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Datatype (H5T)

Datatype of elements in a dataset


Use the MATLAB® HDF5 datatype interface, H5T, to create and handle datatypes, and access information about them.

An HDF5 datatype describes the storage format for a single data element, such as the datatype of numeric and character data. In addition to numbers and characters, an HDF5 datatype can describe more abstract classes of types, including enumerations, strings, and references. Users can also define new datatypes within the datatype classes.

General Datatype Operations


Close datatype

H5T.close(typeID) releases the datatype specified by typeID.


Commit transient datatype

H5T.commit(locID,name,typeID) commits a transient datatype to a file, creating a new named datatype. This syntax corresponds to the H5Tcommit interface in version 1.6 of the HDF5 C library.

H5T.commit(locID,name,typeID,lcplID,tcplID,taplID) commits a transient datatype to a file, creating a new named datatype, and uses link creation, datatype creation, and datatype access property lists. This syntax corresponds to the H5Tcommit interface in version 1.8 of the HDF5 C library.



Determine if datatype is committed

output = H5T.committed(typeID) returns a positive value if the datatype specified by typeID has been committed, and 0 if it has not.


Copy datatype

newtypeID = H5T.copy(typeID) copies the existing datatype identifier, a dataset identifier specified by typeID, or a predefined datatype such as "H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE".


Create new datatype

newtype = H5T.create(classID,typesize) creates a new datatype that belongs to the class specified by classID, with the number of bytes specified by typesize.


Determine if datatype contains datatypes of specific class

output = H5T.detect_class(typeID,classID) returns a positive value if the datatype specified by typeID contains any datatypes of the datatype class classID, and 0 if it does not.


Determine equality of datatypes

output = H5T.equal(type1ID,type2ID) returns a positive value if the datatype identifiers, type1ID and type2ID, refer to the same datatype, and 0 if they do not.

Specify type1ID and type2ID as string scalars or character vectors containing an HDF5 datatype.


Datatype class identifier

classID = H5T.get_class(typeID) returns the datatype class identifier of the datatype specified by typeID.



Copy of datatype creation property list

plistID = H5T.get_create_plist(typeID) returns a property list identifier for the datatype creation property list associated with the datatype specified by typeID.


Native datatype of specified datatype

nativetypeID = H5T.get_native_type(typeID,direction) returns the equivalent native datatype for the dataset datatype specified in typeID.



Size of datatype in bytes

typeSize = H5T.get_size(typeID) returns the size of the datatype specified by typeID in bytes.


Base datatype

superTypeID = H5T.get_super(typeID) returns the base datatype from which the datatype specified by typeID is derived.


Lock datatype

H5T.lock(typeID) locks the datatype specified by typeID, making it read-only and non-destructible.

Open named datatype

typeID =,typename) opens a named datatype typename in the file or group specified by locID and returns a datatype identifier.

This function corresponds to the H5Topen1 function in the HDF5 library C API.

Array Datatype


Create array datatype object

arraytypeID = H5T.array_create(baseID,rank,dims,perms) creates a new array datatype object of rank rank and with dimensions dims. This syntax corresponds to the H5Tarray_create interface in version 1.6 of the HDF5 C library. The perms input argument is not used at this time and can be omitted.

arraytypeID = H5T.array_create(baseID,dims) creates a new array datatype object. This syntax corresponds to the H5Tarray_create interface in version 1.8 of the HDF5 C library.



Sizes of array dimensions

dims = H5T.get_array_dims(typeID) returns the sizes of the dimensions and the dimension permutations of the array datatype specified by typeID. This syntax corresponds to the H5Tget_array_dims interface in version 1.8 of the HDF5 C library.

[ndims,dimsizes,perm] = H5T.get_array_dims(typeID) corresponds to the interface in version 1.6 of the HDF5 C library. It is strongly deprecated.



Rank of array datatype

rank = H5T.get_array_ndims(typeID) returns the rank of an array datatype specified by typeID.

Atomic Datatype Properties


Character set of string datatype

cset = H5T.get_cset(typeID) returns the character set type of the datatype specified by typeID.


Exponent bias of floating-point type

output = H5T.get_ebias(typeID) returns the exponent bias of a floating-point datatype specified by typeID.


Floating-point datatype bit field information

[spos,epos,esize,mpos,msize] = H5T.get_fields(typeID) returns information about the locations of the various bit fields of a floating point datatype.



Internal padding type for floating-point datatypes

padType = H5T.get_inpad(typeID) returns the internal padding type for unused bits in the floating-point datatype specified by typeID.



Mantissa normalization type

normType = H5T.get_norm(typeID) returns the mantissa normalization of a floating-point datatype specified by typeID.



Bit offset of first significant bit

offset = H5T.get_offset(typeID) returns the offset of the first significant bit.


