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Display HTML Content in an App

You can add HTML content, like JavaScript®, CSS, and icons, to your app in App Designer. This app shows how to display an HTML button styled by CSS and plot data that is generated in JavaScript. This example also desmonstrates these app building tasks:

  • Access HTML, CSS, and supporting files within an app.

  • Write a callback function for HTML UI components.

Create and Add HTML Content to App

Create a styled button using HTML with these files:

  • dataForm.html — This HTML file creates an HTML button element and implements JavaScript code to respond to user interaction.

  • inputStyles.css — This CSS file styles the HTML button element.

  • gears-icon.png — This supporting image file provides a custom icon for the HTML button element.

Within your CSS file, style the button with the icon image file as the background image. Then reference both the CSS and image file inside of body tags in your HTML file.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./inputStyles.css">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="gears-icon.png">

To add this HTML button styled by CSS to your App Designer app, drag an HTML UI component from the Component Library to your app canvas in Design View. Link this component to your HTML file by selecting the HTML UI component in the Component Browser and setting the HTMLSource property as your HTML file. Make sure that your HTML file and all supporting files are in the same folder and on your MATLAB path so that you can reference these files in your app code.

Connect HTML File Content to HTML UI Component

To access the data from the HTML file in your app, you must first implement a JavaScript function named setup inside script tags in your HTML file. In this setup function, define and initialize a local JavaScript htmlComponent object that links to the MATLAB HTML object. Then add a button callback in the setup function to generate random numbers using this JavaScript object.

function setup(htmlComponent) {
    var initialData = htmlComponent.Data;
    % Add button callback to generate random number on click
    % ...

For more information about using HTML elements in MATLAB, see Create HTML Content in Apps.

Create Callback Function for HTML Component

To plot the random numbers in your app, create a DataChangedFcn callback for the HTML UI component. The callback functions in the HTML file and App Designer work in conjunction. When you click the HTML button in the app, the JavaScript button callback executes and generates a random number. The JavaScript function stores the random number in the Data property of the htmlComponent object which is synchronized with the Data property of the MATLAB HTML object. Because the data value changed, MATLAB executes the DataChangedFcn callback.

Access the synchronized data value using dot notation in your App Designer callback code.

data = app.JSDataHTML.Data;

Then plot an animated line to visualize the data changing as you click the HTML button.

for k = 1:length(app.numclicks)
    aline = animatedline(app.UIAxes,"MaximumNumPoints",10000,"Marker","*");

To view the fully coded app and embedded HTML files, launch this example in App Designer.

See Also



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