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Test for Cointegration Using the Engle-Granger Test

This example shows how to test the null hypothesis that there are no cointegrating relationships among the response series composing a multivariate model.

Load Data_Canada into the MATLAB® Workspace. The data set contains the term structure of Canadian interest rates [156]. Extract the short-term, medium-term, and long-term interest rate series.

load Data_Canada
Y = Data(:,3:end); % Multivariate response series

Plot the response series.

xlabel 'Year';
ylabel 'Percent';
names = series(3:end);
title '{\bf Canadian Interest Rates, 1954-1994}';
axis tight
grid on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title blank Canadian blank Interest blank Rates, blank 1954 - 1994, xlabel Year, ylabel Percent contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent (INT_S) Interest rate (short-term), (INT_M) Interest rate (medium-term), (INT_L) Interest rate (long-term).

The plot shows evidence of cointegration among the three series, which move together with a mean-reverting spread.

To test for cointegration, compute both the τ (t1) and z (t2) Dickey-Fuller statistics. egcitest compares the test statistics to tabulated values of the Engle-Granger critical values.

[h,pValue,stat,cValue] = egcitest(Y,'test',{'t1','t2'})
h = 1x2 logical array

   0   1

pValue = 1×2

    0.0526    0.0202

stat = 1×2

   -3.9321  -25.4538

cValue = 1×2

   -3.9563  -22.1153

The τ test fails to reject the null of no cointegration, but just barely, with a p-value only slightly above the default 5% significance level, and a statistic only slightly above the left-tail critical value. The z test does reject the null of no cointegration.

The test regresses Y(:,1) on Y(:,2:end) and (by default) an intercept c0. The residual series is

[Y(:,1) Y(:,2:end)]*beta - c0 = Y(:,1) - Y(:,2:end)*b - c0.

The fifth output argument of egcitest contains, among other regression statistics, the regression coefficients c0 and b.

Examine the regression coefficients to examine the hypothesized cointegrating vector beta = [1; -b].

[~,~,~,~,reg] = egcitest(Y,'test','t2');
c0 = reg.coeff(1);
b = reg.coeff(2:3);
beta = [1;-b];
h = gca;
COrd = h.ColorOrder; 
h.NextPlot = 'ReplaceChildren';
h.ColorOrder = circshift(COrd,3); 

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title blank Canadian blank Interest blank Rates, blank 1954 - 1994, xlabel Year, ylabel Percent contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent (INT_S) Interest rate (short-term), (INT_M) Interest rate (medium-term), (INT_L) Interest rate (long-term).

title '{\bf Cointegrating Relation}';
axis tight;
legend off;
grid on;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title blank Cointegrating blank Relation, xlabel Year, ylabel Percent contains an object of type line.

The combination appears relatively stationary, as the test confirms.

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