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Link (H5L)

Links in HDF5 file


Use the MATLAB® HDF5 link interface, H5L, to create and manipulate links in an HDF5 group. This interface includes functions that enable the creation and use of user-defined link classes.



Copy link from source location to destination location

H5L.copy(srcID,srcname,destID,destname,lcplID,laplID) copies the link specified by srcname from the file or group specified by srcID to the destination destID. The new copy of the link is created with the name destname.



Create soft link to external object

H5L.create_external(filename,objname,linkID,linkname,lcplID,laplID) creates a soft link to an object in a different file.



Create hard link

H5L.create_hard(objID,objname,linkID,linkname,lcplID,laplID) creates a new hard link to a preexisting object in an HDF5 file. The new link may be one of many that point to that object.



Create soft link

H5L.create_soft(targetPath,linkID,linkname,lcplID,laplID) creates a new soft link to an object in an HDF5 file. The new link may be one of many that point to that object i.e., the object that the new soft link points to.



Remove link

H5L.delete(locID,name,laplID) removes the link specified by name from the location locID based on the link access property list identifier specified by laplID.


Determine if link exists

output = H5L.exists(locID,linkname,laplID) returns a positive value if the link specified by the pairing of the object identifier locID and the name linkname, based on the link access property list identifier specified by laplID, exists. If this link does not exist, H5L.exists can return 0 or generate an error. For further details, see the HDF5 documentation.


Information about link

linkStruct = H5L.get_info(locID,linkname,laplID) returns information about a link. A file or group identifier, locID, specifies the location of the link. The linkname argument, interpreted relative to linkID, specifies the link being queried.


Information about link specified by index

name = H5L.get_name_by_idx(locID,groupname,idxtype,order,n,laplID) retrieves information about a link at index n present in group groupname at location locID.

name = H5L.get_name_by_idx(locID,groupname,idxtype,order,n,laplID,"TextEncoding",encoding) additionally specifies the text encoding to use to interpret the link name.



Value of symbolic link

linkval = H5L.get_val(linklocID,linkname,laplID) returns the value of a symbolic link. This function corresponds to the H5L.get_val and H5Lunpack_elink_val functions in the HDF5 1.8 C API.

linkval = H5L.get_val(linklocID,linkname,laplID,"TextEncoding",encoding) additionally specifies the text encoding to use to interpret the link value.



Iterate through links in group or file specified by group or file identifier

[status,idxOut,opdataOut] = H5L.iterate(groupID,idxtype,order,idxIn,fnc,opdataIn) iterates through the links in the group or file specified by groupID to perform a common function whose function handle is fnc. H5L.iterate does not recursively follow links into subgroups of the specified group.



Iterate through links in group or file specified by location and group name

[status,idxOut,opdataOut] = H5L.iterate_by_name(locID,groupname,idxtype,order,idxIn,fnc,opdataIn,laplID) iterates through the links in a group or file to perform a common function whose function handle is fnc. The starting point of the iteration is determined by a location identifier and a relative group name. H5L.iterate_by_name does not recursively follow links into subgroups of the specified group. A link access property list, laplID, may affect the outcome depending upon the type of link being traversed.



Rename link

H5L.move(srcID,srcname,destID,destname,lcplID,laplID) renames a link within an HDF5 file. The original link, srcname, is removed from the group graph and the new link, destname, is inserted. This change is accomplished as an atomic operation.



Recursively iterate through links in group or file specified by group or file identifier

[status,opdataOut] = H5L.visit(groupID,idxtype,order,fnc,opdataIn) recursively iterates through all links in and below the group or file specified by groupID to perform a common function whose function handle is fnc.



Recursively iterate through links in group or file specified by location and group name

[status,opdataOut] = H5L.visit_by_name(locID,groupname,idxtype,order,fnc,opdataIn,laplID) recursively iterates though all links in and below the group or file to perform a common function whose function handle is fnc. The starting point of the iteration is determined by a location identifier and a relative group name. A link access property list, laplID, may affect the outcome depending upon the type of link being traversed.



expand all

Remove the only link to the "/g3" group in example.h5.

srcFile = fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox","matlab","demos","example.h5");
fid ="myfile.h5","H5F_ACC_RDWR","H5P_DEFAULT");
fid ="example.h5");
gid =,"/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1");
if H5L.exists(gid,"slink","H5P_DEFAULT")
    fprintf("link exists\n");
    fprintf("link does not exist\n");

Rename the "/g2" group to "/g2/g3".

srcFile = fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox","matlab","demos","example.h5");
fid ="myfile.h5","H5F_ACC_RDWR","H5P_DEFAULT");
g2id =,"g2");

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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