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Generate downlink RMC waveform


lteRMCDLTool starts the LTE Waveform Generator app configured for parameterization and generation of a reference measurement channel (RMC) waveform. The Reference Channel menu lists the available RMCs with their default top-level settings.

[waveform,grid,rmccfgout] = lteRMCDLTool(rmccfg,trdata) where rmccfg specifies a user-defined reference channel structure. The reference configuration structure with default parameters can easily be created using lteRMCDL then modified if desired.


SIB1 messages and the associated PDSCH and PDCCH can be added to the output waveform by adding the substructure rmccfg.SIB.

[waveform,grid,rmccfgout] = lteRMCDLTool(rc,trdata,duplexmode,totsubframes) specifies the default reference measurement channel, rc, and information bits trdata. duplexmode and totsubframes are optional input arguments, that define the duplex mode of the generated waveform and total number of subframes that make up the grid.



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Generate a time domain signal and a 3-dimensional array of the resource elements for R.31-4 FDD as specified in TS 36.101 Annex A.3.9.1-1. R.31-4 FDD is 20MHz, 64QAM, variable code rate and has user data scheduled in subframe 5.

[txWaveform,txGrid,rmcCfgOut] = lteRMCDLTool('R.31-4',{[1;0] [1;0]});

This example shows use of lteRMCDLTool to generate a tx waveform with SIB transmission enabled using DCIFormat1A and localized allocation.

Specify desired RMC, initialize configuration structure and define txData. Generate txGrid and plot it.

rc = 'R.3';
rmc = lteRMCDL(rc);

txData = [1;0;0;1];
[~,txGrid,~] = lteRMCDLTool(rmc, txData);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type surface.

To insert SIB1 message into the output waveform, initialize SIB substructure, enable SIB transmission, adjust other defaults, and regenerate txGrid. Plot txGrid to illustrate the presence of SIB1 message in subframe 5

rmc.SIB.Enable = 'On'; 
rmc.SIB.DCIFormat = 'Format1A';
rmc.SIB.AllocationType = 0;
rmc.SIB.VRBStart = 8;
rmc.SIB.VRBLength = 8;
rmc.SIB.Data = randi([0 1],144,1);

[txWaveform,txGrid,rmcCfgOut] = lteRMCDLTool(rmc, txData);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type surface.

Generate a time domain waveform, and a 3D array of the resource elements for RMC R.12 as specified in TS 36.101. Modify the standard R.12 RMC to use 16QAM modulation scheme instead of the default QPSK.

Create an RMC setting structure specifying R.12 for RC and 16QAM for Modulation.

rmc.RC = 'R.12';
rmc.PDSCH.Modulation = '16QAM';

Generate the tx waveform, RE grid and also output the RMC configuration structure.

txData = [1;0;0;1];
[txWaveform, txGrid, rmcCfgOut] = lteRMCDLTool(rmc, txData);

Review the rmcCgfOut structure and PDSCH substructure.

rmcCfgOut = struct with fields:
                 RC: 'R.12'
              NDLRB: 6
           CellRefP: 4
            NCellID: 0
       CyclicPrefix: 'Normal'
                CFI: 3
        PCFICHPower: 0
                 Ng: 'Sixth'
      PHICHDuration: 'Normal'
              HISet: [112x3 double]
         PHICHPower: 0
             NFrame: 0
          NSubframe: 0
       TotSubframes: 10
          Windowing: 0
         DuplexMode: 'FDD'
              PDSCH: [1x1 struct]
    OCNGPDCCHEnable: 'Off'
     OCNGPDCCHPower: 0
    OCNGPDSCHEnable: 'Off'
     OCNGPDSCHPower: 0
          OCNGPDSCH: [1x1 struct]
               Nfft: 128
          SerialCat: 1
       SamplingRate: 1920000

ans = struct with fields:
               TxScheme: 'TxDiversity'
             Modulation: {'16QAM'}
                NLayers: 4
                    Rho: 0
                   RNTI: 1
                  RVSeq: [0 1 2 3]
                     RV: 0
         NHARQProcesses: 8
           NTurboDecIts: 5
                 PRBSet: [6x1 double]
         TargetCodeRate: 0.3333
         ActualCodeRate: [0 0.3846 0.3846 0.3846 0.3846 0 0.3846 0.3846 0.3846 0.3846]
             TrBlkSizes: [0 936 936 936 936 0 936 936 936 936]
        CodedTrBlkSizes: [0 2496 2496 2496 2496 0 2496 2496 2496 2496]
              DCIFormat: 'Format1'
            PDCCHFormat: 2
             PDCCHPower: 0
                CSIMode: 'PUCCH 1-1'
                PMIMode: 'Wideband'
    HARQProcessSequence: [0 1 2 3 4 0 5 6 7 8]