Byte order of atomic datatype

byteorder = H5T.get_order(typeID) returns the byte order of an atomic datatype specified by typeID.



Padding type of least and most-significant bits

[lsb,msb] = H5T.get_pad(typeID) returns the padding type of the least-significant bit padding type, lsb, and most-significant bit padding types, msb, of a datatype specified by typeID.



Precision of atomic datatype

precision = H5T.get_precision(typeID) returns the precision of an atomic datatype specified by typeID.


Sign type for integer datatype

signtype = H5T.get_sign(typeID) returns the sign type for an integer type specified by typeID.



Storage mechanism for string datatype

padtype = H5T.get_strpad(typeID) returns the storage mechanism (padding type) for a string datatype.



Set character dataset for string datatype

H5T.set_cset(typeID,cset) sets the character encoding used to create strings. Specify cset as "H5T_CSET_ASCII", "H5T_CSET_UTF8"or their equivalent numerical values.


Set exponent bias of floating-point datatype

H5T.set_ebias(typeID,ebias) sets the exponent bias ebias of a floating-point datatype specified by typeID.


Set sizes and locations of floating-point bit fields

H5T.set_fields(typeID,spos,epos,esize,mpos,msize) sets the locations and sizes of the various floating-point bit fields.



Specify how unused internal bits are to be filled

H5T.set_inpad(typeID,padType) sets how unused internal bits of a floating point type are filled for the datatype specified by typeID.



Set mantissa normalization of floating-point datatype

H5T.set_norm(typeID,norm) sets the mantissa normalization of a floating-point datatype specified by typeID.



Set bit offset of first significant bit

H5T.set_offset(typeID,offset) sets the bit offset of the first significant bit. typeID is the identifier of the datatype. offset specifies the number of bits of padding that appear.


Set byte ordering of atomic datatype

H5T.set_order(typeID,order) sets the byte ordering of an atomic datatype specified by typeID.



Set padding type for least and most significant bits

H5T.set_pad(typeID,lsb,msb) sets the padding type of the least-significant bit padding type, lsb, and most-significant bit padding type, msb, of a datatype specified by typeID.



Set precision of atomic datatype

H5T.set_precision(typeID,prec) sets the number of bits of precision, prec, of an atomic datatype specified by typeID.


Set sign property for integer datatype

H5T.set_sign(typeID,sign) sets the sign property for an integer type specified as typeID. Specify sign as either "H5T_SGN_NONE" or "H5T_SGN_2".


Set size of datatype in bytes

H5T.set_size(typeID,typeSize) sets the total size in bytes for the datatype specified by typeID. If a variable-length string is desired then typesize can be specified as "H5T_VARIABLE".


Set storage mechanism for string datatype

H5T.set_strpad(typeID,storage) defines the storage mechanism for the string datatype specified by typeID.


Compound Datatype


Datatype class for compound datatype member

memclass = H5T.get_member_class(typeID,membno) returns the datatype class of the compound datatype member specified by membno. ThetypeID argument is the datatype identifier of a compound object.


Index of compound or enumeration type member

idx = H5T.get_member_index(typeID,name) returns the index of a field belonging to a compound datatype or an element of an enumeration datatype, specified by name and typeID.


Name of compound or enumeration type member

name = H5T.get_member_name(typeID,membno) returns the name of a field belonging to a compound datatype or an element of an enumeration datatype specified by typeID. Specify membno as a zero-based index of the field, or as the name of an element.


Offset of field of compound datatype

offset = H5T.get_member_offset(typeID,membno) returns the byte offset of the field specified by membno in the compound datatype specified by typeID. The value 0 is a valid offset.


Datatype of specified member

typeID = H5T.get_member_type(typeID,membno) returns the datatype of the member specified by membno in the datatype specified by typeID.


Number of elements in compound or enumeration datatype

membs = H5T.get_nmembers(typeID) returns the number of fields in a compound datatype or the number of members belonging to an enumeration datatype, specified by typeID.


Add member to compound datatype

H5T.insert(typeID,name,offset,membID) adds another member to the compound datatype specified by typeID.



Recursively remove padding from compound datatype

H5T.pack(typeID) recursively removes padding from within a compound datatype specified by typeID to make it more efficient (space-wise) to store that data.

Enumeration Datatype


Create new enumeration datatype

typeID = H5T.enum_create(parentID) creates a new enumeration datatype based on the base datatype parentID. typeID is a datatype identifier for the new enumeration datatype.


Insert enumeration datatype member

H5T.enum_insert(typeID,name,value) inserts a new enumeration datatype member into the enumeration datatype specified by typeID. The name argument is a string scalar or character vector that specifies the name of the new member of the enumeration, and value is the value of the member.


Name of enumeration datatype member

name = H5T.enum_nameof(typeID,membno) returns the symbol name corresponding to a member of an enumeration datatype specified by typeID.


