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Configure Default C Code Generation for Categories of Data Elements and Functions

Reduce the effort of preparing a model for C code generation by specifying default configurations for categories of data elements and functions across a model. Applying default configurations can save time and reduce the risk of introducing errors in code, especially for larger models and models from which you generate multi-instance code.

You must have set up the example environment, as described in Set Up Example Environment.

Set Up Example Environment

  1. Open these external source and header files. These files define and declare the external data type and data that the generated code uses.


    exDblFloat.hDefines the project data type alias for double, DBL_FLOAT. Simulink® uses the PreLoadFcn callback specified for the model to parse this header file and create a corresponding Simulink.AliasType object.
    exInDataMem.cIncludes exInDataMem.h and defines variable ex_input1.
    exInDataMem.hIncludes exDbFloat.h and declares variable ex_input1.
    exInDataLut.cexInDataLut.c includesexInDataLut.h and defines variables ex_input2, ex_input3, and ex_input4.
    exInDataLut.hIncludes exDbFloat.h and declares variables ex_input2, ex_input3, and ex_input4.
    exCodeDefs.slddData dictionary
    ConfigurationInterface.slxExample model.
  2. Open the example model ConfigurationInterface.Example model ConfigurationInterface.

  3. In the apps gallery, open the Embedded Coder app.

Configure Default Code Generation for Data

This example shows how to use the Code Mappings editor to specify code generation requirements for model data. The model uses multiple execution rates and is configured for single-instance usage.

This example assumes these code generation requirements for data:

  • Use project type definition DBL_FLOAT defined in header file exDblFloat.h.

  • Get data element ex_input1 from header file exInDataMem.h. The data is used for computing a value stored in memory, and then used in an if-else condition of a Switch block.

  • Get data elements ex_input2, ex_input3, and ex_input4 from header file exInDataLut.h. The data is used in lookup tables Table1 and Table2.

  • Data imported into the model from header files exInDataMem.h and exInDataLut.h is of type DBL_FLOAT, a project standard.

  • Parameter K1 must be tunable to enable calibration.

  • Data store mode defines data that is shared within the model. The Logical Operator block writes to the data store and a Rate Transition block reads from the data store.

  • Data element X represents the delay for the Unit Delay block.

  • Store data that is internal to the model, such as delay X, in a section of memory labeled internalDataMem.

  • Export output data declarations to header file exSysOut.h and definitions to exSysOut.c.

  • Name variables representing inports and outports in the generated code as specified in this table so they match variable names in the external header and definition files.

Although the model uses single instances of some data, the example configures default settings to demonstrate different types of mappings. As you add blocks to the model, new data elements acquire the default code generation mappings.

Configure Default Settings for Root Inports

Specify an external header file that declares input data. Three of the four root inports read input from variables declared in header file exInDataLut.h. Set that header file as the default.

  1. Open model ConfigurationInterface.

  2. Open the Embedded Coder app.

  3. In the C Code tab, select Code Interface > Default Code Mappings. This opens the Code Mappings editor Data Defaults tab.

  4. In the Data Defaults tab, expand Inports and Outports. Then, select Inports.

  5. Set the storage class to ImportFromFile.

  6. Click the Icon to configure additional code mapping properties icon and set Header File to exInDataLut.h.

Configure Default Settings for Model Parameters

Configure default settings for model workspace parameters that you want to be tunable.

  1. In the Code Mappings editor, click the Data Defaults tab.

  2. In the Data Defaults tab, expand Parameters.

  3. In the row for Model parameters, click the text 'Auto' will be inlined. The Model Configuration Parameters dialog box opens to the Code Generation > Optimization pane. Set Default parameter behavior to Tunable. Apply the change and close the dialog box. In the Code Mappings editor, the text to the right of Model parameters now reads 'Auto' will be tunable.

  4. To include global variable definitions and declarations in the generated code for model parameters, set the storage class for the Model parameters category to ExportedGlobal.

Define Memory Section for Internal Data

Define a memory section for storing unit delay X, data that is internal to the model.