Display the PRB allocations associated with the sequence of subframes in a frame for DCI Format 0 and uplink resource allocation type 1.

Configure a type 1 uplink resource allocation (multi-cluster). TS 36.213, Section 8.1.2 describes the resource indication value (RIV) determination.

enbue = struct('NDLRB',50);
dcistr = lteDCI(enbue,struct('DCIFormat','Format0','AllocationType',1));
dcistr.Allocation.RIV = 1;

Display an image of the PRBs used in each slot of each subframe in a frame.

  • Create a subframeslots matrix full of zeros. There are 20 slots per frame, specifically two slots per subframe and ten subframes per frame.

  • Loop through assigning a PRB set of indices for each subframe. Also assign a value in subframeslots for each occupied PRB index.

subframeslots = zeros(enbue.NDLRB,20);
for i = 0:9
    enbue.NSubframe = i;
    prbSet = lteDCIResourceAllocation(enbue,dcistr);
    prbSet = repmat(prbSet,1,2/size(prbSet,2));
    for s = 1:2
        subframeslots(prbSet(:,s)+1,2*i+s) = 20+s*20;
axis xy;
xlabel('Subframe Slots'); 
ylabel('PRB Indices');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Subframe Slots, ylabel PRB Indices contains an object of type image.

Observe from the image that the same set of PRB indices is used in each slot.

Display the PRB allocations associated with the sequence of subframes in a frame for an uplink resource allocation with hopping.

Configure a type 1 uplink resource allocation that has type 0 hopping and slot and subframe hopping.

enbue = struct('NDLRB',50,'NCellID',0);
dcistr = lteDCI(enbue,struct('DCIFormat','Format0','AllocationType',0,...
dcistr.Allocation.HoppingBits = 0;
dcistr.Allocation.RIV = 110;
enbue.PUSCHHopping = 'InterAndIntra';
enbue.MacTxNumber = 0;
enbue.NSubbands = 1;
enbue.PUSCHHoppingOffset = 10;

Display an image of the PRBs used in each slot of each subframe in a frame.

  • Create a subframeslots matrix full of zeros. There are 20 slots per frame, specifically two slots per subframe and ten subframes per frame.

  • Loop through assigning a PRB set of indices for each subframe. Also assign a value in subframeslots for each occupied PRB index.

subframeslots = zeros(enbue.NDLRB,20);
for i = 0:9
    enbue.NSubframe = i;
    prbSet = lteDCIResourceAllocation(enbue,dcistr);
    prbSet = repmat(prbSet,1,2/size(prbSet,2));
    for s = 1:2
        subframeslots(prbSet(:,s)+1,2*i+s) = 20+s*20;
axis xy
xlabel('Subframe Slots')
ylabel('PRB Indices')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Subframe Slots, ylabel PRB Indices contains an object of type image.

Observe from the image that the occupied PRB indices hops in odd and even slots.

Input Arguments

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Reference channel, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The function configures the RMC in accordance with the reference channels defined in Annex A.3 of TS 36.101. This table lists the supported values of this input and their associated configuration parameters.

Reference Channel (rc)Configuration
Transmission Scheme (PDSCH.TxScheme)Number of Resource BlocksModulationNumber of CRS Antenna PortsCoding Rate






















'TxDiversity', 'SpatialMux'50QPSK21/3


'TxDiversity''SpatialMux', 'CDD'5016-QAM21/2






'SpatialMux', 'CDD'5016-QAM41/2








'R.31-3A' (with FDD)'CDD'5064-QAM20.85-0.90
'R.31-3A (with TDD)'CDD'6864-QAM20.87-0.90

'R.43' (with FDD)


'R.43' (with TDD)


'R.44' (with FDD)


'R.44' (with TDD)








'R.50' (with FDD)


'R.50' (with TDD)



'Port7-14'5016 -QAM21/2
'R.68-1' (with FDD)'CDD'75256-QAM20.74-0.88
'R.68-1' (with TDD)'CDD'75256-QAM20.76-0.88
'R.105' (with FDD)'CDD'1001024-QAM20.76-0.79
'R.105' (with TDD)'CDD'1001024-QAM20.76-0.78
Custom RMCs configured for non-standard bandwidths but with the same code rate as the standard versions.







