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Use memory blocks to perform memory specific operation

Memory operation blocks support all STM32 processors.


Byte PackConvert input signals to uint8 vector
Byte Unpack Convert uint8 vector to input signals
Byte ReversalReverse order of bytes in input word
CAN PackPack individual signals into CAN message
CAN UnpackUnpack individual signals from CAN messages
CAN FD PackPack individual signals into message for CAN FD bus
CAN FD UnpackUnpack individual signals from CAN FD messages
Memory CopyCopy data from and to memory section
Idle TaskCreate free-running task (Since R2024a)
Protocol EncoderEncode input data into a uint8 byte stream by specifying the packet structure (Since R2023a)
Protocol DecoderDecode a uint8 byte stream by specifying the packet structure (Since R2023a)


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