creates an encoder network, net
= pretrainedEncoderNetwork(networkName
, from a pretrained network,
. The encoder network performs depth
downsampling operations.
This function requires Deep Learning Toolbox™.
also returns the names, net
] = pretrainedEncoderNetwork(networkName
, of activation layers that occur
directly before downsampling operations. These activations correspond to features of
interest at particular spatial resolutions or scales.
Create Encoder Network from Pretrained SqueezeNet Network
Create an encoder with three downsampling operations based on the SqueezeNet pretrained network.
encoderNet = pretrainedEncoderNetwork('squeezenet',3)
encoderNet = dlnetwork with properties: Layers: [33x1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer] Connections: [36x2 table] Learnables: [26x3 table] State: [0x3 table] InputNames: {'data'} OutputNames: {'fire5-concat'} Initialized: 1 View summary with summary.
Display the encoder network.
Create U-Net from Pretrained GoogLeNet
Create a GAN encoder network with four downsampling operations from a pretrained GoogLeNet network.
depth = 4;
[encoder,outputNames] = pretrainedEncoderNetwork('googlenet',depth);
Determine the input size of the encoder network.
inputSize = encoder.Layers(1).InputSize;
Determine the output size of the activation layers in the encoder network by creating a sample data input and then calling forward
, which returns the activations.
exampleInput = dlarray(zeros(inputSize),'SSC'); exampleOutput = cell(1,length(outputNames)); [exampleOutput{:}] = forward(encoder,exampleInput,'Outputs',outputNames);
Determine the number of channels in the decoder blocks as the length of the third channel in each activation.
numChannels = cellfun(@(x) size(extractdata(x),3),exampleOutput); numChannels = fliplr(numChannels(1:end-1));
Define a function that creates an array of layers for one decoder block.
decoderBlock = @(block) [ transposedConv2dLayer(2,numChannels(block),'Stride',2) convolution2dLayer(3,numChannels(block),'Padding','same') reluLayer convolution2dLayer(3,numChannels(block),'Padding','same') reluLayer];
Create the decoder module with the same number of upsampling blocks as there are downsampling blocks in the encoder module.
decoder = blockedNetwork(decoderBlock,depth);
Create the U-Net network by connecting the encoder module and decoder module and adding skip connections.
net = encoderDecoderNetwork([224 224 3],encoder,decoder, ... 'OutputChannels',3,'SkipConnections','concatenate')
net = dlnetwork with properties: Layers: [139x1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer] Connections: [167x2 table] Learnables: [116x3 table] State: [0x3 table] InputNames: {'data'} OutputNames: {'encoderDecoderFinalConvLayer'} Initialized: 1 View summary with summary.
Display the network.
Input Arguments
— Pretrained network name
| "inceptionv3"
| "resnet101"
| "vgg19"
| ...
Pretrained network name, specified as one of these string values. You must install the associated Add-On for the selected pretrained network.
— Seealexnet
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."googlenet"
— Seegooglenet
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."inceptionresnetv2"
— Seeinceptionresnetv2
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."inceptionv3"
— Seeinceptionv3
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."mobilenetv2"
— Seemobilenetv2
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."resnet18"
— Seeresnet18
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."resnet50"
— Seeresnet50
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."resnet101"
— Seeresnet101
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."squeezenet"
— Seesqueezenet
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."vgg16"
— Seevgg16
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information."vgg19"
— Seevgg19
(Deep Learning Toolbox) for more information.
Data Types: char
| string
— Number of downsampling operations
(default) | positive integer
Number of downsampling operations in the encoder, specified as a positive integer.
The encoder downsamples the input by a factor of 2^depth
. You
cannot specify a depth greater than the depth of the pretrained network.
Output Arguments
— Encoder network
— Layer names
string vector
Layer names in the network net
that come directly before
downsampling operations, returned as a string vector.
Version History
Introduced in R2021a
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