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Transform planar world to intrinsic coordinates


[xIntrinsic,yIntrinsic] = worldToIntrinsic(R,xWorld,yWorld) returns the intrinsic coordinates corresponding to planar world coordinates (xWorld, yWorld) in map raster R. If a point is outside the bounds of R, then worldToIntrinsic extrapolates the xIntrinsic and yIntrinsic coordinates.



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Import a GeoTIFF image [1] of Boston as an array and a MapCellsReference object. Find the intrinsic coordinates corresponding to the world x- and y-coordinates of 776500 and 2956600 survey feet, respectively.

[Z,R] = readgeoraster('boston.tif');
[xIntrinsic,yIntrinsic] = worldToIntrinsic(R,776500,2956600)
xIntrinsic = 3.7136e+03
yIntrinsic = 1.2119e+03

The result means that the world coordinates fall close to the center of the cell corresponding to column 3713 and row 1211 of the array.

You can reverse the operation by using the intrinsicToWorld function.

[xWorld,yWorld] = intrinsicToWorld(R,xIntrinsic,yIntrinsic)
xWorld = 776500
yWorld = 2956600

[1] The data used in this example includes material copyrighted by GeoEye, all rights reserved.

Input Arguments

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Map raster, specified as a MapCellsReference or MapPostingsReference object.

x-coordinates in the world coordinate system, specified as a numeric array. xWorld coordinates can be outside the bounds of the raster R.

Data Types: single | double

y-coordinates in the world coordinate system, specified as a numeric array. yWorld is the same size as xWorld. yWorld coordinates can be outside the bounds of the raster R.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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x-coordinates in the intrinsic coordinate system, returned as a numeric array. xIntrinsic is the same size as xWorld.

When xWorld(k) is outside the bounds of raster R, xIntrinsic(k) is extrapolated in the intrinsic coordinate system.

Data Types: double

y-coordinates in the intrinsic coordinate system, returned as a numeric array. yIntrinsic is the same size as xWorld.

When yWorld(k) outside the bounds of raster R, yIntrinsic(k) is extrapolated in the intrinsic coordinate system.

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

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