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Create Responsive Apps

To create apps that respond quickly and smoothly to user input, you can use several performance improvement techniques in your code. These techniques include only loading and updating the parts of your app that are visible and taking advantage of certain app building capabilities that are optimized for responsiveness. Use any techniques that are helpful for the type of apps that you create and the user experience you want to provide.

  • Improve Startup Time — Load only the app content that is visible on startup. This technique can be useful if your app contains multiple tabs or large tree UI components.

  • Improve Update Time — Perform updates and calculations only when they are needed. This technique can be useful if your app contains ValueChangingFcn callbacks or code that updates the data in a table UI component.

  • Improve Resize Behavior — Use a grid layout manager to manage app resize behavior. This technique can be useful if your app uses a SizeChangedFcn callback or the Position property to resize UI components.

  • Improve Responsiveness to User Input — Execute a response to user input as soon as possible. This technique can be useful if your app waits for user input by using a while loop, or if your app performs expensive calculations that leave the interface unresponsive.

  • Improve Performance of Graphics in Your App — Fix performance bottlenecks caused by intensive plotting and data exploration. These techniques can be useful if your app contains animations or interactive plots and charts.

Improve Startup Time

When you start up an app, your code performs many tasks to load the app content. These tasks can include creating UI components, setting component properties, processing data, and performing setup calculations. As apps grow larger, these tasks can take more time, which results in longer app startup times. You can improve the startup time of your app by initializing and performing calculations for only the parts of your app that are visible at startup. You can then use callbacks to initialize and update other portions of the app after the app is loaded, and only when the app user needs to see them.

Some types of apps where this technique can have significant benefits include:

  • Apps with multiple tabs — Initialize and update only the content in the tab that is visible.

  • Apps containing trees with many nodes — Create child nodes only after an app user expands a parent node in the tree.

For more information, and for examples of how to update your app code in these cases, see Improve App Startup Time.

Improve Update Time

Apps often contain callbacks that update the app in response to user input. To improve responsiveness while your app is running, minimize the number of updates made in the app code. When your app performs updates and calculations only when they are needed, interactions and animations in the app can feel much smoother.

Use ValueChangedFcn Callbacks Instead of ValueChangingFcn Callbacks

Many components, such as sliders and text areas, have both a ValueChangedFcn callback and a ValueChangingFcn callback. Both of these callbacks execute in response to a change in the component value, but they execute at different times in the interaction.

  • The ValueChangedFcn callback executes once after the app user finishes the interaction. For example, the ValueChangedFcn callback of a slider executes after the user releases the slider thumb at its final value.

  • The ValueChangingFcn callback executes multiple times at regular intervals while the app user performs the interaction. For example, the ValueChangingFcn callback of a slider executes regularly as the user drags the slider thumb.

Using a ValueChangedFcn callback minimizes the number of times the callback function is executed, which can make the interaction with the component feel more responsive. Consider using a ValueChangedFcn over a ValueChangingFcn callback in these scenarios:

  • There is no need to update the app until the user reaches a final value.

  • Your callback function performs updates or calculations that take a long time to run.

Minimize Table Data Updates

Apps often use table UI components to store and display large amounts of data. As a result, updating that data can be an expensive operation. Improve the performance of your app when updating table data by minimizing the number of times you update the Data property of the Table object.

For example, to update two columns in a table UI component, use this code to modify the table Data property in a single operation instead of using a separate operation for each column:

fig = uifigure;
data = readtable('tsunamis.xlsx');
tbl = uitable(fig,"Data",data);

newcols = tbl.Data{:,1:2} + 1;
tbl.Data{:,1:2} = newcols;

Improve Resize Behavior

When a user resizes an app, it is common for all of the UI components in the app to resize in response to the new app window size. To improve resize performance in your app, consider using a grid layout manager instead of setting the Position property or writing a SizeChangedFcn callback. You can add a grid layout manager to your app by using the uigridlayout function or, in an existing app in App Designer, by right-clicking the canvas and selecting Apply Grid Layout.

Some benefits of using a grid layout manager are:

  • The app manages the resize behavior without additional resize code.

  • The resize operation is applied smoothly, with all components being resized at the same time.

For more information about using a grid layout manager, see Manage App Resize Behavior Programmatically.

Improve Responsiveness to User Input

To improve the time it takes for your app to respond after a user interacts with the app interface, ensure that MATLAB® executes your code that responds to the interaction as soon as possible.

Wait for User Input Using waitfor

To pause app execution while waiting for user input, use the waitfor function. This technique allows your app to respond to an interaction immediately and also makes the app code more readable.

For example, this code creates a dialog box that prompts a user to enter their name. Call the waitfor function to block code execution until the UserData property of the button is set to "Clicked". Then update the UserData property in the ButtonPushedFcn callback. When the user enters their name and clicks the OK button, the code execution resumes.

fig = uifigure("Position",[500 500 300 150]);
gl = uigridlayout(fig,[3 1]);

lbl = uilabel(gl,"Text","Enter your name to continue:", ...
ef = uieditfield(gl);
btn = uibutton(gl,"Text","OK","ButtonPushedFcn",@updateButton);

disp("Program execution resumed")

function updateButton(src,event)
src.UserData = "Clicked";

UI figure with an edit field and a button

Run App Calculations in the Background

When you run calculations in your app, the user interface can become unresponsive while MATLAB is busy. For example, MATLAB will not process callbacks in response to user interaction while a calculation is in progress. To enable your app to immediately respond to interactions even while running calculations, use the background pool to run the calculations in the background.

For an example of how to create an app that responds to button pushes while running calculations in the background, see Create Responsive Apps by Running Calculations in the Background. For an example of how to update a wait bar while app calculations are running, see Update Wait Bar While Functions Run in the Background.

Improve Performance of Graphics in Your App

If your app includes graphics, there are additional techniques that you can use to optimize performance and responsiveness:

  • Update only changed data.

  • Identify bottlenecks in your code.

  • Limit updates to long-running animations.

  • Use built-in axes interactions, and disable the interactions that the app does not require.

To learn more, see Improve Graphics Performance.

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