Top-down view of sport utility vehicle with the origin marked in blue at its center and its width dimensions shown. The width not including rear-view mirrors is 1.935 meters. The width including rear-view mirrors is 2.264 meters.

Side view of sport utility vehicle with the origin marked in blue beneath its center and its length and overhang dimensions shown. The rear overhang is 0.939 meters. The distance from the rear overhang to the origin is 1.474 meters. The distance from the origin to the front overhang is 1.422 meters. The front overhang is 0.991 meters. The tire radius is 0.402 meters.

Front view of sport utility vehicle with the origin marked in blue beneath its center and its front tire width and front axle dimensions shown. The front tire width is 0.271 meters. The front axle width is 1.597 meters.

Rear view of sport utility vehicle with the origin marked in blue beneath its center and its rear tire width, rear axle dimensions, and height shown. The rear tire width is 0.271 meters. The rear axle width is 1.625 meters. The height from the ground to the tire center is 0.348 meters. The height from the tire center to the top of the vehicle is 1.426 meters.

Sensor Mounting Locations

In the 3D simulation sensor blocks, use the Mounting location parameter to mount sensors at predefined locations on the vehicle. The table shows the X, Y, and Z positions of the mounting locations relative to the vehicle origin. These locations are in the vehicle coordinate system, where:

  • The X-axis points forward from the vehicle.

  • The Y-axis points to the left of the vehicle, as viewed when facing forward.

  • The Z-axis points up from the ground.

Sport Utility Vehicle — Sensor Locations Relative to Vehicle Origin

Mounting LocationX (m)Y (m)Z (m)
Front bumper2.4200.51
Rear bumper–2.4200.51

Right mirror


Left mirror


Rearview mirror


Hood center


Roof center


Specify Sport Utility Vehicle Dimensions

When simulating a path planner in the 3D environment, the path planner must use a vehicle whose dimensions are consistent with one used in the 3D environment. To make these dimensions consistent, you can use a vehicleDimensions object.

Specify the dimensions of a Sport Utility Vehicle in a vehicleDimensions object. Units are in meters. For an example that uses this object in a path planner, see Visualize Automated Parking Valet Using Unreal Engine Simulation.

centerToFront = 1.422;
centerToRear  = 1.474;
frontOverhang = 0.991;
rearOverhang  = 0.939;
vehicleWidth  = 1.935;
vehicleHeight = 1.774;
vehicleLength = centerToFront + centerToRear + frontOverhang + rearOverhang;

suvDims = vehicleDimensions(vehicleLength,vehicleWidth,vehicleHeight, ...
suvDims = 
  vehicleDimensions with properties:

           Length: 4.8260
            Width: 1.9350
           Height: 1.7740
        Wheelbase: 2.8960
     RearOverhang: 0.9390
    FrontOverhang: 0.9910
       WorldUnits: 'meters'

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