  1. Open the Embedded Coder Dictionary by selecting Code Interface > Embedded Coder Dictionary.

  2. In the Embedded Coder Dictionary, on the left pane, click Memory Section.

  3. Click Create.

  4. In the new row of the table, name the new memory section internalDataMem. Also set:

    • Pre Statement to #pragma start INTERNALDATA

    • Post Statement to #pragma end INTERNALDATA

    • Statements Surround to Group of variables

  5. Close the dictionary.

For more information, see Control Data and Function Placement in Memory by Inserting Pragmas.

Configure Default Settings for Internal Data

Set up the default code generation configuration for internal data to include memory section internalDataMem.

  1. In the Code Mappings editor, click the Data Defaults tab.

  2. In the Data Defaults tab, expand Signals.

  3. Select category Signals, states, and internal data.

  4. Click the Icon to configure additional code mapping properties icon and set Memory Section to internalDataMem.

Configure Default Settings for Root Outport

Specify the default external header and definition files for variables to which the generated code writes output.

  1. In the Code Mappings editor, click the Data Defaults tab.

  2. In the Data Defaults tab, expand Inports and Outports.

  3. Select category Outports.

  4. Set the storage class to ExportToFile.

  5. Click the Icon to configure additional code mapping properties icon and set Header File to exSysOut.h and Definition File to exSysOut.c.

Apply Default Configurations to Individual Data Elements

Unless you explicitly map individual data elements to alternative storage class settings, the Code Mappings editor assumes the storage class for elements is Auto. When the storage class for a data element is Auto, the code generator might eliminate or change the representation of relevant code for optimization purposes. If optimizations are not possible, the code generator applies the model default configuration.

  • To avoid optimizations and force the code generator to use the default configuration, set the storage class for the individual element to Model default.

  • To override the default configuration, specify the storage class that meets the code generation requirements for that data element.

For this example, configure the code generator to apply the default storage class setting to these data elements:

  • Inports In2, In3, and In4

  • Outport Out1

  • Model parameter K1

  • State X

  1. In the Code Mappings editor, click the Inports tab.

  2. Select the rows for inports In2, In3, and In4. Then, for one of the selected inports, set the storage class to Model default: ImportFromFile. The storage class for the three selected inports changes to Model default: ImportFromFile.

  3. Click the Outports tab. For outport Out1, set the storage class to Model default: ExportToFile.

  4. Click the Parameters tab. Expand Model Parameters. Then, for parameter K1, set the storage class to Model default: ExportedGlobal.

  5. Click the Signals/States tab. Expand States. For state X, set the storage class to Model default: Default.

  6. Save the model.

Generate and Verify Code

Generate code and verify the generated code.

  • In the file ConfigurationInterface.h, search for #include statements that include the header files that declare external input data.

    #include "exInDataMem.h"
    #include "exInDataLut.h"

  • Open file ConfigurationInterface.c. The code initializes the gain variable K1 and uses the variable in the model step function exFast_step1.

    DBL_FLOAT K1 = 2.0;
    void exFast_step1(void)
      DBL_FLOAT rtb_Gain;
      rtb_Gain = K1 * look1_binlc(ex_input2, (&(rtTable1_bp01Data[0])),
        (&(rtTable1_tableData[0])), 10U);
      rtDWork.RateTransition_Buffer0 = rtb_Gain;
  • In file ConfigurationInterface.c, find #pragma control lines that define memory sections for INTERNALDATA (the local data store, unit delay, and constants).

    #pragma start INTERNALDATA
    D_Work rtDWork;
    #pragma end INTERNALDATA
    #pragma start INTERNALDATA
    static RT_MODEL rtM_;
    #pragma end INTERNALDATA
    pragma start INTERNALDATA
    extern D_Work rtDWork;
    #pragma end INTERNALDATA
  • Open file exSysOut.c. The file includes an exported data definition for ex_output.

    #include "ConfigurationInterface.h"
    DBL_FLOAT ex_output;
  • Open shared file exSysOut.h. The file declares ex_output. To gain access to ex_output, external code can include this header file.

    extern DBL_FLOAT ex_output;

Configure Default Code Generation for Functions

This example shows how to use the Code Mappings editor to specify code generation requirements for model functions. The model uses multiple execution rates and is configured for single-instance usage. The code generator produces initialize, execution, and terminate entry-point functions. Because the model uses multiple rates, the code generator produces an execution function for each rate.