Value of enumeration datatype member

value = H5T.enum_valueof(typeID,membname) returns the value corresponding to the name of a specified member of an enumeration datatype specified by typeID.


Value of enumeration datatype member

value = H5T.get_member_value(typeID,membno) returns the value of the member specified by membno that belongs to enumeration datatype specified by typeID.

Opaque Datatype Properties


Tag associated with opaque datatype

tag = H5T.get_tag(typeID) returns the tag associated with the opaque datatype specified by typeID.


Tag opaque datatype with description

H5T.set_tag(typeID,tag) tags the opaque datatype specified by typeID with the descriptive text tag. Specify tag as a string scalar or character vector.

Variable-length Datatype


Determine if datatype is variable-length string

output = H5T.is_variable_str(typeID) returns a positive value if the datatype specified by typeID is a variable-length string, and 0 if it is not.


Create new variable-length datatype

vlentypeID = H5T.vlen_create(baseID) creates a new variable-length datatype. baseID specifies the base type of the datatype to create.


Metadata Cache Fine-Tuning Properties


Flush all data buffers to disk

H5T.flush(typeID) causes all the buffers associated with a committed datatype to be flushed to disk without removing the data from the cache.


Clear and reload all data buffers

H5T.refresh(typeID) causes all the buffers associated with a committed datatype to be cleared and immediately re-loaded with updated contents from disk. This function closes the committed datatype, evicts all metadata associated with it from the cache, and then reopens the datatype with the same identifier.


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Open a dataset, copy its datatype, then query information about it.

Ope the HDF5 file example.h5 and the dataset "/g3/compound".

fid ="example.h5");
dsID =,"/g3/compound");

Create a copy of the datatype.

typeID = H5D.get_type(dsID);

Get the name and index of the compound member.

memberName = H5T.get_member_name(typeID,0);
idx = H5T.get_member_index(typeID,"b");

Get the datatype class for compound datatype member.

memberClass = H5T.get_member_class(typeID,0);

Get the offset of a field of the compound datatype.

offset = H5T.get_member_offset(typeID,1);

Get the datatype of the specified member.

memberTypeID = H5T.get_member_type(typeID,0);

Get the number of fields in a compound dataset, then close the resources.

nmembers = H5T.get_nmembers(typeID);

Open a dataset with an array datatype, create a copy of its datatype, then set the properties of the copy.

Copy the datatype and create an array datatype object.

baseTypeID = H5T.copy("H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE");
dims = [100 200];
h5_dims = fliplr(dims);
arrayTypeID = H5T.array_create(baseTypeID,h5_dims);
typeID = H5T.copy(baseTypeID);

Set the size of the datatype in bytes and query the size.

H5T.set_size(typeID, 16);
typeSize = H5T.get_size(typeID);

Set the bit offset of the first significant bit, then query the offset.

offset = H5T.get_offset(typeID);

Set the padding type for the least and most significant bits.

lsb = H5ML.get_constant_value("H5T_PAD_ONE");
msb = H5ML.get_constant_value("H5T_PAD_ZERO");

Retrieve the padding.

[lsb_ret,msb_ret] = H5T.get_pad(typeID);
     case H5ML.get_constant_value("H5T_PAD_ZERO")
         fprintf("lsb pad type is zeros\n");
     case H5ML.get_constant_value("H5T_PAD_ONE");
         fprintf("lsb pad type is ones\n");
     case H5ML.get_constant_value("H5T_PAD_BACKGROUND")
         fprintf("lsb pad type is background\n");
     case H5ML.get_constant_value("H5T_PAD_ZERO")
         fprintf("msb pad type is zeros\n");
     case H5ML.get_constant_value("H5T_PAD_ONE");
         fprintf("msb pad type is ones\n");
     case H5ML.get_constant_value("H5T_PAD_BACKGROUND")
         fprintf("msb pad type is background\n");

Close resources.


Create a compound datatype, then add members to it.

Create a new compound datatype.

typeID = H5T.create("H5T_COMPOUND",16);

Add members to the compound datatype.


Lock the datatype. If you try to add a new member to the datatype after it is locked, the operation will fail.

H5T.insert(typeID,"fourth",12,"H5T_NATIVE_UINT"); % This should fail.

Close resources.


Determine whether two datatypes are equal.

Open the dataset "/g3/integer2D" and get its datatype.

fid ="example.h5");
dsID =,"/g3/integer2D");
dtypeID = H5D.get_type(dsID);

Check if the datatype of dtypeID is equal to the HDF5 datatype "H5T_STD_I32LE". Then, close the datatype, dataset, and HDF5 file.

if H5T.equal(dtypeID,"H5T_STD_I32LE")
    fprintf("32-bit little endian integer\n");

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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