Data Types: char | string

Information bits, specified as a vector or cell array containing one or two vectors of bit values. Each vector contains the information bits stream to be coded across the duration of the generation, which represents multiple concatenated transport blocks. If the number of bits required across all subframes of the generation exceeds the length of the vectors provided, the txdata vector is looped internally. This feature allows you to enter a short pattern, such as [1;0;0;1], which is repeated as the input to the transport coding. In each subframe of generation, the number of data bits taken from this stream comes from the elements of the rmccfgout.PDSCH.TrBlkSizes matrix.

When the trdata input contains empty vectors, there is no transport data. The transmission of PDSCH and its corresponding PDCCH are skipped in the waveform when the trdata contains empty vectors. The other physical channels and signals are transmitted as normal in generated waveform.

Example: [1;0;0;1]

Data Types: double | cell
Complex Number Support: Yes

Duplexing mode, specified as 'FDD' or 'TDD' to indicate the frame structure type of the generated waveform.

Data Types: char | string

Total number of subframes, specified as a positive integer. This argument specifies the total number of subframes that form the resource grid.

Data Types: double

Reference channel configuration, specified as a structure. Create a reference configuration structure with default parameters by using the lteRMCDL function. The reference configuration structures you generate with the lteRMCDL function comply with those defined in Annex A.3 of [1].

To generate the waveform output in alignment with your simulation requirements, modify the output of the lteRMCDL function. To add SIB1 messages and the associated PDSCH and PDCCH to the output waveform, specify the rmccfg.SIB substructure. You can specify this input to include fields contained in the rmccfgout output structure.

Data Types: struct

Output Arguments

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Generated RMC time-domain waveform, returned as a NS-by-NT numeric matrix. NS is the number of time-domain samples and NT is the number of transmit antennas.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Populated resource grid, returned as a numeric 3-D array of resource elements for several subframes across all configured antenna ports, as described in Represent Resource Grids.

grid represents the populated resource grid for all the physical channels specified in TS 36.101 [1], Annex A.3.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

RMC configuration, returned as a structure. This output contains information about the OFDM-modulated waveform and RMC-specific configuration parameters. Field definitions and settings align with rmccfg.

For more information about the OFDM modulated waveform, see lteOFDMInfo. For more information about the RMC-specific configuration parameters, see lteRMCDL.

Parameter FieldValuesDescription
RC'R.0', 'R.1', 'R.2', 'R.3', 'R.4', 'R.5', 'R.6', 'R.7', 'R.8', 'R.9', 'R.10', 'R.11', 'R.12', 'R.13', 'R.14', 'R.25', 'R.26', 'R.27', 'R.28', 'R.31-3A', 'R.31-4', 'R.43', 'R.44', 'R.45', 'R.45-1', 'R.48', 'R.50', 'R.51', 'R.68-1', 'R.105', 'R.6-27RB', 'R.12-9RB', 'R.11-45RB'

Reference measurement channel (RMC) number or type, as specified in Annex A.3 of TS 36.101.

  • To facilitate the transmission of system information blocks (SIBs), user data is usually not scheduled on subframe 5. To schedule user data in subframe 5, use one of these sustained-data-rate RMCs: 'R.31-3A', 'R.31-4', 'R.68-1', or 'R.105'.

  • 'R.6-27RB', 'R.12-9RB', and 'R.11-45RB' are custom RMCs configured for non-standard bandwidths that maintain the same code rate as the standardized versions defined in Annes A.3 of TS 36.101.

