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IMU Filter

Estimate orientation using IMU Filter

Since R2023b

  • IMU Filter block

Navigation Toolbox / Multisensor Positioning / Navigation Filters
Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox / Multisensor Positioning / Navigation Filters


The IMU Filter Simulink® block fuses accelerometer and gyroscope sensor data to estimate device orientation.




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Accelerometer readings in the sensor body coordinate system in m/s2, specified as an N-by-3 matrix of real numbers. N is the number of samples, and each row is of the form [x y z].

Data Types: single | double

Gyroscope readings in the sensor body coordinate system in rad/s, specified as an N-by-3 matrix of real numbers. N is the number of samples, and each row is of the form [x y z].

Data Types: single | double


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Orientation of the sensor body frame relative to the navigation frame, returned as an M-by-4 matrix of real numbers or a 3-by-3-by-M array. Each row of the M-by-4 matrix represents the four components of a quaternion. Each page of the 3-by-3-by-M array represents a 3-by-3 rotation matrix.

The number of input samples N and the Decimation factor (Navigation Toolbox) parameter determine the output size M.

The output format depends on the value of the Orientation format (Navigation Toolbox) parameter.

Data Types: single | double

Angular velocity, with gyroscope bias removed, in the sensor body coordinate system in rad/s, returned as an M-by-3 matrix of real numbers.

The number of input samples N and the Decimation factor parameter determine the output size M.

Data Types: single | double


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Specify the navigation reference frame as NED (North-East-Down) or ENU (East-North-Up).

Specify the format in which to output Orientation as quaternion or Rotation matrix.

  • quaternionOrientation outputs an M-by-4 matrix of real numbers. Each row of the matrix represents the four components of a quaternion.

  • Rotation matrixOrientation outputs a 3-by-3-by-M array, in which each page of the array is a 3-by-3 rotation matrix.

The number of input samples N and the Decimation factor parameter determine the output size M.

Specify the decimation factor by which to reduce the input sensor data rate as a positive integer.

The number of rows of the Accel (Navigation Toolbox) and Gyro (Navigation Toolbox) inputs must be a multiple of the decimation factor.

Specify the initial process noise as a 9-by-9 matrix of real numbers. The imufilter.defaultProcessNoise variable contains the default value.

Specify the variance of the accelerometer signal noise in (m/s2)2 as a positive real scalar.

Specify the variance of the gyroscope signal noise in (rad/s)2 as a positive real scalar.

Specify the variance of the gyroscope offset drift in (rad/s)2 as a positive real scalar.

Specify the variance of linear acceleration noise in (m/s2)2 as a positive real scalar. The block models linear acceleration as a lowpass-filtered white noise process.

Specify the decay factor for linear acceleration drift as a scalar in the range [0 1). If linear acceleration changes quickly, set this parameter to a lower value. If linear acceleration changes slowly, set this parameter to a higher value. The block models linear acceleration drift as a lowpass-filtered white noise process.

Select the type of simulation to run from these options:

  • Interpreted execution — Simulate the model using the MATLAB® interpreter. This option reduces startup time, but has a slower simulation speed than Code generation. In this mode, you can debug the source code of the block.

  • Code generation — Simulate the model using generated C code. The first time you run a simulation in this mode, Simulink generates C code for the block. Simulink reuses the C code for subsequent simulations, as long as the model does not change. This option requires additional startup time for the initial run, but increases the speed of subsequent simulations relative to Interpreted execution.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

See Also

