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Improve Performance with Incremental Builds

Since R2023a

Incremental builds avoid redundant work by skipping tasks that are up to date. A task is up to date if its inputs, outputs, actions, and arguments have not changed since the last time it ran successfully. Skipping up-to-date tasks can reduce the time it takes to run a build.

This topic shows how to create tasks that have inputs and outputs and then run these tasks as part of incremental builds. For an overview of incremental builds, see MATLAB Incremental Builds.


Tasks created from the built-in task classes in the matlab.buildtool.tasks namespace define their own inputs and outputs. Therefore, you do not need to explicitly specify their inputs and outputs to take advantage of incremental builds.

Create and Run Tasks That Support Incremental Builds

In this example, you first create a build file containing two tasks with specified inputs and outputs. Then, you use the build tool to run the tasks several times. The example assumes that a source folder exists in your current folder.

Create Build File

In your current folder, create a build file named buildfile.m that contains a main function and two local task functions, named pcodeTask and archiveTask, corresponding to the "pcode" and "archive" tasks. (For illustrative purposes, the "pcode" task in this example is created using a task function. The recommended practice is to create the task using the matlab.buildtool.tasks.PcodeTask class.) For the complete code in the build file used in this example, see Summary of Build File.

Add Main Function.  In the build file, define a main function that:

  • Creates a plan from the task functions

  • Specifies the inputs and outputs of the "pcode" and "archive" tasks

Specify the inputs and outputs of the tasks by setting their Inputs and Outputs properties:

  • "pcode" task — Set the Inputs and Outputs properties, respectively, to FileCollection objects that represent all the .m and .p files in the source folder and any of its subfolders. You can create FileCollection objects by assigning strings to the properties. You can also use the or files method to explicitly create FileCollection objects (for instance, plan("pcode").Inputs = files(plan,"source/**/*.m");).

  • "archive" task — Set the Inputs property to the Outputs property of the "pcode" task. (This assignment results in an inferred dependency by making the "archive" task dependent on the "pcode" task.) Set the Outputs property to a FileCollection object that represents a file named in your current folder.

function plan = buildfile
plan = buildplan(localfunctions);

plan("pcode").Inputs = "source/**/*.m";
plan("pcode").Outputs = plan("pcode").Inputs.replace(".m",".p");

plan("archive").Inputs = plan("pcode").Outputs;
plan("archive").Outputs = "";

Add Task Functions.  Specify the tasks in the plan by adding local task functions to the build file. Add the pcodeTask task function to obfuscate the inputs of the "pcode" task and create the P-code files in the same folders as the inputs. Because the Inputs property of the "pcode" task holds a FileCollection object, use the paths method of the FileCollection class to return the paths of the file collection as a string vector. Then, call the pcode function using a comma-separated list of the paths.

function pcodeTask(context)
% Create P-code files
filePaths = context.Task.Inputs.paths;

Add the archiveTask task function to create an archive of its inputs.

function archiveTask(context)
% Create ZIP file
task = context.Task;

Summary of Build File

This code shows the complete contents of the file buildfile.m in your current folder.

function plan = buildfile
plan = buildplan(localfunctions);

plan("pcode").Inputs = "source/**/*.m";
plan("pcode").Outputs = plan("pcode").Inputs.replace(".m",".p");

plan("archive").Inputs = plan("pcode").Outputs;
plan("archive").Outputs = "";

function pcodeTask(context)
% Create P-code files
filePaths = context.Task.Inputs.paths;

function archiveTask(context)
% Create ZIP file
task = context.Task;

Visualize the Inferred Dependency

Create a dependency graph of the build plan using the plot method. Even though you did not specify an explicit dependency in the build file, the graph displays a dependency. The "archive" task has an inferred dependency on the "pcode" task because you specified the inputs of the "archive" task by using the outputs of the "pcode" task. Like explicit dependencies that you specify by setting the Dependencies property of a task, inferred dependencies of a task must run before the task runs.

plan = buildfile;

Graph representing the inferred dependency of the "archive" task on the "pcode" task

Run Incremental Builds

Because the tasks in this example have specified inputs and outputs, the tasks can run as part of incremental builds. If the inputs and outputs of a task to run have not changed since the last time it ran, the build tool skips the task. Otherwise, the build tool runs it.

Trigger the initial build by running the "archive" task. Because the "archive" task depends on the "pcode" task, the build tool runs the "pcode" task before running the "archive" task.

buildtool archive
** Starting pcode
** Finished pcode

** Starting archive
** Finished archive

Run the "archive" task again. The build tool skips both of the tasks because none of the inputs or outputs of the tasks have changed since the last run.

buildtool archive
** Skipped pcode: up-to-date

** Skipped archive: up-to-date

Add a file to the source folder, and then rerun the "archive" task. The build tool first runs the "pcode" task because its inputs have changed between consecutive builds. The build tool then runs the "archive" task because its inputs are the outputs of the "pcode" task, which have changed.

buildtool archive
** Starting pcode
** Finished pcode

** Starting archive
** Finished archive

Delete the ZIP file created by the "archive" task, and then run the task. The build tool skips the "pcode" task because none of its inputs or outputs have changed. However, the build tool runs the "archive" task because its output has changed since the last time it ran successfully.

buildtool archive
** Skipped pcode: up-to-date

** Starting archive
** Finished archive

MATLAB Incremental Builds

Build tasks typically operate on inputs and generate outputs. For example, a task might build a binary MEX file from a C++ source file. In this case, the source file is the task input and the MEX file is the task output. If you want the build tool to skip a task when it is up to date, specify the inputs or outputs of the task. If the DisableIncremental property of the task is false, the build tool keeps track of the inputs and outputs every time the task runs and skips the task if they have not changed. If a task does not specify inputs or outputs, the build tool does not skip it.

Inputs and Outputs

To specify the inputs and outputs of a task, set its Inputs and Outputs properties. For example, you can set the properties to a vector of objects.

The build tool validates that specified inputs of a task exist before running the task and that specified outputs of a task exist after running the task. If validation of task inputs or outputs fails, the build tool fails the task.

Cache Folder

When you run a build, the build tool creates a cache folder named .buildtool in the plan root folder if it does not exist. The cache folder includes information, such as task traces, that enables incremental builds. A task trace is a record of the inputs, outputs, actions, and arguments of a task from its last successful run. If you create a task with the DisableIncremental property set to true, then the build tool does not create a trace for it.

Do not put the cache folder under source control. To exclude the cache folder from source control, add its name to your source control ignore list. For example, append the cache folder name to the .gitignore file in the plan root folder.


Up-To-Date Check

Before running a task that has inputs or outputs and that has a DisableIncremental property value of false, the build tool references the cache folder to check whether the task is up to date. If the check passes, the build tool skips the task. Otherwise, the build tool runs the task.

For the check to pass, the inputs, outputs, actions, and arguments of the task must be the same as the last time the task ran successfully. To determine whether a file has changed, the build tool examines the contents of the file (not its timestamp).

See Also




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