Data Preprocessing
Economic and financial time series data can require preprocessing or
transforming before you can analyze or model them. While base MATLAB® has general purpose and timetable functionality for
preprocessing or cleaning data (for example, the log
removes an exponential trend from series and Data Cleaner
enables you to clean messy data interactively), Econometrics Toolbox™ has specialized functionality for preprocessing financial time
series. For example, you can obtain a common or desired time base by
aggregating multiple series, convert price series to growth rates, or
decompose series into additive trend and cyclical components.
Econometric Modeler | Analyze and model econometric time series |
LagOp | Create lag operator polynomial |
Interactive Workflows
- Prepare Time Series Data for Econometric Modeler App
Prepare time series data at the MATLAB command line, and then import the set into Econometric Modeler. - Import Time Series Data into Econometric Modeler App
Import time series data from the MATLAB Workspace or a MAT-file into Econometric Modeler. - Plot Time Series Data Using Econometric Modeler App
Interactively plot univariate and multivariate time series data, then interpret and interact with the plots. - Transform Time Series Using Econometric Modeler App
Transform time series data interactively. - Analyze Time Series Data Using Econometric Modeler
Interactively visualize and analyze univariate or multivariate time series data.
Transform Time Series Data
- Nonseasonal Differencing
Take a nonseasonal difference of a time series. - Nonseasonal and Seasonal Differencing
Apply both nonseasonal and seasonal differencing using lag operator polynomial objects. - Econometric Modeling
Understand model-selection techniques and Econometrics Toolbox features. - Stochastic Process Characteristics
Understand the definition, forms, and properties of stochastic processes. - Data Transformations
Determine which data transformations are appropriate for your problem. - Trend-Stationary vs. Difference-Stationary Processes
Determine the characteristics of nonstationary processes. - Time Base Partitions for ARIMA Model Estimation
When you fit a time series model to data, lagged terms in the model require initialization, usually with observations at the beginning of the sample.
Decompose Time Series Data
- Decompose Time Series Into Additive Trend Components
Estimate nonseasonal and seasonal trend components using parametric models. - Estimate Moving Average Trend Using Moving Average Filter
This example shows how to estimate long-term trend using a symmetric moving average function. - Seasonal Filters
You can use a seasonal filter (moving average) to estimate the seasonal component of a time series. - Seasonal Adjustment
Seasonal adjustment is the process of removing a nuisance periodic component. The result of a seasonal adjustment is a deseasonalized time series. - Seasonal Adjustment Using a Stable Seasonal Filter
Deseasonalize a time series using a stable seasonal filter. - Seasonal Adjustment Using S(n,m) Seasonal Filters
Apply seasonal filters to deseasonalize a time series. - Use Hodrick-Prescott Filter to Reproduce Original Result
Use the Hodrick-Prescott filter to decompose a time series. - Compare One-Sided and Two-Sided Hodrick-Prescott Filter Results
Smooth the U.S. GDP by applying the one-sided and two-sided Hodrick-Prescott filters, and compare the resulting smoothed trends.
Lag Operator Polynomial Operations
- Specify Lag Operator Polynomials
Create lag operator polynomial objects.