Get the size, data type, and complexity of the discrete state of a System object
returns the size, data type, and complexity of the discrete state property. This property
must be a discrete state property.size
] = getDiscreteStateSpecification(obj
Check the specification of the discrete state of a System object
Call getDiscreteStateSpecification to get the size, data type, and complexity of the discrete state of a System object™.
Consider a System object object defined as,
classdef UnitDelay < matlab.System % UnitDelayNondirect Delay input by one time step properties(DiscreteState) State Step end methods(Access = protected) function resetImpl(obj) obj.State = 0; % Initialize states obj.Step = 1; end function [y1, y2] = stepImpl(obj,u) y1 = obj.State; % Output current state y2 = obj.Step; obj.State = u; obj.Step = obj.Step + 1; end function [sz1, sz2] = getOutputSizeImpl(obj) sz1 = [1,1]; % Specify size of output port sz2 = [1,1]; end function [flag1, flag2] = isOutputFixedSizeImpl(obj) flag1 = true; % Specify if output is fized size flag2 = true; end function [c1, c2] = getOutputDataTypeImpl(obj) c1 = 'double'; % Specify output datatype c2 = 'double'; end function [c1, c2] = isOutputComplexImpl(obj) c1 = false; % Specify if output is complex c2 = false; end function [sz,dt,cp] = getDiscreteStateSpecification(obj,name) sz = [1 1]; dt = "double"; cp = false; end end
Create an instance of the System object and provide it with an input.
a = UnitDelay(); [out, step] = a(1);
Call getDiscreteStateSpecification to check the specification of the 'Step' state.
[sz,dt,cp] = getDiscreteStateSpecification(a,"Step");
Input Arguments
— System object
System object
System object handle used to access properties, states, and methods specific to the object.
— Discrete state property name
property name
Name of discrete state property of the System object
Output Arguments
— Property size
[1 1]
(default) | numeric vector
Vector containing the length of each dimension of the property.
— Property data type
(default) | character vector
Data type of the property. For built-in data types, dataType
a character vector. For fixed-point data types, dataType
is a
numeric type object.
— Complexity of the property
(default) | true
Complexity of the property as a scalar, logical value:
— complexfalse
— real
Version History
Introduced in R2012a
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