creates a geospatial table by reading geographic or projected vector data from a file with a
format such as shapefile, KML, or Esri file geodatabase. For a full list of supported
formats, see Supported Formats.T
= readgeotable(filename
specifies options using name-value arguments. For example, specify the coordinate system
type using the T
= readgeotable(filename
name-value argument.
Read Shapefile as Geospatial Table
Read a shapefile, containing a network of roads in Concord, MA, into the workspace as a geospatial table.
T = readgeotable("concord_roads.shp");
The Shape
variable of the table contains information about the road shapes, including the coordinate reference system (CRS). The road shapes in this shapefile use a projected CRS.
ans = projcrs with properties: Name: "NAD83 / Massachusetts Mainland" GeographicCRS: [1x1 geocrs] ProjectionMethod: "Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)" LengthUnit: "meter" ProjectionParameters: [1x1]
Display the roads on a map.
mapshow(T) xlabel("x (meters)") ylabel("y (meters)")
Read Shapefile with No Projection File
An optional projection file (.prj
) determines the coordinate system type for a shapefile. When your shapefile does not have a projection file, but you know the coordinate system type, you can specify it by using the CoordinateSystemType
name-value argument.
Read a shapefile called tsunamis.shp
, containing information about tsunami events, into the workspace. The metadata accompanying the file indicates that the shapefile uses geographic coordinates.
T = readgeotable("tsunamis.shp",CoordinateSystemType="geographic");
View the Shape
variable of the geospatial table. The tsunami source locations are stored as points.
ans = 162×1 geopointshape array with properties: NumPoints: [162×1 double] Latitude: [162×1 double] Longitude: [162×1 double] Geometry: "point" CoordinateSystemType: "geographic" GeographicCRS: []
Plot the source locations on a web map.
Read Layers from GPX Files
GPX files can contain up to five layers: waypoints, tracks, track points, routes, and route points. When you read a layer containing track points or route points, the geospatial table contains an ID variable that associates the points with a track or route.
Import the tracks layer of a GPX file with two tracks. The Shape
variable for each track is a geolineshape
T = readgeotable("sample_tracks.gpx",Layer="tracks")
T=2×3 table
Shape Name Number
____________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ______
geolineshape "Track logs from walking the perimeter of the MathWorks campus in Natick on May 21, 2007" 1
geolineshape "Track logs from biking from Concord to the MathWorks campus in Natick on June 30, 2011" 2
View the shape of each track. The first track has one segment and the second track has five segments.
ans = geolineshape with properties: NumParts: 1 Geometry: "line" CoordinateSystemType: "geographic" GeographicCRS: [1×1 geocrs]
ans = geolineshape with properties: NumParts: 5 Geometry: "line" CoordinateSystemType: "geographic" GeographicCRS: [1×1 geocrs]
Import the track points layer. The Shape
variable for each point is a geopointshape
T2 = readgeotable("sample_tracks.gpx",Layer="track_points"); T2.Shape
ans = 2586×1 geopointshape array with properties: NumPoints: [2586×1 double] Latitude: [2586×1 double] Longitude: [2586×1 double] Geometry: "point" CoordinateSystemType: "geographic" GeographicCRS: [1×1 geocrs]
Create a subtable that contains points in the second track only. For this file, points in the second track have a TrackFID
value of 1
rows = (T2.TrackFID == 1); T3 = T2(rows,:);
Plot the points in the subtable as a blue line.
Read GeoJSON File from Web Service
Read GeoJSON data from a website and save it in the file storms.geojson
. The data contains day 1 convective outlooks from the NOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center. For more information about convective outlooks, see [1]. For links to the data, see [2].
