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Image data from axes


I = getimage(h) returns the first image data contained in the graphics object h.

[x,y,I] = getimage(h) also returns the image extent in the x and y direction.

[___,flag] = getimage(h) also returns a flag that indicates the type of image that h contains.

[___] = getimage returns information for the current axes object.



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Display image directly from a file using imshow and create a variable in the workspace that contains the image data.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

I = getimage;

Display image directly from a file using the Image Tool (imtool) and create a variable in the workspace that contains the image data. Use the images.compatibility.imtool.r2023b.imtool function to return a handle to the Image Tool figure.

h = images.compatibility.imtool.r2023b.imtool("cameraman.tif");

Figure Image Tool 1 - cameraman.tif contains an axes object and other objects of type uimenu, uitoolbar, uipanel. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

I = getimage(imgca);

Input Arguments

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Handle to a figure, axes, uipanel, or image graphics object, specified as a handle. If h is an axes or figure handle containing multiple images, then getimage uses the first image returned by findobj(h,'Type','image').

Output Arguments

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Image data, returned as a numeric array. I is identical to the image CData; it contains the same values and is of the same class as the image CData. If h is not an image or does not contain an image, then I is empty.

Image extent in the x direction, returned as a 2-element numeric vector of the form [xmin xmax]. x is identical to the image XData.

Data Types: double

Image extent in the y direction, returned as a 2-element numeric vector of the form [ymin ymax]. y is identical to the image YData.

Data Types: double

Image type, returned as an integer with one of these values:


Type of Image


Not an image; I is returned as an empty matrix


Indexed image


Intensity image with values in standard range. The standard range for single and double images is [0,1].


Intensity data, but not in standard range


RGB image


Binary image

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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