This example assumes these code generation requirements:

  • Store generated initialize and terminate functions in memory section functionSlowMem and execution functions in memory section functionFastMem.

  • Use the naming rule exSlow_$N to name initialize and terminate functions. Use the naming rule exFast_$N to name execution functions.

Define Memory Sections

Define the two memory sections: functionSlowMem for initialize and terminate functions and functionFastMem for execution functions.

  1. Open the Embedded Coder app.

  2. Open the Embedded Coder Dictionary by selecting Code Interface > Embedded Coder Dictionary.

  3. In the Embedded Coder Dictionary, on the left pane, click Memory Section.

  4. Click Create.

  5. In the new row of the table, name the new memory section functionFastMem. Then, set:

    • Pre Statement to #pragma start FASTMEM

    • Post Statement to #pragma end FASTMEM

  6. Click Add again. Name the memory section functionSlowMem. Then, set:

    • Pre Statement to #pragma start SLOWMEM

    • Post Statement to #pragma end SLOWMEM

Define Function Customization Templates

To configure categories of functions, define function customization templates. Unless you define templates in the Embedded Coder Dictionary that are associated with a model, the only available template is Default. Based on the requirements, in the dictionary, define two function customization templates: one to specify the naming rule and memory section for initialize and terminate functions and one to specify the naming rule and memory section for execution functions.

  1. In the Embedded Coder Dictionary, click Function Customization Template.

  2. Click Create.

  3. In the new row of the table, name the new template exFastFunction. Then, set:

    • Function Name to exFast_$N. This naming rule applies the prefix exFast_ to the name that identifies the default code generator name of the function (for example, initialize or step).

    • Memory Section to functionFastMem. This mapping associates the memory section that you defined in Define Memory Sections with the new template.

  4. Click Create again. Name the template exSlowFunction. Then, set:

    • Function Name to exSlow_$N.

    • Memory Section to functionSlowMem.

  5. Close the dictionary.

Configure Default Settings for Functions

  1. In the C Code tab, click Code Interface > Default Code Mappings.

  2. In the Code Mappings editor, click the Function Defaults tab.

  3. Configure the initialize and terminate entry-point functions. For category Initialize/Terminate, select template exSlowFunction.

  4. Configure the execution entry-point functions. For category Execution, select template exFastFunction.

  5. Save the model.

Generate and Verify Code

  1. Generate code.

  2. In the Code view:

    • Open file ConfigurationInterface.c. Click in the Search field. A menu lists the generated entry-point functions:

      • exFast_step0 (called periodically, every 0.5 seconds)

      • exFast_step1 (called periodically, every 1 second)

      • exFast_step2 (called periodically, every 1.5 seconds)

      • exSlow_initialize

    • To gain access to the entry-point function code in ConfigurationInterface.c, click the function name. Verify the pragma control statements that surround the function code. For example:

      #pragma start FASTMEM
      void exFast_step2(void)                /* Sample time: [1.5s, 0.0s] */
         boolean_T rtb_DataStoreRead;
         rtb_DataStoreRead = ((ex_input1 > 10.0) || (ex_input1 < -10.0));
         rtDWork.RateTransition1_Buffer0 = rtb_DataStoreRead;
      #pragma end FASTMEM
      #pragma start SLOWMEM
      void exSlow_initialize(void)
         /* (no initialization code required) */
      #pragma end SLOWMEM
    • Open file ConfigurationInterface.h. Use Search to find #pragma control lines that define memory sections for FASTMEM and SLOWMEM. Verify the pragma control statements surround the declarations. For example:

      #pragma start SLOWMEM
      extern void exSlow_initialize(void);
      #pragma end SLOWMEM
      #pragma start FASTMEM
      extern void exFast_step0(void);
      #pragma end FASTMEM

Configure Model Elements for Code Generation with Definitions Stored in Shared Data Dictionary

You have the option of configuring default data and function code generation with definitions that are set up in a Simulink data dictionary. A data dictionary enables sharing of code definitions between models. This example shows how to change a model from using code definitions in a model-specific Embedded Coder Dictionary to using definitions in an Embedded Coder Dictionary that is in a shared data dictionary. If you have completed the examples in Configure Default Code Generation for Data and Configure Default Code Generation for Functions you have added these code definitions to the Embedded Coder Dictionary associated with model ConfigurationInterface.