NDLRBInteger in the interval [6, 110]Number of downlink resource blocks
CellRefP1, 2, 4Number of cell-specific reference signal (CRS) antenna ports
NCellIDInteger in the interval [0, 503]Physical layer cell identity
CyclicPrefix'Normal', 'Extended'Cyclic prefix length
CFI1, 2, 3, real-valued vector of length 10

Control format indicator (CFI) value. When the CFI value does not vary between subframes, specify this field as a scalar. Otherwise, specify this field as a vector, where the kth element corresponds to the CFI value of the kth subframe.

The CFI value varies between subframes for these RMCs when you specify the duplexmode input as 'TDD' mode, the CFI varies per subframe for these RMCs: 'R.0', 'R.5', 'R.6', 'R.6-27RB', 'R.12-9RB'.

PCFICHPowerReal-valued scalarPCFICH symbol power adjustment, in dB
Ng'Sixth', 'Half', 'One', 'Two'HICH group multiplier
PHICHDuration'Normal', 'Extended'PHICH duration
HISet112-by-3 matrixMaximum PHICH groups (112), as specified in section 6.9 of TS 36.211, with the first PHICH sequence of each group set to ACK). For more information, see ltePHICH.
PHICHPowerReal-valued scalarPHICH symbol power, in dB
NFrameNonnegative integerFrame number
NSubFrameNonnegative integerSubframe number
TotSubFramesNonnegative integerTotal number of subframes to generate
WindowingNonnegative integerNumber of time-domain samples over which the function applies windowing and overlapping of OFDM symbols
DuplexMode'FDD', 'TDD'

Duplexing mode, returned as one of these values

  • 'FDD' — Frequency division duplex

  • 'TDD' — Time division duplex

  CSIRSPeriod'On', 'Off', integer in the interval [0, 154], two-element row vector of nonnegative integers, cell array

CSI-RS subframe configurations for CSI-RS resources, returned as one of these values.

  • 'On' or 'Off

  • An integer in the interval [0, 154] corresponding to the parameter ICSI-RS, specified in Table of TS 36.211

  • A vector of the form [TCSI-RS CSI-RS], in accordance with Table of TS 36.211

  • A cell array of configurations for each resource.

This field applies only when the TxScheme field is 'Port7-14'.

These fields are only present and applicable for 'Port7-14' transmission scheme (TxScheme) and only required in rmccfg if CSIRSPeriod is not set to 'Off'.

  CSIRSConfigNonnegative integerArray CSI-RS configuration indices. See Table of TS 36.211.
  CSIRefP1, 2, 4, 8Array of number of CSI-RS antenna ports
These fields are only present and applicable for 'Port7-14' transmission scheme (TxScheme)

'Off' (default), 'On', Icsi-rs (0,...,154), [Tcsi-rs Dcsi-rs]. You can also specify values in a cell array of configurations for each resource.

Zero power CSI-RS subframe configurations for one or more zero power CSI-RS resource configuration index lists. Multiple zero power CSI-RS resource lists can be configured from a single common subframe configuration or from a cell array of configurations for each resource list.

The following field is only applicable for 'Port7-14' transmission scheme (TxScheme) and only required in rmccfg if CSIRSPeriod is not set to 'Off'.


16-bit bitmap character vector or string scalar (truncated if not 16 bits or '0' MSB extended), or a numeric list of CSI-RS configuration indices. You can also specify values in a cell array of configurations for each resource.

Zero power CSI-RS resource configuration index lists (TS 36.211 Section Specify each list as a 16-bit bitmap character vector or string scalar (if less than 16 bits, then '0' MSB extended), or as a numeric list of CSI-RS configuration indices from TS 36.211 Table in the '4' CSI reference signal column. Multiple lists can be defined using a cell array of individual lists.


Scalar structure

PDSCH transmission configuration substructure


Scalar structure

Include a SIB message by adding the SIB substructure to the lteRMCDL function configuration output structure, rmccfgout, after it is generated and before using the rmccfgout structure as input to lteRMCDLTool.


'Off', 'On'

Enable PDCCH OFDMA channel noise generator (OCNG). See footnote.


Scalar integer, 0 (default)

PDCCH OCNG power in dB


'Off', 'On'



Scalar integer, defaults to PDSCH.Rho (default)

PDSCH OCNG power in dB


Scalar structure

PDSCH OCNG configuration substructure


'Off', 'On'. 'Disable' and 'Enable' are also accepted.

