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Keyboard Shortcuts for Lidar Viewer App

You can use these keyboard short cuts in the Lidar Viewer app.

Shortcuts for Navigation

This table shows the keyboard shortcuts for orbital navigation:

BehaviorKeyboard shortcut
Rotate by Z-axisLeft and right arrows
Rotate by X-axisUp and down arrows
Rotate by Y-axisQ and E

This table shows the keyboard shortcuts for first-person navigation ( only enabled in perspective projection):

BehaviorKeyboard Shortcut
Move forward

W — Forward

S — Backward

Move left or right

A — Left

D — Right

Move up or down

R — Up

F — Down

Look around the scene (Pitch/Yaw rotation of camera)

Up arrow — Pitch up

Down arrow — Pitch down

Left arrow — Yaw left

Right arrow — Yaw right

Roll the scene (Roll rotation of camera)

Q — Clockwise roll

E — Counter-clockwise roll


These shortcuts do not work in the Measurement tab.

Shortcuts for Measurement

  • Click Esc to undo.

  • Click R to enable rotation. You can use these controls in the rotate mode.

    ActionKeyboard ShortcutExample
    Move forward or backwards through the scene. The camera and the target can move.

    w — Forward

    s — Backward

    Animation displaying forward, backward, left, and right movement.

    Move left or right through the scene. The camera and the target can move.

    a — Left

    d — Right

    Look around the scene (pitch/yaw rotation of the camera). Camera position is fixed, target moves.

    Up arrow — Camera pitches up

    Down arrow — Camera pitches down

    Left arrow — Camera turns left in yaw

    Right arrow — Camera turns right in yaw

    Animation displaying the view in a scene using pitch and yaw capability.

    Roll the scene (roll rotation of the camera).

    q — Camera moves clockwise. (Scene appears to move counterclockwise.)

    e — Camera moves counterclockwise. (Scene appears to move clockwise.)

    Animation displaying the view in a scene using the roll capability.

    Rotate the scene (rotate the camera around the point cloud). Camera position changes, target is fixed.

    Shift + Left or Right — Camera orbits horizontally around the point cloud. (Scene appears to stand still as camera moves externally around it horizontally.)

    Shift + Up or Down — Camera orbits vertically around the point cloud. (Scene appears to stand still as camera moves externally around it vertically.)

    Animation displaying the view with the camera rotating around a point capability.

    Zoom in or out.

    z — Zoom in

    x — Zoom out

    Animation displaying the view in a scene using the zoom capability.

    Look at a view plane.

    1 — XY

    2 — YX

    3 — XZ

    4 — ZX

    5 — YZ

    6 — ZY

    Camera positioned in the selected plane with a line of sight to the center of the plot.

    Animation displaying the view in a scene using view plane capability.

    Switch between rotate and pan.Spacebar — Press and hold the spacebar to switch the interaction to pan. Release the spacebar to switch back to rotate.

    Animation displaying the view in a scene using the ability to switch between rotate and pan.

    Rotate in X-, Y-, and Z- dimensions.T — Adds rotate interaction in the third dimension.

    Animation displaying the view in a scene using the capability to rotate between the X-, Y-, and Z- dimensions.

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