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Customize MATLAB Toolbars

In MATLAB®, you can change the location of the quick access and the Current Folder toolbars. You also can choose which controls appear in the toolbars.

Quick Access Toolbar

The quick access toolbar provides access to frequently used operations. This toolbar is always visible, even when you navigate between different MATLAB toolstrip tabs.

Quick access toolbar

By default, the quick access toolbar is located at the upper-right corner of the MATLAB desktop. To change the location of the quick access toolbar, on the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Layout, and then select an option for the Quick Access Toolbar. Moving the quick access toolbar is not supported in MATLAB Online™.

To add a toolstrip control to the quick access toolbar, right-click the control and then select Add to Quick Access Toolbar. You also can select from a list of common controls by going to the quick access toolbar and clicking the action menu button. To remove a control from the quick access toolbar, right-click the control and select Remove from Quick Access Toolbar. To arrange controls in the quick access toolbar, drag them to the desired locations.

To further customize the quick access toolbar, click the action menu button on the toolbar and select Customize Toolbar. Then, select from the options described in Toolbar Preferences.

Current Folder Toolbar

You can use the Current Folder toolbar to view and change the current folder.

By default, the Current Folder toolbar is located under the toolstrip. To change the location of the Current Folder toolbar, on the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Layout, and then select an option for the Current Folder Toolbar. Moving the Current Folder toolbar is not supported in MATLAB Online.

To add, remove, or rearrange the controls that appear in the Current Folder toolbar, right-click the toolbar and select Customize. Then, select from the options described in Toolbar Preferences.

Toolbar Preferences

You can customize the quick access and Current Folder toolbars using the Toolbar preferences. To open the Toolbar preferences, go to the Home tab, and in the Environment section, click Preferences. Select MATLAB > Toolbars and in the Toolbar section, select the toolbar that you want to customize.

To rearrange controls in the selected toolbar, in the Layout section, drag the icon for a control or separator bar to a new location. You also can select a control icon or separator bar and then use the buttons below the control icons to move the selected control. For example, to move the MATLAB desktop Cut button to the beginning of the quick access toolbar, select the Cut icon , and then click the Move the selected item to the beginning button.

Layout section of the toolbar preferences showing the quick access toolbar controls and buttons to move, add, delete, and reset them

To add or remove controls from the selected toolbar, select or clear the check box for those controls. For example, to easily create new folders in the current folder, you can add a New Folder button to the Current Folder toolbar. To do so, select the Folder button and click OK. MATLAB adds the button to the toolbar.

Current Folder toolbar showing the New Folder button and the path to the current folder

See Also

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