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Hardware Implementation Pane: Xilinx Zynq ZC702/ZC706 Evaluation Kits

To configure hardware parameters for Xilinx® Zynq® ZC702/ZC706 evaluation kits., follow these steps:

  1. In the Simulink® Editor, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.

  2. In the Configuration Parameter dialog box, click Hardware Implementation.

  3. Set the Hardware board parameter to either:

    • Xilinx Zynq ZC702 evaluation kit

    • Xilinx Zynq ZC706 evaluation kit

    • ZedBoard

    Then, click Apply.

    The parameter values under Hardware board settings are automatically populated to their default values.

  4. If you chose Xilinx Zynq ZC706 evaluation kit or ZedBoard, set the Feature set for selected hardware board to Simulink or Embedded Coder Hardware Support Package and click Apply.

    You can optionally adjust these parameters for your particular use case.

  5. Click Apply.

For more information on selecting a hardware support package and general configuration settings, see Hardware Implementation Pane. For configuration information for other development boards related to this support package, see Hardware Implementation Pane: Xilinx Zynq ZedBoard.

Operating System Options


Operating system

Option to select the real-time operating system (OS) used on the Xilinx Zynq ZC702 or ZC706 evaluation kit

Base rate task priority

Static priority of base rate task of Simulink model

Detect task overruns

Detection of failure to complete execution of current loop within current time step

Board Parameters

Device AddressDevice IP address or host name of target hardware
UsernameUser name for operating system on target hardware
PasswordUser password for operating system on target hardware

Build Options


Build action

Simulink Coder™ build operation for model



CPU Clock (MHz)

Frequency of the primary CPU core clock

External Mode


Communication interface

Transport layer external mode uses to exchange data

Run external mode in a background thread

Execution of external mode task in generated code within background thread


TCP/IP port number of target hardware


Verbose status messages for external mode execution progress and updates

See Also