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Covariance fusion using covariance intersection



[fusedState,fusedCov] = fusecovint(trackState,trackCov) fuses the track states in trackState and their corresponding covariance matrices trackCov. The function computes the fused state and covariance as an intersection of the individual covariances. It creates a convex combination of the covariances and finds weights that minimize the determinant of the fused covariance matrix.


[fusedState,fusedCov] = fusecovint(trackState,trackCov,minProp) estimates the fused covariance by minimizing minProp, which can be either the determinant or the trace of the fused covariance matrix.


collapse all

Define a state vector of tracks.

x(:,1) = [1;2;0];
x(:,2) = [2;2;0];
x(:,3) = [2;3;0];

Define the covariance matrices of the tracks.

p(:,:,1) = [10 5 0; 5 10 0; 0 0 1];
p(:,:,2) = [10 -5 0; -5 10 0; 0 0 1]; 
p(:,:,3) = [12 9 0; 9 12 0; 0 0 1]; 

Estimate the fused state vector and its covariance.

[fusedState,fusedCov] = fusecovint(x,p);

Use trackPlotter to plot the results.

tPlotter = theaterPlot('XLim',[-10 10],'YLim',[-10 10],'ZLim',[-10 10]);
tPlotter1 = trackPlotter(tPlotter, ...
    'DisplayName','Input Tracks','MarkerEdgeColor',[0.000 0.447 0.741]);
tPlotter2 = trackPlotter(tPlotter,'DisplayName', ...
    'Fused Track','MarkerEdgeColor',[0.850 0.325 0.098]);
title('Covariance Intersection Fusion')

Define a state vector of tracks.

x(:,1) = [1;2;0];
x(:,2) = [2;2;0];
x(:,3) = [2;3;0];

Define the covariance matrices of the tracks.

p(:,:,1) = [10 5 0; 5 10 0; 0 0 1];
p(:,:,2) = [10 -5 0; -5 10 0; 0 0 1]; 
p(:,:,3) = [12 9 0; 9 12 0; 0 0 1]; 

Estimate the fused state vector and its covariance. Combine the original covariances so that the trace of the fused covariance matrix is minimized.

[fusedState,fusedCov] = fusecovint(x,p,'trace');

Use trackPlotter to plot the results.

tPlotter = theaterPlot('XLim',[-10 10],'YLim',[-10 10],'ZLim',[-10 10]);
tPlotter1 = trackPlotter(tPlotter, ...
    'DisplayName','Input Tracks','MarkerEdgeColor',[0.000 0.447 0.741]);
tPlotter2 = trackPlotter(tPlotter, ...
    'DisplayName','Fused Track','MarkerEdgeColor',[0.850 0.325 0.098]);
title('Covariance Intersection Fusion')

Input Arguments

collapse all

Track states, specified as an N-by-M matrix, where N is the dimension of the state and M is the number of tracks.

Data Types: single | double

Track covariance matrices, specified as an N-by-N-by-M array, where N is the dimension of the state and M is the number of tracks.

Data Types: single | double

Property to minimize when estimating the fused covariance, specified as 'det' or 'trace'.


Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Fused state, returned as an N-by-1 vector, where N is the dimension of the state.

Fused covariance matrix, returned as an N-by-N matrix, where N is the dimension of the state.


[1] Matzka, Stephan, and Richard Altendorfer. "A comparison of track-to-track fusion algorithms for automotive sensor fusion." In Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, pp. 69-81. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.

[2] Julier, Simon, and Jeffrey K. Uhlmann. "General decentralized data fusion with covariance intersection." In Handbook of multisensor data fusion, pp. 339-364. CRC Press, 2017.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b