OFDMA channel noise generator


This parameter will be removed in a future release. Use the PDCCH and PDSCH-specific OCNG parameters instead.

The following fields are only present and applicable for 'TDD' duplex mode (DuplexMode).


0 (default), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Special subframe configuration (SSC)


0, 1 (default), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Uplink–downlink configuration

See footnote.


Numeric scalar

Carrier sampling rate in Hz, (NSC/NSYM) × 3.84e6, where NSC is the number of subcarriers and NSYM is the number of OFDM symbols in a subframe.


Scalar integer, typically one of {128, 256, 512, 1024, 1536, 2048} for standard channel bandwidths {'1.4MHz', '3MHz', '5MHz', '10MHz', '15MHz', '20MHz'}, respectively.

Number of FFT frequency bins

  1. CFI is equal to the number of symbols allocated to:

    • PDCCH - 1 for NDLRB < 10

    • PDCCH for NDLRB >= 10

    For the RMCs, the number of symbols allocated to PDCCH varies with channel bandwidth setting,

    • 2 symbols for 20 MHz, 15 MHz, and 10 MHz

    • 3 symbols for 5 MHz and 3 MHz

    • 4 symbols for 1.4 MHz

    In the TDD mode, only two OFDM symbols are allocated to PDCCH in subframes 1 and 6 irrespective of the channel bandwidth. Therefore, the CFI value varies per subframe for the 5 MHz and 3 MHz and 1.4 MHz channel bandwidths, that is for bandwidths where PDCCH symbol allocation is not two for other subframes.

  2. The PDCCH ONCG fills the unused PDCCH resource elements with QPSK symbols using either single port or transmit diversity depending on the number of cell RS ports.

  3. All supported RMCs use TDDConfig 1 by default. When you specify a value different then the default, the full parameter set is configured according to the following rules.

    • Preserve subframe 0 (downlink) for all TDDConfig — The values of the parameters in subframe 0 of TDDConfig 1 is applied in all other TDDConfig.

    • Preserve special subframe behavior — The values of the parameters in special subframes of TDDConfig 1 is applied in all other TDDConfig.

    • Preserve subframe 5 (downlink) for all TDDConfig — The values of the parameters in subframe 5 of TDDConfig 1 is applied to all other TDDConfig. For all RMCs currently supported, subframe 5 is treated separately from other subframes. According to TS 36.101 Section A.3.1, “Unless otherwise stated, no user data is scheduled on subframes 5 in order to facilitate the transmission of system information blocks (SIB).” Hence the RC value, if present, determines the behavior of subframe 5. This means that subframe 5 is not transmitted for other RMCs, with the exception of sustained data rate RMCs R.31-3A and R.31-4.

    • All other downlink subframes use the same settings as subframe 9.

PDSCH Substructure

The substructure PDSCH relates to the physical channel configuration and contains these fields:

Parameter FieldValuesDescription

'Port0', 'TxDiversity', 'CDD', 'SpatialMux', 'MultiUser', 'Port5', 'Port7-8', 'Port8', 'Port7-14'.

PDSCH transmission scheme, specified as one of the following options.

Transmission schemeDescription
'Port0'Single antenna port, port 0
'TxDiversity'Transmit diversity
'CDD'Large delay cyclic delay diversity scheme
'SpatialMux'Closed loop spatial multiplexing
'MultiUser'Multi-user MIMO
'Port5'Single-antenna port, port 5
'Port7-8'Single-antenna port, port 7, when NLayers = 1. Dual layer transmission, ports 7 and 8, when NLayers = 2.
'Port8'Single-antenna port, port 8
'Port7-14'Up to eight layer transmission, ports 7–14


'QPSK', '16QAM', '64QAM', or '256QAM'

Modulation type, specified as a character vector, cell array of character vectors, or string array. If blocks, each cell is associated with a transport block.


Integer from 1 to 8

Number of transmission layers.


0 (default), numeric scalar

PDSCH resource element power allocation, in dB


0 (default), scalar integer

Radio network temporary identifier (RNTI) value (16 bits)


Integer vector (0,1,2,3), specified as a one or two row matrix (for one or two codewords)

Redundancy version (RV) indicator used by all HARQ processes, returned as a numeric matrix. RVSeq is a one- or two-row matrix for one or two codewords, respectively. The number of columns in RVSeq equals the number of transmissions of the transport blocks associated with a HARQ process. The RV sequence specified in each column is applied to the transmission of the transport blocks. If RVSeq is a scalar (or column vector in the case of two codewords), then there is a single initial transmission of each block with no retransmissions. If RVSeq is a row vector in a two-codeword transmission, then the same RV sequence is applied to both codewords.


