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Crop 3-D image


Vout = imcrop3(V,cuboid) crops the image volume V according to cuboid, which specifies the size and position of the cropping window in spatial coordinates.



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Load a 3-D volume into the workspace.


Display the image.


Specify the size and position of the cuboidal crop region. Then, crop the volume using imcrop3.

cropRegion = [30 40 10 100 100 10];
Vcropped = imcrop3(mristack,cropRegion);

Display the cropped image.


Load a 3-D MRI image. Use the squeeze function to remove any singleton dimensions.

volumeData = squeeze(D);

Display the image.


Create a Cuboid object and specify the cropping window size in all three dimensions.

c = images.spatialref.Cuboid([30,90],[30,90],[1,20]);

Crop the image based on the Cuboid dimensions.

croppedVolume = imcrop3(volumeData,c);

Display the cropped image.


Load a 3-D MRI image. Use the squeeze function to remove any singleton dimensions.

load mri;
D = squeeze(D);

Display the image.


Specify the target size of the cropping window.

targetSize = [64 64 10];

Create a center cropping window that crops an image from its center.

win = centerCropWindow3d(size(D),targetSize);

Crop the image using the center cropping window.

Dcrop = imcrop3(D,win);

Display the cropped image.


Input Arguments

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Volume to be cropped, specified as a numeric, logical, or categorical array. V can be a 3-D array that represents a single channel 3-D volume or a 4-D array that represents a multichannel 3-D volume. If V represents a multichannel 3-D volume, then imcrop3 crops the first three dimensions only.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical | categorical

Size and position of the crop volume in spatial coordinates, specified as a 6-element vector of the form [xmin ymin zmin width height depth] or a images.spatialref.Cuboid object.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Output Arguments

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Cropped volume, returned as a logical, numeric, or categorical array of the same class as the input volume V.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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