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Generate MATLAB script to create scope with current settings


generateScript(scope) generates a MATLAB® script that can recreate a scope object with the current settings in the scope.


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  1. Create a spectrumAnalyzer object.

    scope = spectrumAnalyzer();
  2. Set options in the Spectrum Analyzer. For this example, select both Spectrum and Spectrogram in the Scope tab of the Spectrum Analyzer toolstrip.

    In addition, enable Max-Hold Trace and Min-Hold Trace in the Spectrum tab.

  3. Generate a script to recreate the spectrumAnalyzer with the modified settings. Either click Generate Script from the Scope tab, or enter this command in the MATLAB command prompt.


    A new editor window opens with code to regenerate the same scope.

    % Generated by MATLAB(R) 9.12 (R2022a) and DSP System Toolbox 9.14 (R2022a).
    % Generated on 15-Nov-2021 15:24:16 -0500.
    % Construct a spectrumAnalyzer object
    specScope = spectrumAnalyzer(ViewType="spectrum-and-spectrogram", ...
        PlotMaxHoldTrace=true, ...
        PlotMinHoldTrace=true, ...
        Position=[184 190 742 563]);

  1. Create a dsp.ArrayPlot object.

    scope = dsp.ArrayPlot();
  2. Set options in the Array Plot. For this example, from the Measurements tab, turn on the Data Cursors. From the Scope tab, turn on Legend. Click Settings. Select Magnitude Phase Plot, and specify an x-axis label and a title.

  3. Generate a script to recreate the dsp.ArrayPlot with the same modified settings. Either select Generate Script from the Scope tab, or enter the following in the MATLAB command prompt:


    A new editor window opens with code to regenerate the same scope.

    % Generated by MATLAB(R) 24.2 (R2024b) and DSP System Toolbox 24.2 (R2024b).
    % Generated on 24-Apr-2024 14:37:28 -0400.
    % Construct a dsp.ArrayPlot object
    arrayPlot=dsp.ArrayPlot(AxesScaling="Manual", ...
        Position=[2260 393 800 500], ...
        PlotAsMagnitudePhase=true, ...
        Title="My Array Plot", ...
        XLabel="Frequency", ...
    % Cursor Measurements Configuration

  1. Create a timescope object.

    scope = timescope;
  2. Set options in the Time Scope. For this example, on the Scope tab, click Settings. Under Display and Labels, select Show Legend and Magnitude Phase Plot. Set the Title as well.

  3. Generate a script to recreate the timescope with the same modified settings. Either select Generate Script from the Scope tab, or enter the following in the MATLAB command prompt:


    A new editor window opens with code to regenerate the same scope.

    % Generated by MATLAB(R) 24.2 (R2024b) and DSP System Toolbox 24.2 (R2024b).
    % Generated on 24-Apr-2024 14:30:00 -0400.
    % Construct a timescope object
    timeScope=timescope(AxesScaling="manual", ...
        Position=[2546 147 800 500], ...
        PlotAsMagnitudePhase=true, ...
        Title="My Time Scope", ...

Input Arguments

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Scope object whose settings you want to recreate with a script, specified as one of the following:

  • spectrumAnalyzer object

  • dsp.ArrayPlot object

  • timescope object

  • dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer object

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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