Integer vector (0,1,2,3). A one or two column matrix (for one or two codewords).

Specifies the redundancy version for one or two codewords used in the initial subframe number, NSubframe. This parameter field is only for informational purposes and is read-only.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8

Number of HARQ processes per component carrier


5 (default), nonnegative scalar integer

Number of turbo decoder iteration cycles


Integer column vector or two-column matrix

Zero-based physical resource block (PRB) indices corresponding to the slot-wise resource allocations for this PDSCH. The function returns this field as one of these values.

  • a column vector, the resource allocation is the same in both slots of the subframe,

  • a two-column matrix, this parameter specifies different PRBs for each slot in a subframe,

  • a cell array of length 10 (corresponding to a frame, if the allocated physical resource blocks vary across subframes).

This field varies per subframe for these RMCs: 'R.25' (with TDD), 'R.26' (with TDD), 'R.27' (with TDD), 'R.43' (with FDD), 'R.44', 'R.45', 'R.48', 'R.50', 'R.51', 'R.68-1', and 'R.105'.


Numeric scalar or one or two row numeric matrix

Target code rates for one or two codewords for each subframe in a frame. Used for calculating the transport block sizes according to TS 36.101 [1], Annex A.3.1.

If both TargetCodeRate and TrBlkSizes are not provided at the input, and the RC does not have a single ratio target code rate in TS 36.101, Table A.3.1.1-1, TargetCodeRate == ActualCodeRate.


One or two row numeric matrix

Actual code rates for one or two codewords for each subframe in a frame, calculated according to TS 36.101 [1], Annex A.3.1. The maximum actual code rate is 0.93. This parameter field is only for informational purposes and is read-only.


One or two row numeric matrix

Transport block sizes for each subframe in a frame


One or two row numeric matrix

Coded transport block sizes for one or two codewords. This parameter field is for informational purposes and is read-only.


'Format0', 'Format1', 'Format1A', 'Format1B', 'Format1C', 'Format1D', 'Format2', 'Format2A', 'Format2B', 'Format2C', 'Format2D', 'Format3', 'Format3A', 'Format4', 'Format5', 'Format5A'

Downlink control information (DCI) format type of the PDCCH associated with the PDSCH. See lteDCI.


0, 1, 2, 3

Aggregation level of PDCCH associated with PDSCH

PDCCHPowerNumeric scalar

PDCCH power in dB


'PUCCH 1-0', 'PUCCH 1-1', 'PUSCH 1-2', 'PUSCH 3-0', 'PUSCH 3-1'

CSI reporting mode


'Wideband' (default), 'Subband'

PMI reporting mode. PMIMode='Wideband' corresponds to PUSCH reporting Mode 1-2 or PUCCH reporting Mode 1-1 (PUCCH Report Type 2) and PMIMode='Subband' corresponds to PUSCH reporting Mode 3-1.

The following field is only present for 'SpatialMux' transmission scheme (TxScheme).

Integer vector with element values from 0 to 15.

Precoder matrix indication (PMI) set. It can contain either a single value, corresponding to single PMI mode, or multiple values, corresponding to multiple or subband PMI mode. The number of values depends on CellRefP, transmission layers and TxScheme. For more information about setting PMI parameters, see ltePMIInfo.

The following field is only present for 'Port7-8', 'Port8', or 'Port7-14' transmission schemes (TxScheme).

0 (default), 1

Scrambling identity (ID)

The following fields are only present for UE-specific beamforming ('Port5', 'Port7-8', 'Port8', or 'Port7-14').
  WNumeric matrix

NLayers-by-P precoding matrix for the wideband UE-specific beamforming of the PDSCH symbols. P is the number of transmit antennas. When W is not specified, no precoding is applied.


Nonnegative scalar integer

Number of transmission antennas.


1-by-LHARQ_Seq integer vector.

