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Point Grey Hardware

Device Discovery

  1. Install the Image Acquisition Toolbox™ Support Package for Point Grey Hardware.

    Starting with version R2014a, each adaptor is available separately through MATLAB® Add-Ons. See Image Acquisition Support Packages for Hardware Adaptors for information about installing the adaptors.

  2. Verify that you have the correct FlyCapture version for the release.

    Check the list of supported drivers on the Point Grey Camera Support from Image Acquisition Toolbox product page.

    Uninstall any unsupported versions of FlyCapture SDK/Viewer using Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

  3. Verify that the camera is working with the FlyCapture Viewer.

    Select Start > Programs > Point Grey FlyCapture2 > Point Grey FlyCap2.

    In FlyCapture, select your device, and click OK to open the dialog box that shows the video feed to test that the hardware is working properly.

  4. If you are using a Point Grey camera that is a GigE Vision® device, do not try to use both the Point Grey adaptor and the GigE Vision adaptor at the same time. You should use the Point Grey adaptor.

  5. Ensure that the FlyCapture driver is on the PATH Environment variable. To view the PATH:

    • Click the Start button, right-click the Computer option in the Start menu, and select Properties.

    • Click the Advanced System Settings link in the left column.

    • In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab, and click the Environment Variables button near the bottom of that tab.

    • In the Environment Variables window, highlight the Path variable in the System variables section, and click the Edit button. Ensure that '%FC2PATH%' and '%FC2PATH\vs2013' are on the path.

    • If you are having trouble detecting your device in MATLAB, put both variables in the start of your PATH.

  6. Make sure that the FlyCapture DirectShow drivers are not installed.

  7. If you are using a GigE Point Grey camera, you must configure it using FlyCapture Viewer before using it with MATLAB.

    • Connect the GigE Point Grey camera to your system.

    • Launch FlyCapture Viewer.

    • Select the camera that you connected in the list of devices.

    • Click the Force IP button.

Troubleshooting Point Grey Devices

The Point Grey adaptor includes support for the following types of Point Grey devices:

  • USB 3

  • FireWire

  • GigE Vision

  • USB 2

  • Bumblebee 2

If you are having trouble using the Image Acquisition Toolbox software with a supported Point Grey camera, try the following:

  1. Verify that your image acquisition hardware is functioning properly.

    For Point Grey devices, run the application that came with your hardware, FlyCapture, and verify that you can receive live video.

  2. Select Start > Programs > Point Grey FlyCapture2 > Point Grey FlyCap2.

  3. In FlyCapture, select your device, and click OK to open the dialog box that shows the video feed to test that the hardware is working properly.

  4. Install the Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Point Grey Hardware.

  5. If your hardware is functioning properly, verify that you are using a hardware device driver that is compatible with the toolbox.


    The Image Acquisition Toolbox software is compatible only with specific driver versions provided with the Point Grey software and is not guaranteed to work with any other versions.

    If you discover that you are using an unsupported driver version, visit the FlyCapture SDK website to download the correct drivers.


If you are using a Point Grey camera that is a GigE Vision device, do not try to use both the Point Grey adaptor and the GigE Vision adaptor at the same time. You should use the Point Grey adaptor.


When using the Bumblebee 2 cameras, certain video formats may be suppressed. To see the available video formats for your Bumblebee camera, open the Image Acquisition Explorer (using the imageAcquisitionExplorer function), select your camera, and check the options available for the Video Format parameter in the app toolstrip.

Determining the Driver Version for Point Grey Devices

To determine the Point Grey driver version you are using, run the Point Grey FlyCapture utility.

To see the driver version number:

  1. Select Start > Programs > Point Grey FlyCapture2 > Point Grey FlyCap2 to open FlyCapture.

  2. The driver number appears on the banner of the FlyCapture dialog box.

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