  • Memory section internalDataMem with Pre Statement set to #pragma start INTERNALDATA and Post Statement set to #pragma end INTERNALDATA.

  • Memory section functionFastMem with Pre Statement set to #pragma start FASTMEM and Post Statement set to #pragma end FASTMEM.

  • Memory section functionSlowMem with Pre Statement set to #pragma start SLOWMEM and Post Statement set to #pragma end SLOWMEM.

  • Function customization template exFastFunction with function naming rule exFast_$N and memory section functionFastMem

  • Function customization template exSlowFunction with function naming rule exSlow_$N and memory section functionSlowMem

Update model ConfigurationInterface to use the same code definitions in data dictionary exCodeDefs.sldd instead of definitions in the local model Embedded Coder Dictionary.

You must have set up the example environment, as described in Set Up Example Environment.

Attach Shared Data Dictionary to Model

  1. In the Simulink Editor, select Modeling > Link to Data Dictionary.

  2. In the Model Properties dialog box, in the External Data tab, browse to the location of your copy of data dictionary file exCodeDefs and select that file.

  3. Click Migrate data.

  4. In the Link Model to Data Dictionary dialog box, click Apply.

  5. In the Migrate Data dialog box, click Migrate. When the data migration is complete, click OK.

Review Contents of Attached Data Dictionary

  1. In the lower-left corner of the model canvas, click the Model data icon.

  2. From the list of model data sources, click External Data.

  3. In the Model Explorer, in the Model Hierarchy pane, expand the exCodeDefs node.

  4. Right-click Embedded Coder Dictionary.

  5. Click the Open Embedded Coder Dictionary button that appears.

  6. In the Embedded Coder Dictionary, review the definitions in the Function Customization Template and Memory Section tabs.

  7. Close the Embedded Coder Dictionary.

Remove Model Sourced Code Definitions from Model Embedded Coder Dictionary

  1. Open the Embedded Coder app.

  2. In the C Code tab, select Code Interface > Embedded Coder Dictionary.

  3. Remove the code definitions created locally in the model.

    • In the Function Customization Templates table, select the rows for exSlowFunction and exFastFunction that have Source set to ConfigurationInterface. Click the Delete icon.

    • In the Memory Sections table, select the rows for functionFastMem, functionSlowMem, and internalDataMem that have Source set to ConfigurationInterface. Click the Delete icon.

  4. Close the dictionary.

  5. Save the model.

Configure Default Categories for Code Generation

  1. In the C Code tab, select Code Interface > Default Code Mappings.

  2. In the Code Mappings editor, click the Data Defaults tab.

  3. Expand Signals. Select category Signals, states, and internal data.

  4. Click the Icon to configure additional code mapping properties icon. Set Memory Section to internalDataMem.

  5. Click the Function Defaults tab.

    • For the Initialize/Terminate category, select function customization template exSlowFunction.

    • For the Execution category, select template exFastFunction.

  6. Save the model.

  7. Generate and review code.

For more information about setting up an Embedded Coder Dictionary, see Define Service Interfaces, Storage Classes, Memory Sections, and Function Templates for Software Architecture.

Configure Default Data and Function Code Generation Programmatically

This example shows how to configure default data and function code generation for example model ConfigurationInterface. The example uses the default mapping programming interface to specify code generation requirements for model data and functions. Use that interface to automate the configuration, or if you prefer to configure models programmatically. For information about configuring the default data and function code generation by using the Code Mappings editor, see Configure Default C Code Generation for Categories of Data Elements and Functions.

Open the Model

The model ConfigurationInterface uses multiple execution rates and is configured for single-instance usage.