One-based HARQ process indices for the internal HARQ scheduling sequence. The sequence of length LHARQ_Seq is optimized according to transport block sizes, number of HARQ processes, duplex mode, and when in TDD mode the UL/DL configuration.

See footnote.

  1. The function returns valid TrBlkSizes and CodedTrBlkSizes set to 0 when PRBSet is empty, indicating there is no PDSCH allocation in this frame.

  2. The HARQ process sequence table is calculated according to the procedure detailed in 3GPP Tdoc R5-095777 ("Scheduling of retransmissions and number of active HARQ processes for DL performance RMC-s")

    • For the case when NHARQProcesses = 1, the HARQProcessSequence is [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]. Using this HARQ process sequence, only the TrBlkSize corresponding to subframe 0 gets transmitted. There is no transmission in other subframes, even if the transport block sizes in other subframes are nonzero.

SIB Substructure

If the substructure SIB has been added to rmccfg, SIB1 messages and the associated PDSCH and PDCCH can be generated. The SIB substructure includes these fields:

Parameter FieldValuesDescription

(0,1), bit array

SIB1 transport block information bits

See footnote.


variable, see rules in TS 36.213 Section

Virtual RB allocation starting resource block, RBstart.


variable, see rules in TS 36.213 Section

Length in terms of virtual contiguously allocated resource blocks, LCRBs.


'On' (default), 'Off'

Enable/Disable SIB generation


'Format1A' (default) or 'Format1C'

Downlink control information (DCI) format


0 (default) or 1, single bit flag

Localized (0) or distributed (1) allocation of virtual resource blocks for Resource allocation type 2

The following parameter is only applicable when DCIFormat = 'Format1A'.


2 or 3

Transport block set selection parameter, NPRB1A

Indicates the column in TS 36.213, Table for transport block size selection. The default is the smallest transport block size, in either column 2 or 3, that is bigger than or equal to the length of the Data field. Also see TS 36.212 Section and TS 36.213 Section 7.1.7.

The following parameter is only applicable when using distributed allocation (AllocationType = 1).


0 or 1

Distributed allocation gap, ‘0’ for Ngap,1 or ‘1’ for Ngap,2

  1. The set of valid transport block sizes is specified in TS 36.213 [4], Table Only columns 2 and 3 apply to the SIB DL-SCH. The Data field is padded with zeros to the closest valid size from this table.


  • Per TS 36.321 [5], Section 6.1.1, the lowest order information bit of the SIB.Data field is mapped to the most significant bit of the SIB1 transport block.

  • For subframe 5, per TS 36.101 [1], Annex A.3, reference PDSCH transmissions are not scheduled in subframe 5 except for the SIB1 associated PDSCH.

  • Setting the OCNG parameter field 'On' fills all unused, unscheduled PDSCH resource elements with QPSK modulated random data.

  • The values for CFI and PRBSet can vary per subframe. If these parameters are arrays, then the function cyclically steps through the elements of the array starting with the index given by mod(NSubframe,length(parameter)). When parameter is PRBSet, the parameter must be a cell array of column vectors or slot-wise matrices.

  • The PHICH symbols carry a single ACK on the first PHICH instance in each PHICH group.

OCNGPDSCH Substructure

The substructure, OCNGPDSCH, defines the OCNG patterns in associated RMCs and tests according to TS 36.101 [1], Section A.5. OCNGPDSCH contains these fields which can also be customized with the full range of PDSCH-specific values.

Parameter FieldValuesDescription

OCNG Modulation has same setting options as rmccfgout.PDSCH.Modulation

See rmccfgout.PDSCH.Modulation


OCNG TxScheme has same setting options as rmccfgout.PDSCH.TxScheme

See rmccfgout.PDSCH.TxScheme


0 (default), scalar integer

OCNG radio network temporary identifier (RNTI) value (16 bits)

Data Types: struct


[1] 3GPP TS 36.101. “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); User Equipment (UE) Radio Transmission and Reception.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network. URL:

[2] 3GPP TS 36.211. “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical Channels and Modulation.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network. URL:

[3] 3GPP TS 36.212. “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Multiplexing and channel coding.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network. URL:

[4] 3GPP TS 36.213. “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical layer procedures.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network. URL:

[5] 3GPP TS 36.321. “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol Specification.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network. URL:

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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