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Lag operator polynomial addition


C = plus(A, B, 'Tolerance', tolerance)
C = A + B


Given two lag operator polynomials A(L) and B(L), C = plus(A, B, 'Tolerance', tolerance) performs a polynomial addition C(L) = A(L) + B(L)with tolerance tolerance. 'Tolerance' is the nonnegative scalar tolerance used to determine which coefficients are included in the result. The default tolerance is 1e-12. Specifying a tolerance greater than 0 allows the user to exclude polynomial lags with near-zero coefficients. A coefficient matrix of a given lag is excluded only if the magnitudes of all elements of the matrix are less than or equal to the specified tolerance.

C = A + B performs a polynomial addition.

If at least one of A or B is a lag operator polynomial object, the other can be a cell array of matrices (initial lag operator coefficients), or a single matrix (zero-degree lag operator).


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Create two LagOp polynomials and add them:

A = LagOp({1 -0.6 0.08});
B = LagOp({1 -0.5});
ans = 
    1-D Lag Operator Polynomial:
        Coefficients: [2 -1.1 0.08]
                Lags: [0 1 2]
              Degree: 2
           Dimension: 1


The addition operator (+) invokes plus, but the optional coefficient tolerance is available only by calling plus directly.

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