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Quick-Control Oscilloscope Functions

The oscilloscope function can use the following special functions, in addition to standard functions such as connect and disconnect.

autoSetupAutomatically configures the instrument based on the input signal.
disableChannel Disables the oscilloscope's channel(s).
 disableChannel(myScope, 'Channel1');
 disableChannel(myScope, {'Channel1', 'Channel2'});
enableChannelEnables the oscilloscope's channel(s) from which waveform(s) will be retrieved.
 enableChannel(myScope, 'Channel1');
 enableChannel(myScope, {'Channel1', 'Channel2'});
driversReturns a list of available drivers with their supported instrument models.
driverlist = drivers(myScope);
resourcesRetrieves a list of available resources of instruments. It returns a list of available VISA resource strings when using an IVI-C scope. It returns the interface resource information when using a Tektronix® scope.
res = resources(myScope);

Returns or sets specified oscilloscope control on selected channel. Possible controls are:

  • 'VerticalCoupling'

  • 'VerticalOffset'

  • 'VeticalRange'

  • 'ProbeAttenuation'

value = configureChannel(myScope,'Channel1','VerticalOffset');
getVerticalCouplingReturns the value of how the oscilloscope couples the input signal for the selected channel name as a MATLAB character vector. Possible values returned are 'AC', 'DC', and 'GND'.
 VC = getVerticalCoupling (myScope, 'Channel1');
getVerticalOffsetReturns the location of the center of the range for the selected channel name as a MATLAB character vector. The units are volts.
 VO = getVerticalOffset (myScope, 'Channel1');
getVerticalRangeReturns the absolute value of the input range the oscilloscope can acquire for selected channel name as a MATLAB character vector. The units are volts.
 VR = getVerticalRange (myScope, 'Channel1');
readWaveformReturns the waveform(s) displayed on the scope screen. Retrieves the waveform(s) from enabled channel(s).
w = readWaveform(myScope);
resetResets the device to factory default state.
setVerticalCouplingSpecifies how the oscilloscope couples the input signal for the selected channel name as a MATLAB character vector. Values are 'AC', 'DC', and 'GND'.
 setVerticalCoupling (myScope, 'Channel1', 'AC');
setVerticalOffsetSpecifies the location of the center of the range for the selected channel name as a MATLAB character vector. For example, to acquire a sine wave that spans from 0.0 to 10.0 volts, set this attribute to 5.0 volts.
 setVerticalOffset (myScope, 'Channel1', 5);
setVerticalRangeSpecifies the absolute value of the input range the oscilloscope can acquire for the selected channel name as a MATLAB character vector. The units are volts.
 setVerticalRange (myScope, 'Channel1', 10);
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