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Abstract class used to derive handle class with set and get methods



hgsetget will be removed in a future release. Use matlab.mixin.SetGet instead.


classdef myclass < hgsetget


classdef myclass < hgsetget makes myclass a subclass of the hgsetget class, which is a subclass of the handle class.

Use the hgsetget class to derive classes that inherit set and get methods that behave like Handle Graphics® set and get functions.


When you derive a class from the hgsetget class, your class inherits the following methods.

setAssigns values to the specified properties or returns a cell array of possible values for writable properties.
getReturns value of specified property or a struct with all property values.
setdispCalled when set is called with no output arguments and a handle array, but no property name. Override this method to change what set displays.
getdispCalled when get is called with no output arguments and handle array, but no property name. Override this method to change what get displays.
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