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Matrix Representation of Geometric Transformations

You can represent a linear geometric transformation as a numeric matrix. Each type of transformation, such as translation, scaling, rotation, and reflection, is defined using a matrix whose elements follow a specific pattern. You can combine multiple transformations by taking a composite of the matrices representing the transformations. For more information, see Create Composite 2-D Affine Transformations.

2-D Affine Transformations

The table lists 2-D affine transformations with the transformation matrix used to define them. For 2-D affine transformations, the last row must be [0 0 1].

  • Use combinations of 2-D translation matrices to create a transltform2d object representing a translation transformation.

  • Use combinations of 2-D translation and rotation matrices to create a rigidtform2d object representing a nonreflective rigid transformation.

  • Use combinations of 2-D translation, rotation, and scaling matrices to create a simtform2d object representing a nonreflective similarity transformation.

  • Use any combination of 2-D transformation matrices to create an affinetform2d object representing a general affine transformation.

2-D Affine TransformationExample (Original and Transformed Image)Transformation Matrix

Original and translated checkerboard images. The axes limits indicate that the image has been translated horizontally and vertically.


tx specifies the displacement along the x axis

ty specifies the displacement along the y axis.

For more information about pixel coordinates, see Image Coordinate Systems.


Original and scaled checkerboard image. The scaled image appears stretched in the horizontal direction.


sx specifies the scale factor along the x axis

sy specifies the scale factor along the y axis.


Original and sheared checkerboard image. The sheared image appears stretched along the horizontal axis.


shx specifies the shear factor along the x axis.

shy specifies the shear factor along the y axis.


Original and horizontally reflected checkerboard image


φ specifies the angle of the axis of reflection, in degrees.

Two common reflections are vertical and horizontal reflection. Vertical reflection is reflection about the x-axis, so φ is 0 and the reflection matrix simplifies to:

[1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 1].

Horizontal reflection is reflection about the y-axis, so φ is 90 and the reflection matrix simplifies to:

[-1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]


Original and rotated checkerboard image. The transformed image has been rotated approximately 30 degrees clockwise.


θ specifies the angle of rotation about the origin, in degrees.

2-D Projective Transformations

Projective transformation enables the plane of the image to tilt. Parallel lines can converge towards a vanishing point, creating the appearance of depth.

The transformation is a 3-by-3 matrix. Unlike affine transformations, there are no restrictions on the last row of the transformation matrix. Use any composition of 2-D affine and projective transformation matrices to create a projtform2d object representing a general projective transformation.

2-D Projective Transformation ExampleTransformation Matrix

Original and projected checkerboard image. The transformed image appears tilted into a different plane.


E and F influence the vanishing point.

When E and F are large, the vanishing point comes closer to the origin and thus parallel lines appear to converge more quickly.

3-D Affine Transformations

The table lists the 3-D affine transformations with the transformation matrix used to define them. Note that in the 3-D case, there are multiple matrices, depending on how you want to rotate or shear the image. For 3-D affine transformations, the last row must be [0 0 0 1].

  • Use combinations of 3-D translation matrices to create a transltform3d object representing a translation transformation.

  • Use combinations of 3-D translation and rotation matrices to create a rigidtform3d object representing a nonreflective rigid transformation.

  • Use combinations of 3-D translation, rotation, and scaling matrices to create a simtform3d object representing a nonreflective similarity transformation.

  • Use any combination of 3-D transformation matrices to create an affinetform3d object representing a general affine transformation.

3-D Affine TransformationTransformation Matrix

Translation by amount tx, ty, and tz in the x, y, and z directions, respectively:



Scale by scale factor sx, sy, and sz in the x, y, and z dimensions, respectively:



Shear within the y-z plane:


such that


Shear within the x-z plane:


such that


Shear within the x-y plane:


such that



Reflection across the y-z plane, negating the x coordinate:


Reflection across the x-z plane, negating the y coordinate:


Reflection across the x-y plane, negating the z coordinate:



Rotation within the y-z plane, by angle θx about the x axis, in degrees:


Rotation within the x-z plane, by angle θy about the y axis, in degrees:


Rotation within the x-y plane, by angle θz about the z axis, in degrees:


3-D Projective and N-D Transformations

The imwarp function does not support 3-D projective transformations or N-D affine and projective transformations. Instead, you can create a spatial transformation structure from a geometric transformation matrix using the maketform function. Then, apply the transformation to an image using the tformarray function. For more information, see N-Dimensional Spatial Transformations.

The dimensions of the transformation matrix must be (N+1)-by-(N+1). The maketform and tformarray functions use the postmultiply matrix convention. Geometric transformation matrices in the postmultiply convention are the transpose of matrices in the premultiply convention. Therefore, for N-D affine transformation matrices, the last column must contain [zeros(N,1); 1] and there are no restrictions on the values of the last row.

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