Read the data into a geospatial table. If the file contains no data for the readgeotable
function to read, such as when there are no severe thunderstorm threats, create a geospatial table with an empty polygon shape instead.
try GT = readgeotable("storms.geojson"); catch GT = table(geopolyshape,"No Data","none",VariableNames=["Shape" "LABEL2" "fill"]); end
View the Shape
variable of the geospatial table. The table stores the geographic areas as polygons.
ans=3×1 object
3×1 geopolyshape array with properties:
NumRegions: [3×1 double]
NumHoles: [3×1 double]
Geometry: "polygon"
CoordinateSystemType: "geographic"
GeographicCRS: [1×1 geocrs]
Day 1 convective outlooks change from day to day, so your results can be different.
Display the convective outlooks over a satellite basemap. To create a legend from the thunderstorm risk categories, plot each row of the table as a separate polygon.
figure geobasemap satellite hold on for k = 1:height(GT) row = GT(k,:); geoplot(row,"DisplayName",row.LABEL2,"FaceColor",row.fill) end legend alpha(0.6)
Add a title, including the access date.
dt = datetime("today",Format="MMMM d, yyyy"); title("Day 1 Convective Outlooks",string(dt))
[1] "SPC Products." NOAA/National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center. Accessed June 28, 2022.
[2] "SPC Shapefile/KML/KMZ Links." NOAA/National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center. Accessed June 28, 2022.
Read Data Layers from OpenStreetMap File
Since R2023b
OpenStreetMap® files contain several data layers, including point, line, multilinestring, and multipolygon layers. The data that the readgeotable
function reads from an OpenStreetMap file depends on the layer that you specify.
Specify the name of an OpenStreetMap file [1] containing data for several city blocks in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.
filename = "shibuya.osm";
Read the lines layer into a geospatial table. The lines layer represents features such as roads, sidewalks, and railroad tracks. The table represents the lines using line shapes in geographic coordinates.
linesLayer = readgeotable(filename,Layer="lines");
Display the lines on a map.
title("Lines Layer")
Read the points layer into a geospatial table. The points layer represents features such as traffic signals, bus stops, and subway entrances. The table represents the points using point shapes in geographic coordinates.
pointsLayer = readgeotable(filename,Layer="points");
Display the points on the same map.
hold on geoplot(pointsLayer) title("Points and Lines Layers")
For information on how to read specific geographic features, such as railways and subway entrances, see the Read Data from OpenStreetMap Files example.
[1] You can download OpenStreetMap files from, which provides access to crowd-sourced map data all over the world. The data is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL),
Read Buildings Layer from OpenStreetMap File
Since R2023b
Read buildings data, such as footprints, centroids, and heights, from OpenStreetMap files with the .osm
Specify the name of an OpenStreetMap file [1] containing data for several city blocks in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.
filename = "shibuya.osm";
Read the buildings layer into a geospatial table by specifying the Layer
name-value argument of the readgeotable
function as "buildings"
. The table represents the buildings using polygon shapes in geographic coordinates.
buildingsLayer = readgeotable(filename,Layer="buildings");
Display the buildings on a map, and apply color using the maximum heights of the buildings. Add a title, change the colormap, and add a labeled color bar.
figure geoplot(buildingsLayer,ColorVariable="MaxHeight") title("Maximum Heights of Buildings") colormap sky c = colorbar; c.Label.String = "Height in Meters";
For information on how to display buildings data based on information stored in the geospatial table, see the Display Buildings from OpenStreetMap Files example.
[1] You can download OpenStreetMap files from, which provides access to crowd-sourced map data all over the world. The data is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL),
Input Arguments
— Name of file to read
character vector | string scalar
Name of the file to read, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The form
of filename
depends on the location of your file.
If the file is in your current folder or in a folder on the MATLAB® path, then specify the name of the file, such as
.If the file is not in the current folder or in a folder on the MATLAB path, then specify the full or relative path name, such as
For a list of supported file formats, see Supported Formats.
To read an Esri file geodatabase, you must either specify the full or relative path name or include the geodatabase in your current folder.
Data Types: char
| string
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: readgeotable("sample_tracks.gpx",Layer="track_points")
the track points layer from the GPX file.
