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Deploy the generated HDL code onto target hardware

Deploying a plant model allows you to test your control algorithm. You can deploy your Simscape™ plant model for real-time simulation, including hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation, using HDL code. HDL Coder™ can generate HDL code and optimize speed, area, and resource utilization by using HDL Workflow Advisor.

You can synthesize your generated HDL code by using an FPGA synthesis tool such as the Xilinx® Vivado® Design Suite. For more information about synthesis tools, see Third-Party Synthesis Tools and Version Support.

For deployment of your design to the Speedgoat® FPGA I/O modules, see Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O: Speedgoat Target Computer and Speedgoat Target Computers and I/O Hardware (Simulink Real-Time).


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