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Geographic Plots

Visualize data on maps using latitude and longitude coordinates

Visualize latitude and longitude data on interactive maps by using geographic plots. Create line plots, scatter plots, bubble charts, and density plots on maps, provide context for the data using basemaps, and create apps with maps using App Designer.


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geoplotPlot line in geographic coordinates
geoscatterScatter chart in geographic coordinates
geobubbleStandalone geographic bubble chart
geodensityplotDensity plot in geographic coordinates
geoiconchartIcon chart in geographic coordinates (Since R2024b)
geobasemapSet or query basemap
geolimitsSet or query geographic limits
geotickformatSet or query geographic tick label format
geoaxesCreate geographic axes
addToolbarMapButtonAdd map button to toolbar (Since R2021b)
removeToolbarMapButtonRemove map button from toolbar (Since R2021b)


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GeographicAxes PropertiesGeographic axes appearance and behavior
GeographicBubbleChart PropertiesStandalone geographic bubble chart appearance and behavior
DensityPlot PropertiesDensity plot appearance and behavior
GeographicRuler PropertiesControl axis with geographic values
GeographicScalebar PropertiesGeographic scale bar appearance and behavior


Create Geographic Plots

Explore Geographic Plots

Customize Geographic Plots

Use Geographic Plots in Apps

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