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Print scope window to MATLAB figure

Since R2023b


printToFigure(scope) prints the display window of the scope object to a new MATLAB® figure. The figure is visible by default.

fig = printToFigure(scope) prints the display window of the scope object to a new MATLAB figure and returns the handle to the figure.


fig = printToFigure(scope,Visible=flag) shows or hides the MATLAB figure.



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Use the printToFigure function to print the spectrumAnalyzer object display window to a new MATLAB® figure.

Generate a chirp signal and use the spectrumAnalyzer object to display the spectrum of the chirp. This plot shows the default color and style settings of the spectrumAnalyzer object.

chirp = dsp.Chirp(SweepDirection="Bidirectional", ...
    TargetFrequency=2000, ...
    TargetTime=400, ...
    SweepTime=400, ...
    SamplesPerFrame=1024, ...
scope = spectrumAnalyzer(AveragingMethod="exponential",...

Change the background color and the axes color of the plot to "white". Set the font color and line color to "black".

scope.BackgroundColor = "white";
scope.AxesColor = "white";
scope.FontColor = "black";
scope.LineColor = "black";

Print the display of the chirp spectrum to a new MATLAB figure. The function returns a handle to the figure.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

The handle to the figure scopeFig lets you modify the appearance and the behavior of the figure window.

Specify a figure name and change the size of the figure to 400-by-250 pixels.

scopeFig.Name="Spectrum of Chirp Signal";
scopeFig.Position=[1 1 400 250];

Figure Spectrum of Chirp Signal contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

When printing to figure, you can make the figure invisible by setting the Visible argument to false.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope,Visible=false);

Use the printToFigure function to print the dsp.ArrayPlot object display window to a new MATLAB® figure.

Create a dsp.ArrayPlot object.


Set ArrayPlot properties to display a Gaussian distribution.

scope.YLimits = [-0.1 1.1];
scope.XOffset = -2.5;
scope.SampleIncrement = 0.1;
scope.Title = "Gaussian distribution";
scope.XLabel = "X";
scope.YLabel = "f(X)";

Plot the Gaussian distribution.

scope(exp(-(-2.5:.1:2.5) .* (-2.5:.1:2.5))');

Change the background color and the axes color of the plot to "white". Set the font color to "black" and the line color to "blue".

scope.BackgroundColor = "white";
scope.AxesColor = "white";
scope.FontColor = "black";
scope.LineColor = "blue";

Print the display of the Gaussian distribution to a new MATLAB figure. The function returns a handle to the figure.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

The handle to the figure scopeFig lets you modify the appearance and the behavior of the figure window.

Specify a figure name and change the size of the figure to 400-by-250 pixels.

scopeFig.Name="Gaussian Distribution";
scopeFig.Position=[1 1 400 250];

Figure Gaussian Distribution contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

When printing to figure, you can make the figure invisible by setting the Visible argument to false.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope,Visible=false);

Use the printToFigure function to print the timescope object display window to a new MATLAB® figure.

View a sine wave on the time scope. This plot shows the default color and style settings of the timescope object.

f = 100;
fs = 1000;
swv = sin(2.*pi.*f.*(0:1/fs:1-1/fs)).';
scope = timescope(SampleRate=fs,...
    TimeSpanSource="property", ...

Change the background color and the axes color of the plot to "white". Set the font color to "black" and the line color to "blue".

scope.BackgroundColor = "white";
scope.AxesColor = "white";
scope.FontColor = "black";
scope.LineColor = "blue";

Print the display of the sine wave to a new MATLAB figure. The function returns a handle to the figure.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

The handle to the figure scopeFig lets you modify the appearance and the behavior of the figure window.

Specify a figure name and change the size of the figure to 400-by-250 pixels.

scopeFig.Name="Sine Wave Signal";
scopeFig.Position=[1 1 400 250];

Figure Sine Wave Signal contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

When printing to figure, you can make the figure invisible by setting the Visible argument to false.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope,Visible=false);

Use the printToFigure function to print the dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer object display window to a new MATLAB® figure.

Create a dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer object.

dfv = dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer(YLimits=[-120 10]);

Design FIR filter with varying cutoff frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 0.5. Plot the magnitude response of the filter using the Dynamic Filter Visualizer.

for k = 0.1:0.001:0.5
    b = fir1(90, k);

Change the background color and the axes color of the plot to "white". Set the font color to "black" and the line color to "blue".

dfv.BackgroundColor = "white";
dfv.AxesColor = "white";
dfv.FontColor = "black";
dfv.LineColor = "blue";

Print the display of the magnitude response to a new MATLAB figure. The function returns a handle to the figure.

scopeFig = printToFigure(dfv);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

The handle to the figure scopeFig lets you modify the appearance and the behavior of the figure window.

Specify a figure name and change the size of the figure to 400-by-250 pixels.

scopeFig.Name="Magnitude Response of FIR Filter";
scopeFig.Position=[1 1 400 250];

Figure Magnitude Response of FIR Filter contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

When printing to figure, you can make the figure invisible by setting the Visible argument to false.

scopeFig = printToFigure(dfv,Visible=false);

Input Arguments

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Scope object whose display the function prints to a MATLAB figure, specified as one of the following:

Flag to show the MATLAB figure, specified as true or false.

Data Types: logical

Output Arguments

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Handle to the MATLAB figure, returned as a Figure object. For more information on the properties of this object, see Figure Properties.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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