Code Generation Requirements

For this example, these are the code generation requirements:

  • Import project type definition for data of type double, DBL_FLOAT, from header file exDblFloat.h.

  • Import signal ex_input1 for computing a value stored in memory and used in an if-else condition in the Switch block. Import the signal data from header file exInDataMem.h.

  • Import signals ex_input2, ex_input3, and ex_input4 for lookup tables Table1 and Table2. Import the signal data from header file exInDataLut.h.

  • Data imported into the model from header files exInDataMem.h and exInDataLut.h is of type DBL_FLOAT, a project standard.

  • Parameters UPPER, LOWER, K1, and K2 are parameter objects stored in the model workspace. Represent the parameters as global variables in the generated code.

  • Data element X represents the delay for the Unit Delay block.

  • Store data that is internal to the model in memory section internalDataMem.

  • Store generated initialize and terminate functions in memory section functionSlowMem and execution functions in memory section functionFastMem.

  • Use the identifier naming rule exSlow_$N to name initialize and terminate entry-point functions. Use the naming rule exFast_$N to name execution functions for .5 second and 1.5 second periodic functions. Set the name of the 1 second periodic function to exFast_1sec.

  • Export output data declarations to header file exSysOut.h and definitions to exSysOut.c.

For this example, someone, such as a system architect, has previously created these code definitions in an Embedded Coder Dictionary that is part of Simulink data dictionary exCodeDefs.sldd:

  • Memory sections internalDataMem, functionFastMem, and functionSlowMem.

  • Function customization templates exFastFunction and exSlowFunction.

Get Data and Function Code Mappings for Model

Get the code mappings for example model ConfigurationInterface by specifying the name of the model in a call to function coder.mapping.api.get. The function returns an object that represents the code mappings for the model. You specify that object as the first argument in subsequent calls to other functions in the API.

If code mappings do not exist for a model, create a code mappings object by calling coder.mapping.utils.create.

cm = coder.mapping.api.get('ConfigurationInterface');

Set Relevant Category, Property, and Value Combinations

Set relevant category, property, and value combinations with calls to setDataDefaults and setFunctionDefaults. The first two arguments that you specify for these functions are the code mappings object returned by coder.mapping.api.get and the name of a data or function category. In addition, you specify name-value pair arguments that specify the default configuration information that you want to set, such as the storage class and storage class properties.

In this example, you set the default:

  • Storage class for Inport blocks, Outport blocks, and model parameters

  • Memory section for internal data (for example, signald and block states)

  • Header and definition files for Inport and Outport blocks

  • Function customization template for initialize, terminate, and execution functions

% Configure data defaults

% Configure function defaults

Verify Default Mappings

Verify default mappings with calls to getDataDefaults and getFunctionDefaults. The first two arguments that you specify for these functions are the code mappings object returned by coder.mapping.api.get and the name of a data or function category. In addition, you specify the name of the configuration information that you want the function to return, such as the name of the storage class or a storage class property.

In this example, you verify these default settings:

  • Storage class for Inport blocks, Outport blocks, and model parameters

  • Memory section for internal data (for example, signal data and block states)

  • Header and definition files for Inport and Outport blocks

  • Function customization template for initialize, terminate, and execution functions

% Verify default data configurations
defscInports = getDataDefault(cm,'Inports','StorageClass')
defscInports = 
defhfileInports = getDataDefault(cm,'Inports','HeaderFile')
defhfileInports = 
defscOutport = getDataDefault(cm,'Outports','StorageClass')
defscOutport = 
defhfileOutport = getDataDefault(cm,'Outports','HeaderFile')
defhfileOutport = 
defdffileOutport = getDataDefault(cm,'Outports','DefinitionFile')
defdffileOutport = 
defscParams = getDataDefault(cm,'ModelParameters','StorageClass')
defscParams = 
defmemInternal = getDataDefault(cm,'InternalData','MemorySection')
defmemInternal = 
% Verify default function configurations
deftempInitTerm = getFunctionDefault(cm,'InitializeTerminate','FunctionCustomizationTemplate')
deftempInitTerm = 
deftempExecution = getFunctionDefault(cm,'Execution','FunctionCustomizationTemplate')
deftempExecution = 

Configure Individual Data Elements to Use Default Configuration Settings

The storage class for each model data element is set to Auto, which means that the code generator might eliminate or change the representation of relevant code for optimization purposes. If optimizations are not possible, the code generator applies the model default configuration.