— Layer to read
positive integer | string scalar | character vector
Layer to read when the file contains multiple layers, specified as a positive integer, a string scalar, or a character vector. If you specify an integer, then it must be less than or equal to the number of vector layers in the file. This argument is case-sensitive.
The layers contained in a file depend on the file format.
File Format | Layer Format |
Esri file geodatabase | The content of the file determines the number of layers and the names of the layers. |
GeoJSON | The content of the file determines the number of layers and the names of the layers. |
GPX | Specify the layer as one of these options:
KML | Each folder and subfolder corresponds to a layer, and the folder names match the layer names. |
OpenStreetMap® | Specify the layer as one of these options. For more information about the data stored in each layer, see Data Stored in OpenStreetMap Layers.
Shapefile | Shapefiles have one layer. |
Data Types: single
| double
| char
| string
— Coordinate system type
(default) | "geographic"
| "planar"
Coordinate system type, specified as one of these values:
— Create theShape
table variable based on the contents of the file."geographic"
— Create theShape
table variable usinggeopointshape
, andgeopolyshape
— Create theShape
table variable usingmappointshape
, andmappolyshape
Specify the coordinate system type when the readgeotable
function is unable to detect the coordinate system type.
For shapefiles, the coordinate system type is determined by an optional projection
file (.prj
). If your shapefile does not have a projection file, you
can try to determine the coordinate system type using one of these options:
Refer to the metadata.
Ask your data provider.
Return information about the shapefile as a structure by using the
function. Then, view the limits of the data by querying theBoundingBox
field of the structure. The limits might help you predict the coordinate system type.
— Flag to preserve variable names
(default) | "modify"
Flag to preserve variable names, specified as one of these options:
— Preserve variable names that are not valid MATLAB identifiers, such as variable names that include spaces and non-ASCII characters."modify"
— Convert invalid variable names, as identified by theisvarname
function, to valid MATLAB identifiers.
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— Geospatial table
geospatial table
Geospatial table, returned as a geospatial table. A geospatial table is a table
object with a Shape
variable and attribute
variable contains 2-D information about point, line, and polygon shapes. TheShape
variable can contain combinations of shape types. All the shapes have the same coordinate reference system (CRS).The
function represents shapes with coordinates in geographic CRSs by usinggeopointshape
, andgeopolyshape
function represents shapes with coordinates in projected CRSs by usingmappointshape
, andmappolyshape
objects.The attribute variables contain data such as names, classifications, and measurements.
When the data file contains CRS information, the readgeotable
function stores the information as a projcrs
within each shape object.
For more information about geospatial tables created from OpenStreetMap files, see Data Stored in OpenStreetMap Layers.
More About
Supported Formats
The readgeotable
function supports these file
Esri file geodatabase (
)GeoJSON (
)GPX (
)KML (
)KMZ (
) (since R2023b)OpenStreetMap (
) (since R2023b)Shapefile (
Some file formats consist of a main file and multiple supporting files. For example,
shapefiles include a main file (.shp
), an index file
), and an attribute file (.dbf
). When you read
a data file with supporting files using the readgeotable
specify the extension of the main file.
When the file contains 3-D points, lines, or polygons, the function reads only the 2-D
information into the Shape
variable of the geospatial table.
For GeoJSON files, all attributes apply to all rows in the geospatial table, even when the GeoJSON file does not apply an attribute to all elements. When the file does not apply an attribute to an element, the corresponding cell in the geospatial table contains a missing data value.
For GPX files, Garmin® extensions are not supported.
For KML and KMZ files, the readgeotable
function reads only shapes,
names, and descriptions into the geospatial table.
Version History
Introduced in R2021bR2023b: Read data and buildings from OpenStreetMap files
The readgeotable
function can read data and buildings from files in
OpenStreetMap format (.osm
, .osm.pbf
R2023b: Read data from KMZ files
The readgeotable
function can read data from files in KMZ format
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