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Write logic level value to digital pin on controller

Since R2023a


    writeDigitalPin(controller,pin,value) writes the logic level value value to the digital output pin pin on the Aardvark™ or NI™ USB-845x controller controller.



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    Connect to an NI USB-845x Interface Device and send a logic level value to one of its digital I/O pins.

    Connect to the NI USB-845x using its serial number. In this example, the NI USB-845x controller board that is connected to the computer has the serial number 01F26E0A.

    controller = ni845x("01F26E0A");

    View the available digital I/O (DIO) pins on the controller and their respective pin modes by using the DigitalPinModes property.

    ans =
      8×2 table
         Pin       Mode  
        ______    _______
        "P0.0"    "input"
        "P0.1"    "input"
        "P0.2"    "input"
        "P0.3"    "input"
        "P0.4"    "input"
        "P0.5"    "input"
        "P0.6"    "input"
        "P0.7"    "input"

    These pins are connected to pins on the I2C peripheral device. You can send logic level values to output pins. Configure the DIO(0) pin, P0.0, as output.


    Send a logic high level to the pin that you just configured as output.


    Input Arguments

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    Controller connection, specified as an aardvark object or ni845x object.

    Example: writeDigitalPin(controller,pin,value) writes the logic level to a pin on the Aardvark or NI USB-845x controller controller.

    Digital output pin number to write logic level value to, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Possible values are the pin numbers returned by controller.AvailableDigitalPins.

    If a digital pin is not already configured as an output pin, you can set it using the configureDigitalPin function.

    Example: writeDigitalPin(controller,"Pin1",value) writes the logic level to pin "Pin1".

    Data Types: char | string

    Logic level value to write to the digital pin, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

    Example: writeDigitalPin(controller,pin,0) writes the logic level as 0.

    Data Types: double | logical

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023a

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