  • To avoid optimizations and force the code generator to use the default configuration, set the storage class to Model default.

  • To override the default configuration, specify the storage class that meets the code generation requirements for that inport.

For this example, you configure the code generator to apply the default storage class setting to the Inport blocks, the Output block, model parameters, and state X for the Unit Delay block. Use the find function to get the names of the data elements in the model of the different categories. Then, use the values returned by find in calls to setInport, setOutport, setModelParameter, and setState to set the storage class to Model default. Use calls to getInport, getOutport, getModelParameter, and getState to verify, the storage class settings.

In each of the function calls, you specify the code mappings object returned by coder.mapping.api.get. In addition:

  • In the call to the find function, you specify a value indicating code mapping information that you want the function to return.

  • The calls to setInport, setOutport, setModelParameter, and setState identify data elements that you want to configure and a name-value pair argument that specifies the configuration information that you want to set, such as the storage class or a storage class property.

  • The calls to getInport, getOutport, getModelParameter, and getState identify a data element for which you want to return configuration information and the type of information that you want the function to return.

input = find(cm,'Inports');
setInport(cm,input,'StorageClass','Model default');

output = find(cm,'Outports');
setOutport(cm,output,'StorageClass','Model default');

params = find(cm,'ModelParameters');
setModelParameter(cm,params,'StorageClass','Model default');

states = find(cm,'States');
setState(cm,states,'StorageClass','Model default');

scIn1 = getInport(cm,'In1','StorageClass')
scIn1 = 
'Model default'
scIn2 = getInport(cm,'In2','StorageClass')
scIn2 = 
'Model default'
scIn3 = getInport(cm,'In3','StorageClass')
scIn3 = 
'Model default'
scIn4 = getInport(cm,'In4','StorageClass')
scIn4 = 
'Model default'
scK1 = getModelParameter(cm,'K1','StorageClass')
scK1 = 
'Model default'
scTable2 = getModelParameter(cm,'Table2','StorageClass')
scTable2 = 
'Model default'
scX = getState(cm,'ConfigurationInterface/Delay','StorageClass')
scX = 
'Model default'

Override Default Header File Setting for Inport Block In1

Previously, you set the default header file for inports to exInDataLut.h. The requirements specify that you import data for Inport block In1 from header file exInDataMem.h.

For Inport block In1, override the default storage class to ImportFromFile and set the header file to exInDataMem.h with a call to setInport. The function call specifies the code mappings object returned by coder.mapping.api.get, the name of the Inport block to configure, and name-value pair arguments specifying that the function set StorageClass to ImportFromFile and HeaderFile to exInDataMem.h.


Verify Header File Setting

Verify the updated header file setting for Inport block In1 with a call to getInport. The function call specifies the code mappings object returned by coder.mapping.api.get, the name of the Inport block of interest, and the configuration information to return.

hfileIn1 = getInport(cm,'In1','StorageClass')
hfileIn1 = 

Override Default Function Name Setting for Step Function

Previously, you set the default function customization template for execution functions to functionFastMem, which applies the naming rule exFast_$N to the three step functions generated for the model. The requirements specify that the name for function Periodic:D1, which has a sample time of 1 second, be named exFast_1sec.

Set the function name with a call to setFunction.The function call specifies the code mappings object returned by coder.mapping.api.get, the source of the function, Periodic:D1, and the name-value pair argument specifying that the function set the function name to exFast_1sec.


Verify Function Name Setting

Verify the updated function name setting for execution function Periodic:D1 with a call to getFunction.The function call specifies the code mappings object returned by coder.mapping.api.get, the function of interest, and property FunctionName.

functionName = getFunction(cm,'Periodic:D1','FunctionName')
functionName = 

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