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TMADC Peripheral Configuration

Map TMADC peripherals in the Infineon AURIX model to peripheral registers in the MCU

Since R2022b


View and edit the map of peripherals in the Infineon® AURIX™ model to the hardware peripherals.

Using the Peripheral Configuration tool, you can:

  • View and edit configuration parameters for TMADC peripheral block.

  • Configure the global parameters. To set the group peripheral, select peripheral in Browser > Peripherals > TMADC. For more, see Map Tasks and Peripherals Using Hardware Mapping.

  • Check for any conflicts between peripherals.

TMADC Peripheral

Open the TMADC Peripheral Configuration

  • In the Hardware tab, click Hardware Mapping.


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Global parameters

Enables the TMADC calibration for the module.

Select the interrupt configuration for the TMADC module. This parameter enables the interrupt# for the module.

Select the event operation for TMADC module.


To enable the Event operation parameter, select either the Enable interrupt # configuration parameter or the Enable global interrupt parameter.

Select the event selection for TMADC module.


To enable the Event operation parameter, select either the Enable interrupt # configuration parameter or the Enable global interrupt parameter.

This read-only parameter displays the source name of the interrupt as TMADCx_Interrupt_y, where x is the Module x and y is the interrupt configuration you enable in the Module x tab of Hardware Mapping window.


To view the Interrupt Event source name, select either the Enable interrupt # configuration parameter or the Enable global interrupt parameter.

This parameter enables the global interrupt for the TMADC module.

Select the global service request for the TMADC module.


To enable the Select global service request parameter, select the Enable global interrupt parameter.

Select the event operation for global interrupt.


To enable the Global event operation parameter, select the Enable global interrupt parameter.

Select boundary profiles for the TMADC module.

Specify the upper limit for boundary profile.


To set the Upper limit parameter for profile #, set the Select boundary configuration parameter as either Profile-# or Both profiles.

Specify the lower limit for boundary profile.


To set the Lower limit parameter for profile #, set the Select boundary configuration parameter as either Profile-# or Both profiles.

Select this parameter to enable boundary flag for TMADC module.


To enable the Enable boundary flag parameter for profile #, set the Select boundary configuration parameter as either Profile-# or Both profiles.

Select the appropriate result register ranging between Result 0 through Result 15 for the boundary flag.


To set the Boundary result parameter, select the Enable boundary flag parameter.


Select the TMADC module 0 through 7 on the hardware board.

Provides the number of channels selected for the TMADC module. The number of channels selected depends on the input provided on the TMADC block.

Channel group

This parameter enables the group functionality for the available channels.

Disabling this parameter enables the Operating mode parameter and options related to trigger and result registers in the Channel # tab.


This parameter is enabled only when number of channels on the block mask is more than one.

Select the operating mode for TMADC channel group.


You must set the Operating mode for the group parameter to One shot to view and configure the trigger related parameters.


To enable the Operating mode for the group parameter, select the Enable channel group parameter.

Select the TMADC trigger source for channel group.


To enable the Trigger source for the group parameter, select the Enable channel group parameter.

Select the TMADC hardware trigger source for channel group.


To enable the Source of hardware trigger # for the group parameter, select the Enable channel group parameter and set Trigger source for the group to Hardware trigger # or Both hardware triggers.

Select the TMADC hardware trigger for channel group.


To enable the Source of hardware trigger # for the group parameter, select the Enable channel group parameter and set Trigger source for the group to Hardware trigger # or Both hardware triggers.

Select the TMADC hardware trigger edge for channel group.


To enable the Source of hardware trigger # for the group parameter, select the Enable channel group parameter and set Trigger source for the group to Hardware trigger # or Both hardware triggers.

Specify the trigger delay in nano seconds for the TMADC channel group.


To enable the Trigger delay for the group in nano seconds parameter, select the Enable channel group parameter.

Select the result register ranging between Result 0 through Result 15 for TMADC channel group.


To enable the Select result register parameter, select the Enable channel group parameter.

Select this parameter to enable the register to wait and read the TMADC channel # result registers.


To enable this parameter, select the Enable channel group parameter and set the Trigger source for the group parameter to Hardware trigger # or Both Hardware triggers.

Channel #

Select the TMADC pin for conversion.

Select the input mode for the pin(s).

Select the pin speed for TMADC.

Select the pin voltage level.

This parameter is read-only.

This read-only parameter indicates the channel corresponding to the pin selected.

Specify the sampling duration in nano seconds for the TMADC channel.

Select the Successive-approximation-register (SAR) core for TMADC channel.

Select the operating mode for TMADC channel.


You must set the Operating mode parameter to One shot to view and configure the Trigger related parameters.

Channel # > Trigger

If the Mode in block parameters is set to Trigger and read, select the TMADC trigger source for channel. If the Mode is set to Trigger only, then this is a read-only parameter set to Software trigger.

If the Mode in block parameters is set to Trigger and read, select the appropriate trigger source through which conversion initiates.


To enable the Source of hardware trigger# parameter, set the Trigger source to either Hardware trigger # or Both hardware triggers.

If the Mode in block parameters is set to Trigger and read, select the appropriate trigger signal through which conversion initiates.


To enable the Hardware trigger# parameter, set the Trigger source to either Hardware trigger # or Both hardware triggers.

If the Mode in block parameters is set to Trigger and read, select the appropriate trigger edge through which conversion initiates.


To enable the Hardware trigger edge# parameter, set the Trigger source to either Hardware trigger # or Both hardware triggers.

Specify the trigger delay in nano seconds for the TMADC channel.


To enable the Trigger delay in nano seconds parameter, set the Mode in block parameters as either Trigger and read or Trigger only.

Channel # > Result

Select the result register for TMADC channel.


To enable the result related parameter Select result register, set the Mode in block parameters as either Read results only or Trigger and read.

Select this parameter to enable the register to wait and read the TMADC channel # result registers.


To enable this result related parameter, set the Mode in block parameters toTrigger and read or Read only. In the Trigger and read mode, set the Trigger source to Hardware trigger # or Both Hardware triggers.

Channel # > Events

Select the result interrupt for the TMADC channel.


To enable this parameter, enable the interrupt configuration and set the Event selection parameter to Result in the global parameters.

Select error interrupt for the TMADC channel.


To enable this parameter, enable the interrupt configuration and set the Event selection parameter to Error in the global parameters.

Channel # > Boundary

Select the boundary profile for TMADC channel # result.


To enable the Select boundary profile parameter, set the Select boundary configuration parameter in global parameters to either Profile-# or Both profiles.

Select the boundary type for TMADC channel.


To enable the Boundary selection parameter, set the Select boundary profile parameter as Boundary profile-#.

Select the boundary mode for TMADC channel result.

To enable the Boundary mode parameter, set the Select boundary profile parameter as Boundary profile-#.

Enables the hysteresis condition for boundary selection for TMADC channel result.


To enable the Enable hysteresis parameter, set the Boundary selection to Both bound.

Select the boundary interrupt for TMADC channel result.


To enable this parameter, enable the interrupt configuration and set the global parameter Event selection to Boundary.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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